Who did it better?

Attached: a1QXw3w_460s.jpg (460x479, 46K)

women should be banned from politics

That would be against the NAP

Same shit, only getting shittier with time since Churchill, who was the first of those "Conservatives" who conserve their international EU project. It might not be much shit she added, but its a lot of shit if those Conservatives rule for 60 years as they did in UK and Germany.

screw your NAP, I'm going in

Nap only applies to people, not property.

What about transgenders?

should be banned from everything

Second verse same as the first.

Attached: amBzmpj_460s.jpg (460x383, 60K)

Is Theresa May retarded?

Srs that walk is worse than the John Lennon walk.

Attached: azhhafq.jpg (600x600, 52K)

Farting nervously...

Attached: a3QByVm_460s.jpg (460x671, 71K)

Thatcher = honorary man
May = A warning on the dangers of tokenism.

OP she is dancing to ABBA

Thatcher gutted this country of workers right
Toreis in general continue to do so, Also Blair the secret tory insider in the labour party

Tories FFS


>£6 visa fee to visit Europe

Truly, this is the end of days. May God have mercy on our souls

the UK is a literal nanny state
when I look at both of those women I can smell the cheap hair spray and grandma perfumes

Wait till the vote of no confidence to May

"Don't you think she looks tired?"

Gutted that they didnt drag Thatchers dead body around the streets with a horse ridden by Jeremy Corbyn XD

6 words, Prime Minister. Just 6 words.

I bet Theresa is a good shag though, those lonnnng legs..

It's about time ancaps started saying sensible things.