Leverage a nation's culture to attract foriegners to work for cheap

>leverage a nation's culture to attract foriegners to work for cheap
Why do people unironicly
Companies neither created the culture they are destroying nor bear any of the costs for it's destruction and yet profit off of it.
support capitalism on this board?

Attached: 1537872787736.jpg (1522x1900, 1.3M)

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Lucy lawless really hit the wall early

Unironically hate the player not the game

1) read the board rules 2) structure your posts in a comprehensive manner

The game provides the incentive
Why hate someone who is following incentives?
Also sorry for that shit tier copy paste job from the op it should read
>>leverage a nation's culture to attract foriegners to work for cheap
>Companies neither created the culture they are destroying nor bare any of the costs for it's destruction and yet profit off of it.
>Why do people unironicly support capitalism on this board?

Le "Far Right" doesn't support current Corporatism. Either dissolve the government and watch monopolies and subsided Corporate entities implode, or seize assets and line the traitors up.

I still would.


Me too fren

How do you have capitalism without corporatism?
This is actually a much better question than my op