Why do pigs like this think they can just flop their tits out in a family restaurant?

Why do pigs like this think they can just flop their tits out in a family restaurant?

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So that someone will have a problem with it and then they get to be outraged and contact the media.

Is this the white woman you seek to defend? Asian master race when?

If the baby is a niglet she should be forced to cover up. That kid looks white so I’d give her a pass.

Because she's breeding and feeding future Aryans. I encourage this wholeheartedly.

why not just put a cloth over it?
my wife breast fed and nobody ever gave us shit because she bought this wrap thing like a big silky cloth that went over the shoulder and covered the kid and the titty
makes the baby more comfortable and less fussy while eating in crowded distracting public spaces too

That's just wrong. I mean, she's no looker, but that doesn't mean it's OK to tell her to cover her face.

Pretty sure thats bacon grease coming from her nipples

What is it with you burgers and the fear of showing a little skin?
Breastfeeding isn`t something sexual or disgusting.

I wonder what her reaction would be if people whipped out their cameras to get a video for youtube

she suffered “extreme and severe emotional distress

I'd suffer extreme emotional distress too if I was married to a fat fucking cow like that

why are you so triggered by women doing natural things like feeding their child?

you know someone is pushing an agenda when they are against the single healthiest act on earth

You could just breastfeed in the womens bathroom...

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you can tell they tidied her up for the photo and gave her some decent clothes

It isn't until a skank like this has to flop the entire titty out in public. Make no mistake, she wanted people to stare and thus she has cheapened the act of feeding her child.

look at her eyes - begging for attention. clearly not getting enough dick back home from tyree

I believe they make bibs for this sort of thing, while I don't give a shit I think it's pretty obvious she was just hunting for a headline.


She looks like Amy Schumer with down syndrome


Its just a misunderstanding, They only wanted her to cover up her hideous face

From the looks of it her husband is just as fat and trashy as she is

>Jow Forumstards complain about the white population declining
>while simultaneously hating women and not wanting white women to breastfeed

Explain this lol

He got dem doubles so it checks out.

Why are people so triggered about having erections in public? It's the most natural thing in the world.

>muh family restaraunt
>god forbid a woman engages in the most imprtant activity between mother and child

Kill yourself

This dairy cow is head of an organization called Le Leche. It’s a group of other hefers that go out and breast feed in public to get a reaction. According to her FB post she’s been doing it for 2 years and nobody complained until now; she was excited finally somebody said something. Attention seeking fat cunt.

Jesus christ fuck off already. You have to be a subhuman piece of shit to actually be disgusted over a mother breastfeeding her baby. Nobody cares that you're a snowflake who gets triggered over nudity. That's a psychological disorder on you

time to piss in bottles in public. perfectly natural activity.

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she looks mental desu

breast feeding isn't inherently sexual though user. you have to get past your fetishizing of the female body.

white women feeding a white child the way God intended.. anyone who has a problem with it is a traitor imo


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The bitch doesn’t need to do this in a restaurant where other people are trying to enjoy their meals. Fkin women are ruining the planet/ law by law- little shit by little shit they nitpick at order until there is nothing but chaos left.

Not in a fucking restaurant you fucking Leaf

What is wrong with breastfeeding in public? There's not a muh degeneracy argument to be made here, it's a woman feeding a baby.

babys gotta eat too.

Nice honkers.

It takes little effort to wear modified clothes or carry an additional piece of clothe to breast feed in concealment. It's fake controversy for attention.

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Breastfeeding your child around shitting women sounds awful.

If a woman feeding a baby is disgusting to you, you need to kill yourself as slowly as you can

yea that thing
my wife had the black one at the bottom

>buy unnecesary shit from shlomo because american goys can't handle seeing a baby touching a boob

how sick is your mind burger? are you too disgusted by the NATURAL feeding of an infant to enjoy your 4000 calorie plate of chicken tendies?

It takes like 30-45 minutes for a baby to drink their fill. You really want someone to spend most of an hour in the shitter so you arent in danger of seeing a boob?

Taking a shit is natural, but if I do it in the middle of a restaurant suddenly I'M the problem???

How does a big milky tit ruin your meal?

That's a fat titty

This was posted by a 50 years old retard.

It's a sanitation issue.

builders tizer.. mmm delish!

My sister and sister-in-law had the fucking decency to bring a cloth to put over her and the baby while breastfeeding, even if all of us were visiting their places.

Nice strawman, Chang. May I borrow it for the fields? Crows are getting bad.

>oy goy let's make it so titties being out is an accepted thing!
Who do you think shills so hard for this degeneracy you dumb leaf faggot?

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there is a sign on the door of most restaurants that says no shirt no shoes no service or something like that
can I ignore it too as a fat guy who gets hot when he eats?

hazel eyes. checks out
>yep she is the crazy kind

That kid is going to lose his feet eventually

>a mother feeding a baby is exactly like a thot pouring champagne on her bare tits at a degenerate club

Kill yourself

this used to not be so much of an issue historically
it became one because of the extreme sexualization of society, its inhabitants.
you can't have it both ways

It's always some crazy-eyed thot. At least we can recognize these people by facial features.

Jow Forumstards is the only explanation.

Do you have any proof to show that it isn't thot behavior? They are perfectly capable of covering up yet instead want to show off their disgusting tit to everyone around them.

Where is the strawman, Cletus?

>you have to get past your fetishizing of the female body.
>while society spends billions legally fetishizing parts of the female body
choose one and only one.

She misunderstood. They were asking her to cover up her horrid face.

First: I don't have any problem with breastfeeding or women showing their tits in general.
But those cunts that do everything as a political statement truly annoy me.

The civilized way would be "sorry, didn't want to bother you", cover up or leave and never come back. But this attention whoring is disgusting.
Social media was a mistake.

>covering up means you are not allowing women to be breastfeed
kill yourself leftypop tranny

As long as she doesn't mind people asking for their turn, I'm fine with it.

The restaurant shouldn't force her to. The other patrons should point/giggle/stare/talk loudly and/or negatively about it/etc. and shame her into covering up.

Do they make these adult-sized?

Again, if diagusted by an act of caring for an infant, you should kill yourself

Only an incel would want to force women through a barbaric process like pumping their tits with a farm tool like an actual cow. Show some respect and let women display their huge veiny boobs, swollen with milk, in public while you watch.

>its attention whoring
>so I'm gonna make a big deal out of it and give her all the attention she ever dreamed of

If its attention they seek, they will do whatever past experience has shown to be effective when they want to get more attention in the future.

It shouldn't be a big deal. If some chick wants to make it a muh feminism strong womyn thing, let her. If no one gives her attention, she looks like the idiot because no one cares. If you take the bait and chimp out, you look like a fool. Dont believe me? Look at this thread, around 50% of posters here disagree with you. On Jow Forums. IRL itd probably be 80-100% since normies are predisposed to be sympathetic towards women.

Literally for attention

its indecent exposure plain and simple. all this degenerate fucking cunt has to do is take the child into the bathroom for 20 mins and breast feed it there. the problem with this modern age we live in is that ppl have no common decency anymore and thats all thanks to the jewish media.

You know what, Bong, you're right. I think tonight at dinner I'm going to take a shit on the restaurant floor. It's only natural.

>If a woman feeding a baby is disgusting to you

Finish the sentence that user implied. >...in a restaurant. You purposefully left that part off creating a strawman argument. Very few are offended by a woman breastfeeding in the proper setting. A restaurant is not said proper setting. Changing a baby's shitty diaper is natural and doesn't offend people. Change it on your Texas Roadhouse table and see what happens.

>If I'm eating I don't want to look at someones tits. Simple as.

Funny how you didnt feel that way when YOU were sucking on a tit. Oh, unless you had to make do with your pic related. Sorry about your infant trauma.

she could have had the restraint or pre planning thought to maybe pump and bring it, this is just cunty broads being allowed to behave badly. like i dont really give a fuck about the breast feeding, its just the fucking shitty attitude these cunts throw that's bullshit, like no, asshole, the world doesn't revolve around you and yea sometimes people want you to not flop your tits out while they're eating. these broads are just angry they can't do as they please and be rude at the same time. reee muh oppression


You eat your lunch in the shitter too?

I get that it is to feed your kid, but a little common decency. There are ways to do it without plopping out your tits, the same way that you don't do pic related when you need to piss, yeah we all get you have to whip it out, but common decency.

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You're talking to a Poo. You won't win with that argument.

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I'm not disgusted by the act itself, I'm disgusted in the act of having to show off your tits to everyone. You being incapable of understanding that just proves you're a kike who wants to spread this kind of degeneracy since you gave no example of how it is not thottish when it can be easily made non thottish.

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Cleaning shit is not feeding milk.

Who is really strawmanning here, incel faggot?

Go back to your desert Mehmet.
>If I'm eating I don't want to look at someones tits
Literal fag.

this is a massive health issue. if she has a disease and her diseased titty milk gets out in a restaurant, thats a big issue.
this needs to be illegal.

My in-laws would change their kids diaper right there on the bench seat in restaurants.

Still you, stinky chinky.

Ma'am, if you insist on doing that I'm going to have to ask you to cover your face with this paper bag.

A restaurant with a "don't show tits"-policy should keep 1 or 2 feral nigs in the back whom they send out to stare if someone breaks their rule.
Race beats gender, and the attention whore gets more than she asked for.

You're a retarded burger shilling against mothers taking care of their babies by appealing to a prudish morality.

Breastfeeding is not thotish behavior.

Or just put a blanket over it. Like every other breastfeeding mom who isn't an attention whore
And she can't be mad when perverts like me take pictures with the flash on.

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You from Florida, user?

Neck yourself

Nobody has a problem with mothers feeding their child. But as soon as attention whores start provoking reactions from other people to have their little social media fame she deserves to be shamed publicly. She wanted attention, she gets attention. But not the kind she was seeking.

Once again you deflect and make up a poor argument to try and prove your point. Literally kill yourself. Quit assuming I'm against the act of "a mother taking care of their baby", that is not what ANYONE here is against. Everyone here is against a woman needlessly whipping her tits out in public when it doesn't need to be that way you degenerate cunt.

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Ps: you can't handle seeing a baby touching a boob becaue you have't touched one since you were a baby yourself

I'm even gonna go out on a limb here and say that if a woman is breastfeeding in public as a political act, you freaking out about it proves her right. Its basically "its okay to be white" in a feminist context because there's nothing wrong with the act itself, the only transgression is whatever imaginary motive you're projecting onto it