After spending several years here I realize most of you are larps that watch blacked porn and want to have kids with asian women.
After spending several years here I realize most of you are larps that watch blacked porn and want to have kids with...
How can you tell? Everyone is named anonymous
the main fetishes here seem to be cuck shit and tranny shit
you missed off 'traps aren't gay'!
God those lips are perfect.
She needs to use them to eat a black bulls asshole all day.
you might be happy to know that I have a white wife and a white baby, with more to come. all of my friends have white gfs/wives, except for one guy who is with an asian, but he's also the only friend I have that doesn't want kids.
yeah goy, with the current state of britain, denial is best for you, cuck
Well with 90% of white women being roasties why would you be surprised?
Do you realize how easily I could destroy you?
Well, I stopped watching interracial porn because of Jow Forums and I've never been a fan of racemixing to begin with.
>After spending several years here
pretty sure about that ammhed
I have had sex with a white female and don't watch much porn
I also have had sex with a latina female
Checkm8 OP
This is the average poltard
Technically I am not even Romanian nor straight and just troll here.
>HIV capital of the eastern hemisphere
>watches blacked porn
pottery, inb4 some witty report about czech porn, you should know best most of those girls are ukrainian or romanian
Yeah and most of the board is American, what a weird coincidence
i hope not. it took me about five minutes to realize you were all full of shit
We’ve been found out
this is probably the singular most truthful thing ever posted on this mongolian cross-country skiing forum
OP IS A PEDOPHILE posting images of underaged girls.
>watch blacked porn and want to have kids with asian women
Got me pegged. However I don't larp, NEETSOCS are scum who only deserve to be mocked.
and whats wrong with that??
It took you several years to figure that out? It took me less than 1 week.
I am black
I hate how everyone sucks you off om /soc/. You're just an edgey bitch.
well not me
aFtEr SpEnDiNg CoUnTlEsS yEaRs On HeRe IvE dEdUctEd ThAt Op Is GaY
Based and redpilled
I am in fact a socially conservative male who is trying to date a socially conservative female
this issue is that a lot of people here are addicted to porn / internet, and they unironically fall for the slippery slope.
the only way to reverse this is to block porn / porn boards, abstain , and fill your time with more productive activities
>1 post by this ID
yep another kike sliding while referencing other popular kike slides
>watch blacked porn
>want to have kids with asian women
You tried :^)
I'm not a fucking lamp that's absurd.
Lamps couldn't even type
you can still experience arousal and ejaculate even after cutting off your entire fucking dick
the human body sure is something
i dont think this is srs
maybe a hermaphrodite
Based Ahmed
You have to literally be retarded to come to an anime website made by a 14 years old boy and think this was a legit political movement.
change that to 'watch JAV porn and want to have kids with 2d women'
you pleb
Wrong. I don't watch blacked porn.
Do you watch blacked porn?
>Be white
>Go to Mongolia
>Respected because white
>Get a job as an English teacher
>Choose Mongolian girls
>Have mixed children
>Everybody respects you bc of White
>Profit Nigga
Not me. Niggers disgust me. Plus I prefer Latina women. Asian women can be cute but I don't see myself racemixing with them.