are women of color the wave of the future of politics?
Are women of color the wave of the future of politics?
Only in america
they're a sign of the decline
Colored people are neato
probably, because politicians are virtue signalling and it's going to get forced.
I watched mrs may taking questions in parliament just today, the amount of virtue signalling was unreal and i thought it was behind us already but it seems were just getting started.
there was a lot of questions that began with the premise of
>we need more xyz for diversity of opinions
They are so sexy. I'm a white guy and I hate white women. White women are trash.
Get a nice brown girl
>White women are trash, so fuck shit instead.
No thanks.
Wrong vid... Thought it was the one with the neggress that is beating her own pregnant uterus with a hammer.
Can't seem to find it.
They're going to destroy the end with their ideological stubbornness
Do you know of that woman who slept with 5 gaming journalists and completely obliterated the complete domination of leftist ideology in media?
Do you know of that woman in Norway that managed the impossible and sunk a 500 million dollar ship despite every measure in place to prevent it?
Do you know of that woman who lost 1 billion dollar and an election that was completely rigged in her favor in 2016?
Do you know of that woman who is about to bring UK to shambles with the worst Brexit deal ever?
Okay, then add to it the huge IQ penalty of being subhuman, and you will have a clear picture of the future of the DNC if these people become majority (and they will).
>Do you know of that woman who slept with 5 gaming journalists and completely obliterated the complete domination of leftist ideology in media?
That is what started the whole SJW culture
No, but they do herald the end of everything.
>people vote for image rather than political standing
>proving hitler right
It gets so tiresome
Voting for feminists if you want the new Egyptian plagues to come to your city.
And these are completely avoidable disasters, you only need not to be a moron and vote defensively against them.
Leaving women out of political parties is all advantages, and the only person who gets hurt are her feefees and her zero children.
However, the damages that a single feminist can do if put on a role above her skills (meaning: any role) are beyond calculation and most often irrepairable.
Leftist political parties in Europe lost HALF their voters when they implemented the stunt of forcing half their lists to be useless women. The damages didn't stop there: men that were vital for the viability of the party didn't get elected as useless women had precedence over them. As such, the parties were woefully unprepared for the next election. That's why most of the big european socialist parties were completely obliterated from the political map.
short term yes long term no.
It's really weird how socialists are always he'll bent on lying about their goals but simply cannot stop labeling themselves socialists.
Women of colour in politics is a fad that won't live out the next decade.
Diversity is technically an econinic and innovative strength, but pretending it doesn't also create conflict when not properly integrated is idiotic. And it will fall out of popularity as identity politics consistently make race relations worse.
Women don't actually want positions of power. Their ideal position is that of the moral compass that the men in power base their descisions on. Humanity is at equilibrium when men are in the positions of risk, acting in the interests of women. Women are risk averse, when they hold executive positions and are personally accountable, they are miserable. There are some exceptional women out there, but the 50/50 diversity hires will burn out and crash spectacularly.
>Kathleen Kennedy
killed a billion dollar franchise and made Disney lose a gazillion in the long and short term.
>Sony Pictures
Female exec, women and minorities turn a beloved million dollar franchise into garbage trash in fire.
>Susan Wojcicki
manages to run Google and Youtube reputation to ground, to the point cucked France disses Google and releases "Qwant"
>Women in Open Source
Too many big open source projects to list. They all got obliterated the second a woman or "woman" started "contributing".
If you think these are isolated incidents, think again. This always happens when women are put on charge, because the reasoning behind it is always "image" and not talent.
Why do you think NASA spends all their time doing propaganda aimed at children, instead of conquering the stars?