NYT releases "Angry Uncle Bot" to program NPCs before Thanksgiving

NPCs are so fucking stupid they need some shill NYT psychiatrist to help give them talking points when conservative Uncle Bob shows up at their house on Thanksgiving. The absolute state of brainlets and their inability to critically think. Also, this bot is totally biased and agenda-driven, whether you chat with the liberal or conservative versions.


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>be me
>entire immediate and extended family was raised properly
>absolutely nobody has deviated from the light and into leftist nonsense
>all of our family get-togethers are harmonious and fun occasions we look forward to all year
This is what they've all sought to destroy. They thrive in hatred, conflict, disharmony. They need it.

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>>all of our family get-togethers are harmonious and fun occasions we look forward to all year
sounds nice user
don't let them take it from you or corrupt it

Same here, all this talk of angry debates over abortion and race is just non-existent in my family. Sad to see it effect so many people's lives.

Still can't believe NPCs are actually using this shit. The left is doomed.

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Same here, user. It was difficult for my wife, when we met, to accept that my family was genuinely as cohesive as we are. She thought we were putting on a show for a long time. She was so used to confrontational family gatherings and holding grudges for years or decades. I think she still struggles with it, as she has trouble believing that we just accept her as she is and don't hold her to unattainable standards. She has told me, in tears, how she has never felt so at-home in her own family's house before and it scares her. It makes me sad to think there are people out there who never get to experience the upbringing I was so fortunate to have.

>"we still need to lock her up"


My wife's family was like that. Every get together was a fight or a continuation or some long held grudge in the past. After a while we just stopped showing up because she had more fun with my family instead.

My entire family is either liberal communists or boomer tier pro Israel conservatives.

>forget about corruption, as long as you only vote for your economic interests everything is fine
>have we mentioned how Ocasio will get you free stuff?

My family has wildly different political opinions; communists, conservatives, liberals, etc. We also have moslems, jews, catholics, orthodox, atheists, etc. Yet we never argue at get-togethers; talk about differences, sure, but mostly we just eat and drink a ton. Laugh and talk and enjoy each-others company.

We did the same. Since we stopped associating with them our relationship has been better than we ever dreamed it could be. We don't argue at all anymore. And this is coming from a place where we were on the verge of divorce at least a dozen times over a period of 18 years.

I used to think it was bad to deprive my kids of being around my wife's family, but now I see the negative influence they were on my wife and I'll be damned if I let them harm my kids in the same manner. The wife agrees and we've cut them out of our life.

my dad's family is just like this. I can't wait to have another enjoyable Christmas dinner this year.

my mums family... they are Scottish.

>go to talk to Liberal Angry Uncle Bot
>am told in massive tl;dr paragraphs that all the most convincing arguments are bad because reasons and feelings and YOU DON'T WANT THIS TO BECOME A REAL ARGUMENT, DO YOU?
>go talk to Conservative Angry Uncle Bot
>lmao check out how dumb Conservative AUB is.
>but also real arguments grounded in "facts" are BAD, so is talking like a real person

What the fuck is this?

>Whoa! Did you just say something that he might disagree with?? Quick, say something politically correct and agreeable!

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Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Your family is Jewish, you mean?

>your dumb old conservative uncle bot can't think for himself
>here's exactly what you should say, so you dont have to think for yourself
What did they mean by this?

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Remember that these kids have almost zero experience with face-to-face human interaction, they're used to arguing online where they can go copy-and-paste someone else's arguments.

Such utter contempt for an elder who dares to watch the heretical Fox News, while at the same time possessing a complete lack of ability of rebutting what they would assume is easily rebuttable conservative talking points. Come on, your uncle is a *moron*, he never got a underwater basket weaving college degree like you did, put that bigot in his place. What, you can't? Then what exactly does that tell you about yourself?

If you cannot defend your beliefs, they're not really your beliefs at all. Stop being a human parrot.

>let's not talk politics this year please
>let's try and enjoy the little time we have to be all together in one place
>we can argue politics on facebook another day right?
there, solved your problem

My brother's wife's family was like that as well. They have a daughter now but 90% of the family get-togethers have been with our family and not her's. It's funny because they drive a few hours longer to get to our side of the state to do it, too.

>What did they mean by this?

the left cant meme.

Why can't leftists just let people have different opinions? Like, why is that so difficult?

>If someone disagrees, they must be forced to assimilate
>Are they refusing assimilation? Here is how to cope

I've never seen my grandpa (mom's dad nor dad's dad). Don't even know their names. Mom & Dad separated when i was 6. Spent alternating weeks at each parent's house.

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Look them up. Pay them a visit.

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This was so bad I think it gave me cancer.

>Look them up
Did. Both were long dead

I'll describe them for you- they're faggot losers who gave their country away, just like everyone else you know.

0/10, don't even know why you would write such a post. Maybe you too had a broken family growing up


Holy shit this thing is so leftist, it's ok to make an argument personal against conservative uncle not against libshit uncle. This would backfire so hard is anyone did take advise from this stupid bot

Sounds like a fucking petting zoo.

People just can't shut up about politics for once?

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It's like a straw man had a babby with a libtard and was raised by rush Limbaugh to be as annoying and ineffective of a debater as Glenn Beck

0/10 gave me big gay

>bringing up a failed candidate is unacceptable
>ask him about how much money he makes instead
Yeah that’ll calm him down

I got to experience the the joy of harmonious traditional family gatherings in the eighties and nineties but alas the elders died and the traditions and cohesion with them. Atleast I have the memories.

Anyone notice that the more we get new tech that is supposed to "bring us together" like the internet and smart phones, the more divided we have become. People really did get along a lot better before most of this.

This bot bullshit literally steers you into downing Trumps economy boom and on the other side it has me agreeing about healthcare for all...god I hate fucking new york...

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Sounds disgusting.

I'm losing my last one desu, it's a shame

I am sorry to hear that.

Don't cry because they are gone, smile because they happened

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The responses that it recommends are meant to derail the argument and make the liberal seem cool headed and thoughtful

This is just part of my grieving process. I now accept that the vast majority of Euro countries are cucked into oblivion, their people are 100% useless, weak, and stupid. This world is no place for the weak, so get fucked you lame faggot. I'm glad I'm a mutt of no distinct European race, I would hate to be readily associated with such a pathetic race of cotton in human form, you mewling kittens. If you try to proselytize and spread awareness, you'll be fired from your job (if you even have one), such is the state of the modern white man's "society." You worthless trash, you're no cousin of mine. I hope the muzzies rape and murder every single one of you and permanently banish your stupidity from this earth.

>let's not talk about politics this year please
Absolutely un-American

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Over my dead body

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This. I tried both options and the liberal side wins the argument every time.

Good, let the hate fuel you. There are people responsible for the destruction of the family that has been a deliberate plan for decades. Turn your hatred towards them.

Are you fucking kidding me?!?!

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What kind of people would actually use this shit AIM-tier bot unironically?

Probably the kind of people this user describes.

Being an NPC sure is easy.

Really though have you ever tried explaining the inner machinations of a twin study to a normie in person over a meal?
they couldn't give any less of a shit, they just want to talk about conspiracies they think they've put together

People like my roommate who pretend they have to suffer through political talks with people even though they are the ones who bring up politics and start the fights. Its pathetic.

All goyim are retarded and we Chosen People need to think for them, even/especially our “allies.”

Don't forget to support Israel, slave.

Because then they’re “doing nothing to stop evil” and if the wrong think is allowed to remain in the world it coalesces into an evil Nazi demon that possesses everyone and causes genocide.

The lefts attack on the family unit continues... full force.

I'm very curious about the alternative response.

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Instructions on how to cuck out of a conversation.

My family talks passionately about politics when we get together. But we are all in agreement. So it's just a room full of people shouting about how much we hate niggers and queers.

>leftards are such worthless NPCs that they need a fucking bot to tell them what argument to use in random conversations

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aka family of rural and suburban retards

How do you come to that conclusion?



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“Have a nice dinner with your family is impossible idiot! Your to different and smart, you need to BTFO of your stupid vereran uncle who thinks stupid things like “we should respect each other” just in case you need some more ammo, practice with the NYT bot, we are your family now.
Who ever wrote this article is probably the one who ruins every thanksgiving with political shit like they do on movies and TV. Ruining thanksgiving doesn’t happen, that’s just some running gag from SNL.

There is no hate or love involved in my statement, it is simply factual observation.

I can accept that white societies are too stupid and weak to continue to live- does this mean I support kikes? And yet, even those clumsy caricatures of men have outdone you. Your people won't lift a finger to stop them, not as long as the football game is on. I can give Hungary credit for not being totally hopeless, but If you tried to stop them, you would be crushed by their army of golems, your own "brothers' would slay you in a heartbeat for Schlomo's gold. Orban would not dream of naming the jew, the useless coward. Oh, reality is ugly, but I'm not one to turn away from ugly truth. Europe's beauty will be erased, the faggots are controlled by women and jews. So be it, and perhaps it's for the best, lest the disease of their weakness spread to others.

You're pretty stupid if you think we're going down that easily

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Same, I’m looking forward to another good time with people I love. We sometimes get into politics but it’s no big deal because we are all sane and respect each other. We’re all bigger than our opinions of things out of our control. We might be passionate about what we believe but it’s usually different flavors of conservative.

I try to think of how much of a control freak shitlib I would have to be to get in an actual argument with them. Like can liberals just not tolerate anyone to have an opinion outside the mainstream news cycle?

Hey neighbor, I got bit by a snake and received an antidote that the Amish produce for about $15, but the hospital charged me $150,000 and that’s fair. If everyone on the block could just chip in $5k or so, I’d be fine.

Hello? Your pop has been turned into fat stupid half breeds over a couple of decades and your people just let it happen and here you sit and talk shit about europoors.

It's a bit late in the game to use future tense, whites are currently in the process of going down. All major American city centers are brown. Most American citizens do not make enough money to afford a home, let alone a family (as if the average slut is even capable of being a mother), meanwhile their tax dollars go to funding Paco's 11th kid. Meanwhile affirmative action benefits everyone except the native male population. Meanwhile the native male population has the highest ratio of combat positions in the military, so they can fight for Paco's honor. Meanwhile white cucks are electing more kikes, and now muslims and mexicans into actual positions of power. Meanwhile Schlomo's brainwashing factories show no signs of slowing. Meanwhile the native population are addicted to Schlomo's "medicine." Europe is dead, it's not even worth mentioning, how can I not spit upon people who are dumb enough to equate grass huts to stone cathedrals? How can I have any respect for a people who willingly invite savages into their country to abuse them and outbreed them, paying for all of it with public funding? Fuck them. People like you have to have to tell themselves lies to carry on, but I can accept reality.

It’s all in how you present it.

Keep crying you defeatist faggot, don't forget what happens when you push whites into a corner

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My mom shared this on Facebook, I wonder if she's referring to me...

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Blackpill shills are the worst variant.

Liberal bot is NPC af

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Karin needs to eat some cranberries and shut the fuck up
Bitch isn’t even lvl 2

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Should I let my wife's family know, this thanksgiving that i'm a straight fucking fascist?

They basically use Karin to stonewall you into giving the proper prompts in the quest log, fuck this

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my wife was raised by a gen x roastie and she was basically brought up by her grandparents. She has told me the same thing. She loves the closeness of my family.

you're most likely lying but whatever. thats great sounds like a gold ol time.

They think you’re one already.

them trips don't lie. sorry swedebro

I've noticed that with a lot of my friends and my sister's friends. My family is a diamond in the rough, that is scary

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shut the fuck up you retarded burger. good god.

Great arguments lads, we're really going to pull through this, aren't we? Whites have such a strong sense of self-preservation, I have no doubt they'll stick together and fight off the hoards of murderous savages together, they're all just waiting for the right time to stop joking around and get serious, right? They were just pretending to idolize black football players, and when they let other whites become homeless, it's just their sense of humor. Parents kicking their kids out at 18 and kids sending their parents to retirement homes, that's just how they stay frosty. Whites know how to stick together and take care of each other, they're definitely not a bunch of useless, brainwashed cuckolds.


This thing is garbage fuck you pol.

The first thing it asks is about Medicare for all and I have only 3 pre-determined questions in which it already has a response to.

What about my fucking question that if free Healthcare should be a right for all then why isn't Free Food a right for all since its a more basic function



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>angy uncle pictured is obviously a jew


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>won just by using Socratic method
LOL the choices at the end are retarded

If only these shitposts could undo the damage.

anyone else wanna fuck karin while she tells you it isnt a good choice?

Reminder to name the jew at Thanksgiving tomorrow. Explain to your family how the filthy, disgusting, Godless kike uses faggots and shitskins to destroy the nation are ancestors built for us.

what would you say to someone who believes the caravan has a right to apply for asylum?

Isn’t it the same as you incels recycling rants from Ben Shapiro videos?

>NPCs practice on virtual strawman conservative who wants to gas blacks and give taxe breaks to white people
>Get BTFO by real conservative relatives when they spent all week practicing their socialism sales pitch

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Kill them

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