What the FUCK is your problem ?
Unemployed members of Jow Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>working to pay for niggers welfare
But I just got hired.
With a tie like that I'm glad Bisping knocked you out.
If I see you wearing dress shoes without socks I hope he soccer kicks you next time.
Who told you it was ok to leave your cagie wagie? Back in you go now, Mr Goldstein needs his new yacht before this weekends Manager exclusive party.
That's a really stupid looking way to dress.
Sorry, life fucked me over hard as a kid so now i live on neetbux.
Could he not afford a jacket that fit?
i dont believe there are any unemployed people here.
no white man would call others inferior, whilst not contributing to society or earning his way like a true man. no one here could be that pathetic
i have one hand
> being a snow nigger on welfare and justifying it by niggers being on welfare
They are depressed. Spending your youth online in a dark room filled with piss bottles would destroy anyone.
>contributing to degenerate, anti-white society
No white man would expend the sweat of his brow on such a system. A true white would sooner die
if the queen is doing it, why cant i
How much is the average autism dollar?
but you arent, someone else is paying for your lifestyle
Go in paralymipics
Highly specialized Engineering degree in a country with retarded primitive industry.
Move to jewmerica
>being a welfare nigger
It's the American dream.
Yes, just like useless, overpaid politicans and public sector people in general. At least I'm not using that money to actively make society worse.
Best answer.
You guys should find factory work on second or third shift.
You get a full time job with healthcare and overtime. Bosses tend to be lax on those shifts too. Not a bad job for dim wits.
my parents pay for everything
check flag
Wait is this an actual patent?
Posters of "unemployed members of Jow Forums.org what the fuck is your problem" threads what the fuck is your problem?
FUCK society
Slaving away 12 hour shifts. Still not enough to support a family.
I'm going to Deutschland.
Lete guess, high quality olive oil engineer?
Zoomer working on degree.
>shingle-style home
This probably won't be me until I'm close to retirement age. Tiresome.
Too awkward to do a job facing the public, and not skilled enough to do a job where I don't.
>Brazilian humor
post stump.
are you retarded?
I hope you're working full time and going to school part time because school is worthless and experience matters more.
I wish i specialized in that,i'd be super rich.
Aeronautical,CFD specialist.
I work sadly. At least it's for a good reason. Trying to make my wife a stay at home mother but it's hard for a working class lad out here. At least I'm not a true cuck and rent.
Get over yourself you faggot. Excuses keep you in a prison of your own making.
And don't rent*
I'm paying a mortgage.
based 'Unemployed members of Jow Forums What the FUCK is your problem ?' poster
It's both a gift and a curse that I don't care about material wealth. I don't find meaning in being a wagecucc. I've worked in an office, a factory, even in hospitality. I found no fulfilment in the work and even less in the money I made. Imagine getting a mortgage, only to lose in in divorce to a roastie. This board is the only place I find substance and meaning.
no one wants to employ white men
>diversity quotas
I'm so socially retarded I can't do anything right, which leads to me having no motivation to do anything else either
I don't work but I'm not looking for work.
in Germany too for real?
Salaries are shit and I refuse to work under the current conditions. I'd rather have the money but I know I'd feel dirty every month collecting a mere 900€ or so for working my ass off in a field that took me 5 years to study.
>thinking that managers get invited to c-suite parties
Found a welfare leech
>Southern European philosophy
Serious. I'm 29. Freelanced all my life. Never held a job. Really good at what I do. Make good money. My skill is going to be in demand for years
BUT I wonder if I'm missing out on something by not working a regular job
Should I get a job? I can get a six figure marketing job in a tech company if I tried hard enough
probably. But really I just can't find it in me to work for so little, I'd rather unload a truck of bricks but get payed decently (which I have done before during my studies) than to take my Engineering degree and english diploma around waiting to see a faggot offer me 800-900€ in pay.
The one time I actually said, fuck it, let's go for it, I was rejected because apparently you need a drivers license for trucks and availability 24/7 to work as a programmer.
Making a six figure income in marketing without any history of stability is pretty much unherd of unless you have like more than 500k followers on Twitter or 100k subscriptions on YT or you're already famous by a particular marketing campaign or something.
Low confidence. Constantly second guessing myself and I cannot act if I am even slightly unsure of myself. I need extremely specific instructions with no room for misinterpretation and am constantly in need of reassurances that I am in fact doing things correctly. I over analyse everything and often screw things up anyway. The slightest pressure and I panic. Even stupid, petty, unimportant things (I was once asked if I was left or right handed. I am right handed but of course I panicked and said "either or". My colleagues assumed this meant ambidextrous and I was too scared to correct them).
tldr: I am like a stupid child that can't do anything by himself.
>What the FUCK is your problem ?
None. I'll be employed in 2-3 weeks tops.
Does Jow Forums belong to the NEETs or the wagies?
Just quit my job turns out I'm a genius ;)
Fucked up colon.
Failed to get my degee because of it.
Looking for ways to work from home that is NOT scamming known as telemarketing
>we have slavery in the USA
>we have slavery in the USA
we do
>we have slavery in the USA
why use a swear word
you think you're a cracker
you think you're a slave master
you think you're a bully
my father is like you, OP
always pushing me around
really nasty fucking psycho
What the FUCK is your problem ?
Have a bachelors in a field which is dying out quick thanks to fucking cloud infrastructure.
Also an aspie and struggle to talk with people but trying to get into Royal Navy.
My first job was over two years ago while I was in college and got me more money per hour than I can possibly get with a bachelors. Only way I make money is with selling stuff online.
I’m going to shuffle through life until the grave meets me.
What the FUCK is your problem ?
What the FUCK is your problem?
What the FUCK is your problem ? ?
Believe and teach
What the FUCK is your problem ? ? ?
Got fired for politics a year and a half ago. Own a bunch of rentals that make me 35k a year. Only expenses are food, cell and utilities so can exist without a job.. I Just moved and I am thinking of finding a job. Whatever tho
What the FUCK is your problem ? ? ? ?
What the FUCK is your problem ? ? ? ? ?
What the FUCK is your PROBLEM ? ? ? ? ? ?
WHAT the FUCK is your problem ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
What the fuck is your PROBLEM ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
WHAT the fuck is your PROBLEM ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
W-What the fuck is your problem ?
w-what is the problem ?
w-w-what is the problem ?
why are so many russians moving to work in germany from eastern europe?
w-w-w-what is the problem?
w-w-w-w-w-w-w-what is the problem ?
Beds comfy
w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-what is the OH PLEASE GOD DON'T SHOOT ME PLEASE GOD NO PLEASE STOP NO-
>I don‘t want to get up when some jew tells me to
>I don‘t want to work for some jew
>I don‘t want their dirty depreciating fiat money
>I don‘t want to socialize with retarded normie coworker that have their head so far up their ass that I have absolutely nothing in common with them
>I don‘t want to pay taxes and feed niggers
>I don‘t want to go through the retarded hiring process of the HR department
>I don‘t want to waste 10 hours a day on „work“ that I don‘t give a shit about
All I wanna do is care about my porn collection, play videogames, watch movies and be comfy thats why I‘m NEET.
I also don‘t care about roasties, never had one, don‘t want one, the niggers can have them.
Who’s this dishy specimen? Post nudes.
Isn’t that normal?
should we kill the models
no more pics on Jow Forums like this
seems like a reasonable trade
kill some white people
we didn't want to see them anyway
non-whites freak out because
>white people are killing white people
and they know they're next
>your problem
what the fuck is it ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
CIA CONGRESS FREE MASON how the fuck do we make it easy to kill models like this
pretty targets
just target practice though
CIA CONGRESS just pass a fucking law already
open season on models
I make enough doing mechanic work not paying taxes the American way.
I bet you type slow as fuck. How do you skip ahead on pornos while your jacking off? Do you like have to sit through all the shit bits?
id: v6LaA2mI
Here its around 349 euros
>What the FUCK is your problem ?
honestly it is a refusal to defeat future nations
if Trump would just pick who gets the pain and put it down then I would get a job tomorrow
he won't
he won't put down the pain
he won't pick who gets the pain
if Trump won't play then I won't play
Trump, who gets the pain ?
Just defeat foreign nations
make it easy for American to kill their kids
make it easy for Americans to fuck their girls
anytime anyone gives any American trouble