Is there anyone more blood thirsty on the planet than the white European man?

Is there anyone more blood thirsty on the planet than the white European man?

Trail of Tears and the slaughter of the American Indian
Opium wars on China
Slavery, Jim Crow laws, and Tuskegee experiments
Scramble for Africa
British Empire and imperialism
World War 1
World War 2
Atomic bombs dropped on the Japanese
Witchcraft trials
CIA and the crack conspiracy against blacks
Irish potato famine
Scorched earth tactics and the Boer Wars
Partition of India

Need any more examples?

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And these idiots have the nerve to regard blacks and browns as animals and barbarians. Fucking hypocrites! Show me anything from black or brown that compares to the blood thirsty acts perpetuated by the European


nice samefagging lmao
Now answer this: why aren't there any more global living standard development contributors other than white European men on this planet?

Rwandans killed 800,000 of their own in 6 weeks. With only machetes,

Nothing can match the animal savagry of the Negro.

>anyone more blood thirsty
Jewish slavetrader and Jewish communist.

>checks flag

Yes. Muslims

Conquest of North Africa
Conquest of Spain
Conquest of India (millions of death in the medieval period, making World Wars look like a joke in comparison)
Timur (an estimated 5% of the world population died during his campaigns)
Armenian genocides

Slave trade too (did roughly as much as the transatlantic trade)

Most of the Mongols became Muslim later in their conquests, so a lot of them were responsible

Them evil whiteys turned our ghettos nice!

Is that Chomsky?

nah you christckucks were worst

You forgot to mention...
>rapes women
>condones pedophilia
>stones taped women to death

And you best not forget that, jew

>>rapes women
>>condones pedophilia
>>stones taped women to death
you christcucks did the same thing and that's only in europe

Losers always whine about the winners.

Why is Noam Chomsky such a miserable cunt?

Why are so many Jews such neurotic, mental dumpster fires?

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you lost in the WW2 to the kikes retard , oh wait you fuckers fought alongside the jews against the Nazis HAHAHA

Yeah, the Khan was pragmatic, so was Timur, so I won't count them in the muslim fanatics.

Still, the conquest of India was first on raiding by Arabs and slowly gaining territory as populations deserted.
Furthermore, you can't deny that living as dhimmi is far worse than Jim Crow laws or even the apartheid. See that poor Paki christian woman that mahometan want dead because she drank in their well.

At least we moved on and evolved unlike your medieval (((religion))) that still follows a pedophile

The punchline is that you’re using a Muslim flag. I get it. Still not impressed.

keyword being "did", you guys still haven't evolved from those things

He won't listen. They still hang to the past and cling to whatever they can diss to Europeans. That's mahometan envy for you and they'd still be goatfucking herders/slave traders if it weren't for the colonization.

Satan creating his beast system. Western Europe were proxy states, vehicles to exert global dominion. Still is though his influence is currently worldwide

He’s starting to look like Mr Alexander from a clockwork orange. About as crazy as well.

you dont see me fucking goats now do you?

Grow up

Hans blames Poland for ww2. Top kek.

If only Poland had cucked itself to you then we wouldn't have needed to stop you from taking over Europe. The US should have nuked you too.

nothing personal son it's just business

>Irish potato famine
>blood thirsty act

yeah, the non white human. they kill
then rewrite history.

Attached: real jews armenia fake jews amalekite rome.png (1920x1080, 1.47M)