>Gen-x here (inb4 “boomer faggot”) >Worked hard my whole life >Finally nearly paid off my mortgage free and clear >Reading news today, see this:
>More millennials are moving back home >About a third of young American adults live with their parents >Many of them have moved out and 'boomeranged' back amid financial or personal stress
What the fuck is wrong with millennials? Why can’t you guys get your shit together? Seriously, is this generation the weakest, most inept, pussies ever? Good god, what the holy fuck is going on here?
They’ll cry about how it’s everyone but their fault. Absolutely zero accountability.
Justin Moore
Nigger you are like 40 GTFO Jow Forums. Pathetic loser.
Isaiah Sullivan
Gen-X isn't even part of the Great War between the Boomers and Millennials. You're an irrelevant and forgotten generation with less political power than both your forefathers and your descendants.
Colton Sanchez
Gen-x were taught to fight by boomer parents, did gen-x parents show their kids how to fight?
Grayson Garcia
>be the parents of the current generation >Act like you have nothing to do with how they grew up Shit, nigger, what the fuck? Can I have some retard pills too?
Jayden Gutierrez
28 year old millennial here.
So i moved out when i was 25, i graduated college at 27. The first few years after moving out is the hardest. Its way harder to save money, everyone fucking wants your money and its a bit of a rude awakening for me and a lot of people that move out into this world of work, pay rent and save lifestyle.
I live on my own now but i have to return to school to get my teaching credential in the LA are. Its just fucking hard living on our own in California man. The cost of living here is so damn high
James Carter
Fuck off Read some basic economic book and don't come back until your are done
Alexander White
>work hard my whole life Dumbass. Would that we could all be born into an age where minimum wage entitled one to purchase a house in the city. Would that we could all enter a career as we exit secondary education or even high school. You are a retarded asshole who is blind to their own good fortune and you should probably kill yourself.
Cameron Wilson
student loans for me
Samuel Brown
Man, I've been living alone for years and I just don't see the point of trying anymore. I'm constantly sick and exhausted, my body is sore and broken, and I have nothing to show for it. I have not laughed or smiled in over 10 years, I've never had a gf, I have no friends, socializing terrifies me at this point, hell I've never even had anyone that really cared about me even a little. Existence overwhelmingly consists of misery. Give me one reason why I shouldn't just kill myself, or at least go innawoods and become a hermit. There is nothing in this world for people like me any more.
>Why can’t you guys get your shit together? I was raised around racist beaners and I've never had a car and nobody ever showed me how dope life could be or pointed me in the right direction. Now I live around White people and learned programming in a year and have a healthy view of life. I have one friend and he's a based 40 year old boomer. Holy shit, life is actually so easy when you don't live around spics. I see why all these rich, privileged, ignorant White people feel so guilty. >t. 25 California millennial >I'M MAKING A VIDEO GAME, MOM
It’s not easy, I get that. Realize that it’s not easy for everyone else also. It’s a competition and those who can outlast the quitters come out on top.
Keep trucking. It’ll eventually build grit, character and make you stronger
Henry Gomez
my boomer parent only showered me with money, didnt teach me shit about life or his position which he wants me to assume. i have a good education but bad mental health and lack ambition, capacity to focus and the ability of consistent effort.
Adam Martin
>those who can outlast the quitters come out on top No it doesn't. I know higher ups and its the exact opposite. People with the most friends win in the end, working hard doesn't matter at ALL, if anything it's a detriment that signals to normalfags you can be easily taken advantage of. People who work hard live miserable lives and only serve to enhance the lives of their social superiors. I'm finished with this bullshit. People that have never worked a day in their lives and survive off government handouts have a higher quality of life than I do. I'm tired of being the whipping boy. I'm done. I'm so disgusted by this existence all I want is to be left alone now, nothing else even remotely entices me.
Luis Nguyen
> I see why all these rich, privileged, ignorant White people feel so guilty.
They don't though, only the boomers do. You really think whites care about other subhuman races? Good meme. Only reason they feel "guilt" is because they extort the other brainlet races
Dominic Reed
The reason is written right there in the article. Did you bother to read it?
please give me a stable job and enough money to buy a house
Sebastian White
b/c western economy is fucked and is in dumpster
Daniel Collins
>Its just fucking hard living on our own in California man >... living ... in California ... There's your first mistake. Just stay the fuck out of Texas when you wise up and leave California.
Liam Watson
I rented for a year because I thought it was just what you do if you want to be a normie adult before moving back in with parents to save up a down payment for a home because rent was so high I was unable to save much. I bought a house recently and my rent for a year was how much my down payment ended up being. It makes more financial sense to live with your parents for as long as you can and save everything to buy a house if your parents will let you, it's what philippino parents encourage their kids to do and now and it's becoming the new normal for everyone who has a good relationship with their parents because real estate is so expensive.
Luis Lewis
In nearly every civilization the world has known it is normal for children to live with their parents until their parents die. Even in this country until the last 100 years or so you would build additions to the farmhouse when your son got married so he could live there with his wife. It is historically normal for 3 or more generations to live under the same roof.
What changed is that after World War 2 they realized they could sell more houses, more appliances, more everything if they could convince people that they just HAD to move out of their parents house and get their own place at 18.
Millennials aren't as dumb as boomers and wannabe boomers (Gen Xers) and are just reverting back to the sane and rational way humans have always been.
houses in the UK are absurdly expensive and it seems everywhere is being flooded with muds even 1% is too much cause it goes to 2% then 4% then whats the point I'm getting a caravan instead
Adam Sullivan
It's the fact they are outnumbered by spics asians and niggers.
Christopher Hernandez
Yeah it's all our fault, boomers and genX did nothing wrong and totally secured a stable economy for us.
>work 8 hours a day 5 days a week >share rent with my girlfriend who also works as much, sometimes goes in on her days off >we live in a tiny apartment >trying to save in order to start our own business, but bills pile up, food prices are steadily rising, medical emergencies come up (not all healthcare is free here), and the company we work for is terrible, wastes money all the time, does not give us raises, but the job market is lacking, and so we're stuck >even though I am against it, tried getting a loan for the business, but I've never had a credit card, and thus have absolutely no credit, not even bad credit, just no credit, and so they denied me.
Working class people are not only working harder, but it gets taken for granted and we are compensated for it less and less. If someone has the option of moving back home considering these factors, I don't hold it against them, especially if their plan is to get back on their feet and perhaps find another job, which will only take about 4 months before they even get a call for an interview. Also, if you don't participate in this usurious economic system from the time you get out of high school on, you will always be rejected for even as low as a $2k loan.
>ruin the economy >complain about the social effects of a ruined economy based Gen X retards
Chase Price
>26 >quit job and moved back home >start new job >quit after two days
Feels good man. If you don’t work for yourself/do something you actually like there’s no fucking point
Grayson Brown
I'll admit I'm very lazy and blame other people for my issues. Now what?
Caleb Robinson
This. I was a beta from the start. If you can’t socialize you can’t win
Luis Young
I cant be sure since no migration here, but maybe the feeling they are working for others, and not their children?
Landon Brown
Also this. Taxes are like 40% of your pay and you get literally nothing from it. Fuck it all.
Landon Watson
Its your fault for not genociding shitskins. Youre the weak lazy coward fucking pussies who let demonic useless pieces of shit overpopulate the world and run their monkey mouths. Fuck you.
Imagine being such a faggot that you allow yourself to participate in such a contrived fucking photograph because some other faggot who works for the newspapers thinks its a good idea.
This is at least as embarrassing as the time Mike Ditka and Ricky Williams posed as bride and groom.
Failing to account for your own mistakes is not exclusive to millennials lol, the amount of gen X niggers who have sob stories of being "screwed" out of money or being "passed up" for jobs is incalculable. Blame yourself or blame God, just fucking do it quietly.
this. im paying 1k/month for a shitty studio in phoenix and would give my left nut to move back in with my parents in east texas
Noah Howard
>everything handed to them and consumed like a good goy >the buzz of youth wears off for these special little cocksuckers >doesn’t understand he was grandfathered in politely like the rest of his waterheaded generation Read something and quit bitching, you fat titted mongrel. It’s your fucking fault we’re in this position you spoiled faggot
Brody Roberts
I would move back in with my parents if I didn't care about getting laid, that is the sole reason I moved out.
There really is no point if you're single and have no kids. Why work a miserable job if you only need to provide for yourself? I'd rather just rent a room and clean pools 4 days a week or do landscaping part time. No stress. No status either but still, better than killing yourself
Wyatt Ward
All I’m reading are excuses. This seems to be the theme from millennials. They’re incapable of taking personal responsibility of their actions and future.
What I can offer the millennial woman is security, private property, a nice car, healthcare and a giant load of cum in their pussy.
I guess the saying is true, only the strong survive and I am the strong.
Colton Ramirez
We all cope with age differently. The important thing is to maintain your dignity, trust me bro.
Grayson James
>wanting a millenial woman
no but seriously, this all works out. Gen x men can have millennial women, millennial guys can have zoomer girls.
David Nelson
bro wtf ricky why coach no
Grayson Campbell
With no power comes no responsibility.
Noah Reed
This. Millennial here living with parents, and it's beneficial to them and me. They are getting older, and I help them out a lot.
Gen X thinks the "adult" thing to do is to dump your parents in a nursing home once they are too old for 80k/year.
Cooper Powell
Why would a zoomer girl want a millennial man who sleeps in mommy’s basement when she can ride the strong zoomer chad cock. At least the zoomer boy works
Blake Long
Another Gen-X faggot acting like the 80s, 90s and even the 2000s weren't a completely economy and society when they got started, and if they were born 20 years later, they'd be just as fucked as any other Millenial
Henry Wilson
Did ever occurred to you that real estate speculators work as hard as you did in order to squeeze a few more dollars? Just because you live in some ghetto or hill billy wasteland it doesnt mean your local prices are representative of a big city.
I think we have a misunderstanding here. I'm in my mid 20's and have a career, a car that was made this current year, my own place. Its the best of both worlds, I'm not young nor old. I am better than the zoomer in every way, and i'm not old like a gen x that looks like shit naked.
Colton Myers
The millenials never got a pass into middle class jobs and cheap housing like the boomers. Their gen-x parents gave them too much attention and protected them too much. They do seem to be a totally lost bunch of people; but it's really not their fault. Either that or the well of souls ran dry about 1994. Moment of silence for are infantile brothers screeching to have their own freedoms taken away. We've let you down.
Parker Peterson
find roommates and you'll cut your rent in half
Angel Brooks
You aren't the strong, you're a salty 40 year old gamma male with no reproductive partner looking back saying "Oh boy!". You will settle for a 28 year old roastie with 3 kids and brag about it here later. Anyone voluntarily dating 'millenial' women (24-33) is fucked.
Daniel Jenkins
Nice work, user. You seem to have your shit together and you’re right, you have the correct attitude that would attract a nice millennial woman over my washed up “old” body.
For the left over millennial women who have to choose between Johnny, who plays video games in mommy’s basement, and an established man in his 40’s that can provide a secure future for her children, who do you think she’ll choose?
Women want a man who can provide the resources necessary for their babies. This is THE evolutionary trait and for millennials who can’t overcome their blame everyone attitude, I’ll be their to smash that young pussy and take away their women
Robert Bailey
>99% of human history people lived with their parents until they were ready to have children themselves >caring for parents and then having grandparents help with child care has been a fundamental part of human culture for 99% of its existance >people moving out and living on their own is literally only a thing since the 1950s when the banks/(((media))) pushed for propaganda on the nuclear family as a means of encouraging spending and in particular home loans and mortgages to make money for the bank Good goy. Fuck your parents, let them die alone while you squeeze out kids and let them raise themselves on youtube while you work all day.
David Wilson
It's because they have no work ethic. They either had jobs and lost them or are too lazy to get them in the first place. If they're not fired for showing up late or doing a terrible job, they quit because they are so easily offended. Millennials are doomed. Gen Z has a chance.
Gabriel Hall
Hard work is not rewarding anymore.
Ayden Hernandez
29 year old with no job, no money, and no hope here. I'm kind of glad that all of the old white conservatives are dying out so all the millennial politicians will give me more gibs.
Adam Ward
David Brooks
absolute cuck
Levi Jones
This meme needs to end, gen Z will be 100x worse. Millennial actually grew up somewhat normal, not behind a computer or phone. And we work circles around boomers and do most of the work, at least at my job.
Jace Gutierrez
>buys a detached home for $95000 on a high school education in 1973. Home quadruples in value for the next 4 decades. >I worked hard that's why I'm successful
Robert Nguyen
Am white. Fuck off with that "privileged" shit. I'm successful because I earned it. I have zero guilt for you or anyone elses failures and I never will. Life is what you make it. Your going to fail. You either learn and try again or succumb and blame someone else for your lack of effort.
Isaiah Gonzalez
im regretfully a milennial (actual 30yo boomer)
i bought my first house this year and have a friend moving in as a roommate who is going to subsidize half my mortgage for at least a year...which will catapult my principle payoff forward which is sick.
the vast majority of my generation are the biggest fucking pussies ever i cant stand it
Matthew Johnson
Average rent for a 1 bedroom apartment around me is $2000 a month
Want a mortgage? Need 10% down on a unit, townhouses start at $600,000, detached units go for +$1,000,000
i did it, i failed out of college and fucking made something of myself. you think i started here?
my first job out in the real world i was probably making 25-30k and bounced between that-ISH and 50k for about 6 years. then after i was COMPETENT and a VALUABLE EMPLOYEE companies started offering me more money because i wasnt a FAGGOT
you see how this works? you DO STUFF and you GET STUFF
Anthony Rodriguez
>hard work will always be rewarded Next thing you'll tell me is to give the manager a firm handshake.
Henry Wilson
But they'll have to sell their souls to tolerate sleeping every night next to some guy who is almost old enough to be her dad and smells like it. She could be building a friendship, which is the basis for a true happy relationship, with a man her own age as they grow up together and learn about life and themselves. Being similar age and part of the same generation, they will have an understanding of each other, sharing jokes, similar childhood memories and anxieties about the future that they will be able to help each other with. They will then feel truly proud of themselves and each other when they do finally build a life and wealth together, as they will have truly earned it.
Or she can just take that X-Dick in between TV breaks so she can drive her own SUV in her 20s while she hopes you don't die of a heart attack in her 30s or stroke in her 40s so she'll have to start wiping your ass before she even hits menopause.
Gabriel Perez
It's very difficult to own a home on a single income at 25, it doesn't matter what you do for a living. Try balancing that with the ridiculous cost of entertainment and the shortage of decent women. This is how they fracture the family unit. I straight up can't afford a house and my girlfriend on a six figure salary.
Robert Gomez
are u a limp-wristed beta faggot? yes you should always give firm handshakes you fucking retard
Tyler Taylor
There is nothing more pathetic than a dude with a weak handshake
Juan Adams
Shut the fuck you stupid kike. Nobody is falling for your "move out and buy your own shit to give me money you silly goy!" crap. You go in the oven last so you can watch the other kikes scream in misery before you and shit your pants in terror the whole time.
Xavier James
I'd rather save my money than buy some shitty house so I can feel validated. Why would I want to pay for a house I don't need? I'd get a house if I found something nice for the right price but what is the hurry?
I'm 30 and every marriage around me has failed. I've seen brothers and friends destroyed by worthless bitches. The only women I respect are old-fashioned hags that are way past menopause. I'm not in a rush to buy a house so I can appeal to all the fine land whales and the bar-trolling single mothers. I don't need a house because marriage is ruined. When I get a house, it will be because I feel like it, not because I want to meet some boomer faggot's expectations.
Cooper Carter
Boomers are getting ready to unload all of their investments. They need people like you to buy them. The next 10 years will be nonstop shaming propaganda to make you feel like you failed in life if you don't buy their speculation properties or their stocks they want to unload.
Lincoln Torres
>>Gen-x here (inb4 “boomer faggot”)
Gen X are the willing henchmen of Boomers.
>>More millennials >millennials
Fuck off! I am Generation Y.
"Millennial" is just a weasel word slur like nigger.
Whites are dumb as hell sometimes. You move away from your parents, kick your kids out when they hit 18, and then blame the Jews because your families are falling apart
Ryder James
Fail at what though? You guys act like this is jus some big video game with a set of rules. lol
You will die like the rest of us and you can't take all your worldly possessions with you. Some broke ass methhead in a trailer park somewhere will outbreed you with ease while collecting welfare from your taxes. You ain't winning jack shit. You are the horse from Animal Farm. You will be worked to death and the do nothings will live off of you.
Xavier Roberts
>hurt durr millenials are all entitled faggots >ignoring the fact that boomer parents fucked every future generation over and voted in globalist puppets as political leaders Most millenials know they were being fucked but just not by who, so they were easily manipulated into falling for socialism and defeatism. >you can’t fight back when you don’t know who the enemy is
Isaac Johnson
Yeah the generation that
1. Was convinced by genx and boomers that college in any capacity was the key to getting a leg up
2. Listened, took out student loans and got a degree that isn't paying or is actually worthless
3. Government makes it impossible to discharge loans
4. Market is flooded with too much competition for remedial jobs
5. Cheap housing was bought up in 2011 at the bottom by genx and boomers and rented to millennials taking the normal single family start homes entirely out of the price range of any 24-30 year old of any generation.
> why can't they get their shit together.
Neck yourself. Gen X and boomers are the ultimate welfare generation. You are living off the backs of the millennials. You caused this.
Average loan payment is around $301. Most people don't pay the minimum so lets double it - $602.
So just in rent and loans you are at $1500. Throw in shit internet, a nokia brick from cricket wireless, and gas for your car you are probably nearing $2100/mo.
Thats ~$24,000 gone and you havent even bought food yet. God forbid you're hit with an emergency medical problem.
>wahmens studies Even with a STEM degree, the diploma inflation makes it extremely difficult to find a job, on top of that because the over abundance of applicants is so prevalent, employers can use all manner of bullshit tactics to fuck you over >ie unpaid internships
>gibs It’s called usury you retard >trades I agree but boomer parents constantly pressured their children into going to college, trades were rarely even mentioned for most people
Evan Rivera
> Muh education. Stay ignorant
The average wage for degrees has gone down except in a select few degrees. Not everyone is capable of civil engineering or computer science. Just about every other STEM degree has stagnated.
You're a fucking idiot.
> Stop going to school for women’s studies or art.
See above, and then neck yourself.
> Mug free gibs. Communism has never worked, comrade
Discharging loans isn't communism. Every other kind of serious debt can be discharged in America through bankruptcy court except student loans. Do you want to know why more millennials are pro socialism than any generation prior? Because fucking idiots like you say
> muh communism
Every time someone asks for help. Fuck you, neck yourself
> Teach yourself a trade or skill that’s not remedial then. The market is competitive so make yourself in demand
Trades pay 30-50k in my area. Not even enough to afford living by yourself.
Again, neck yourself.
Hunter Evans
>Gen X >Good god, what the holy fuck is going on here?
The boomer generation killed the industrial sector then started importing cheap foreign labor on H1B visas to drag down the price of skilled labor.
Your generation got the last of the good jobs now our generation is left to work for a pittance in the service industry or get training for a better paying job so we can get paid comparable wages to imported Pajeets.
I wouldn't be so smug if I were you. When it all comes crashing down, when the money is gone and your starting to go senile you're looking at twenty years of living hell in a dilapidated old folks home, sitting in your own shit for 12 hours a day because your migrant worker nurses don't give a fuck.
I'll be 40 in a few days. Shit is tough today for blokes starting out in their 20s. From where I am sitting it seems like competition for almost everything in life one strives for (a partner, a job, good education, a decent place to live, fitting into a corner of society) is broken.
Personally I feel a lot of opportunity has been denied to young people by rampant immigration which likewise sees the wholesale overnight insertion of extremely cashed up people into long established societies, breaking the established rhythm of people slowly and gradually making their way through life. I see this constantly. On other side of this coin you see immigration from culturally incompatible regions flood into established nations (only those with welfare systems) and ravage them, having never contributed to these long-running support systems built up over generations by the host nation's deserving citizens perhaps down on their luck.
This sees a swarm of people sponge up basic jobs otherwise traditionally given to Uni students and younger people starting out - the stepping stones to something bigger. Instead these become actual "jobs" for a large part of the population, which only stands to erode the standard of living, bring full time work wages down even lower and invoke despair among those trying to get a leg up which shatters many people's sense of purpose.
As a Gen-X person I see the challenges many younger than me are faced with. I received a more even playing field to build myself up in by way of being lucky when I was born and I don't deny that. In fact, the more I reflect on the opportunities and way things were for me in my late teens/early 20s, I realise how absolutely dire things are today in comparison. Hell, and we thought things were pretty shaky when I was younger.
Daniel Cox
Older guys usually don't understand, but I'm glad you do. For every broken young man, there is always an energy inside him that craves a red blooded life. They want to succeed, they want to feel, they just don't know how. In many ways they are being blocked from doing so and then people complain that they aren't good enough as men.
Josiah Lewis
The problem with what you say is that the inevitable “fix” for this is socialism, which has never worked in the past. The standard of living amongst everyone goes down.
Importing the horde only brings the same problems they run from. When you import third world, you import their system of governance which results in misery for everyone