New York jury refuses to convict despite confession and DNA evidence:
New York jury refuses to convict despite confession and DNA evidence:
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She was a good Italian girl from a good Italian family. And hot. Her parents and community seemed like good people. The family should kill this nigger themselves.
What the fuck is wrong with Americans
probably just niggers on the jury
She was enriched so that we might all learn our privilege. Toll paid! Make that nigger a Senator!
That's literally black on black crime.
no fucking way they did that... this nig confessed to it with no "coaching by NYPD"
must have been a jury of nogs and guilt riddled whites.
the northeast greater Jew York City is about American as you are leaf
She was really gorgeous. Fuck niggers!
nothing worse than the dutch
Burn the soot, get the boot.
>Because of the impasse, Lewis’ attorney moved for a mistrial and, unexpectedly, Aloise granted it.
>The move shocked the courtroom, with one Vetrano relative exclaiming: “Oh my God!”
>Aloise explained his move: “I’m inclined to agree [with the defense motion] even though it’s only been a day and a half. There were extensive deliberations. They covered issues central to the debate.” He then wished jurors a happy holiday and dismissed them.
Not even a day into a murder trial and this fuck decides its not worth prosecuting despite DNA evidence and a fucking confession.
This, just go shoot the nigger on his way into court. Trials are for humans.
>(((Legal Aid Foundation)))
Go in there with fucking guns blazing!
It was niggers, that's a defense tactic when defending niggers. Load the jury with the dumbest niggers you can find.
Kill this judge and the nigger
Yes, Amerimutts. OMEGALUL
Can't a mistrial lead to a second trial? If that's the case, maybe the judge realized there were too many niggers on the jury? Maybe he knew they were digging in for their side, and the best option would be to start the whole thing over?
So Italians aren't white?
dressing like this in public... what could go wrong
.... she had only a few minutes left to live when this pic was taken...
Wow that girl was fucking hot
If you're so degenerate that you would harm another person because you can see their anatomy, you need to be killed.
Being fit in public deserves death, all women must transition to land whales or else they are asking for it
why does the white girl dress like this ?? does she want the BBC ?
Hahaha White Knight faggot. Stay impotent little queer.
She doesn't look very white to me.
what a fucking joke.
>t. Jow Forums
Those are nigger nose and lips user.
So? Doesn't mean you can rape and murder them shitskin.
Just do like the Mexicans would do and skin him alive. Go medieval on his ass and slit his mother throat. Whites have no fucking pride or self respect anymore.
That nigger fucked a real sweet piece of ass. Probably thought it was worth going to jail for.
why was she dressing like this in public ??
Whites are scared of the law, they dont want to get sent to prison with all the niggers.
Because America believes in liberty
the brotha saw some white thicccness
Italians are subhuman.
t. Blue gum
on the one hand hes a nigger so he should hang
on the other hand shes an attention seeking thot whore, so she should die too
1/2 isnt so bad i guess. pity about the nigger not dying though
look at you white men.... begging your daughters to put on as much makeup as possible, wear the tightest clothing possible... then you send your white daughters out jogging in the big inner-cities where Tyrone and Jamal are sitting on their front porches just waiting for something to come by
We're going to have to rethink our justice system moving forward before it's too late with the brownification.
Seems the opposite has happened mr onions.
Something I have been warning people was going to start happening and no one listened. All court cases will be compromised now because spics and niggers and Asians will defend someone based just on their race.
Judges were a mistake. If the Innocent/Guilty verdict is decided by a jury of peers, there's no reason why the sentence shouldn't be as well.
Bitch was a Jew with a Jew lawyer.
Apparently you can have hard verifiable evidence, a pure confession, and still not be found guilty by a trial of peers. The judge should be tried for negligence and treason to the American people and judicial system.
That would be the judge, not one of the lawyers.
Rape culture
why was she out like this in public ??
>Probably thought it was worth going to jail for.
I could do some time for a piece of ass like that.
out at the bar dressed like this...
How did he get off? You would think dna would be a win? Maybe the black guy did not do it?
Please show us the Lawyer annon.
How can a jury be split on that? Wtf
What the fucking shit
>toll paid
No as she was mostly Italian hence not white, and toll paid only applies to whites
Go back to plebbit civnat cuckold
Seriously what did the judge declare a mistrial based on anyway?
Disgusting. Clearly nothing of value was lost.
Btw 99% of judges in the west must have their belly slashed open and subsequently be hanged by their guts anyway
Well it should be allowed to get rid of horse faced whores, can't fault the jury on that.
mistrial can end three ways. Either they drop the charges, a plea deal is put forth, or a new trial is made on the original charges
>why was she out like this in public?
you best start believing in the purge movies, because you're living in them
We need to go back to the good old days where these black animals would hang by their necks. This nigger appeasing society we live in sickens me. Blacks are subhuman animals and should be treated as such.
> nigger nose
> 56% face
''italian'' sure...
>Prosecutors said Tuesday night they will retry Lewis. He’s expected back in court on Jan. 22 and will be continue to be remanded.
US court claims you canYou don't go to jail for that
Check your privilege
100%, and hanging by entrails is too good for them.
>Walk free from murder
>Without paying bribes
>Without threatening the jury and the judge's family
I will go tell the narcos to only hire black people from now on to cry racism and walk off easy.
Thanks for the idea stupid burgers
The Bronx jury meme is real
Seriously, did the dna match?!
>black jury lets black guy off the hook
this is why they don't let only black people serve on juries when the defendant is black in some states
>The jury finds the defendent dindu of nuffin
He was on Patrol just doing his job, so he is NOT GUILTY.
Is there any info out there on the composition of the jury?
Does anyone have a good quality picture of her ass/body?
Don't worry. This nigger will turn up dead soon.
>New York jury refuses to convict despite confession and DNA evidence
This is literally the fault of diversity.
Congrats, jews. You have officially subverted America.
>The seven-woman, five-man jury
woman continue to be their own worst enemy
also, here's a video of him literally confessing to the crime
also, he's absolutely sub 70 IQ
DNA is a racist invention of old white men.
mad you will never see or be near anyone who looks like that you inbred pastecuck
>he's absolutely sub 70 IQ
how dare you to expect them to act like whites you racist fuck.
black on black crime basically.
It's actually been researched even here in Finland that female judges (and lay judges) are more lenient about rape and violence against women than their male counterparts are, in both sentencing and reparations to victim.
So much for feminist solidarity and sisterhood.
Nothing new, its the judge who blatantly decided he should walk that's the problem.
Hes going to vanish all of a sudden, they prob made this happen to get at him
mad your sister looks like shit haha
every thot like this has it coming from a Russian
'thot patrollie hitman
Her father is Mafia... this jig is going to do some hard time.
What meme is that?
He wont be released from jail user.
So, I read into this a bit more. Apparently the Jury repeatedly wanted to see the confession video
After looking at them, they don't match. The cause of death isn't how he said he killed her. Her injuries don't match up with what he said he did to her. The location he describes doesn't match that well with the location her body was found in either.
I can see how, when put together, they could make someone doubt his version of events, and therefore the entire confession.
So I guess the lesson here is that when you admit to murder, lie about how you did it to create "reasonable doubt".
das rite, my boy didndo nuffin
She was out jogging. Mind you, she could have put a top on over the sport's bra but that still doesn't absolve the nigger of guilt. Her family was furious when this went down...hell they'll probably string that nigger up now.