Get ready faggots

fun fact: adnan kashoggi bought the venice florida flight school that the 9/11 patsy hijackers trained at. his nephew jamal kashoggi was about to expose the entire inner workings of the attack, and trump (one of the planners) order him to be killed

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Other urls found in this thread:

>kashoggi bought the venice florida flight school

Information from a Palm Beach source says that Trump gave Adnan Khashoggi shelter from INTERPOL at Mar-A-Lago when Khashoggi was under indictment for defrauding Thailand’s second largest bank. What’s more, Khashoggi attended Trump’s wedding to Marla Maples at The Plaza Hotel in New York City, December 20, 1993.

Wallace Hilliard — with Saudi investors including Shiek Kamal Adham, Adnan Khashoggi, and Prince Nawaf bin Abdul Aziz. bought Venice, Florida Huffman Aviation in 1999 where Mohammed Atta and other alleged 9-11 highjackers allegedly learned to fly; flight school linked to CIA firm

I mean provide a source. Don't copy pasta shit here.

Think real fucking hard hopefully your head will explode dumbass faggot

Why do you think Trump ordered the killing? Seems like you are extrapolating here.

are you doubting me?
are you doubting this?

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SO this is why the saudis are paying the shill squads 100's of millions to try and shut it down.

>I'm a complete and total schizophrenic retard

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i think it's your head that's going to explode


>no source
>had to ask twice
>still no source
If I wasn't doubting before, I am now

Without a source yes

I was thinking that Kashoggi was a muslim brotherhood terrorist and its a good thing he is dead. is it not?

Just when I thought a OP couldn't possibly any more of a faggot you came along.

nope. that's kushner inc propaganda. they're freaking the fuck out right now

imagine if it was robert mueller that was playing 4D chess the whole time? can imagine that?

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kushner shill is here!!!

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man, you got the call pretty quick


Mueller is great at connect four so it might not be a stretch.

but if he owned the airport where the 9-11 terrorists trained then he is a bad guy.

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the truth was always going to be revealed, right before it all comes crashing down

cool fanfiction user wanna bring it to the whitehouse?

>"Kashoggi was a muslim brotherhood terrorist

And this Gentleman, is one of the narratives a certain London based PR firm have chosen to try and sew discord & 'shut it down'

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Adnan K ashoggi owned it. His nephew Jamal was the one that was hacked up. Jamal was going to blow it wide open

You glow in the dark niggers have the worst fan fiction
We all know it was (((you)))
Just give it the fuck up already

Dude your team is done, your not gonna trick anyone here faggot.

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Why would Trump want 9-11 to happen? I thought Trump was just a marketing guy, meaning he marketed his name, a few buildings and got successful. Did he ever really have any clout prior to 9-11?

Also, why would Turkey expose this? Turkey hates us.

A 900,000,000 bail out from his best buds wasn't it?

You're the guy bringing forth all these stupid conspiracy theories keep dreaming faggot face roastie bitch

I suppose. But it doesn't make any sense that Trump sanctioned or was in support of 9-11 happening. It seems more reasonable to me that Kashoggi was tied to the Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorist cells and was taken out.

>faggot face roastie bitch

I like it.

OP might be onto something. Adnan Kashoggi was indeed associated with the owner of the flight school in question.

pro tip: the term "fake news" was crafted for this very moment

Think Kush

Wrong link? I don't see Kashoggi mentioned.

add this
>guiliani as his personal attorney. they were very close before, during and after 9/11
>hires john bolton to his administration. bolton was chief member of PNAC. the guy wrote the 9/11 script
>very close friends with larry silverstein before, during and after 9/11
>hires CIA head pompeo to his administration. pompeo knew it was coming
>9/11 suspect louis eisenberg was his best man (melania wedding)
>very close friends with bibi, prime suspect #1
>trump was the king of NYC real estate.
>trump's financial building re-became the tallest building in lower manhattan after the WTC came down. being the biggest is important to a guy like trump
>marries his daughter off to the son of one of the planners


Participants in that escapade included Adnan Khashoggi. Hilliard sent a Lear jet torumcaylear support Khashoggi's plan to gain control of rum cay, a remote island in the Bahamas with a recently-lengthened 5000 foot runway, as well as a Khashoggi lieutenant from Saudi Arabia named Ramy el-Batrawi, both of whom were indicted three years ago in an international stock swindle known as Stockwalk, which Federal Bankruptcy Court Judge Victor B. Kenton said was responsible for “the largest failure of a u.s. brokerage in at least 30 years.”

get digging anons

Trump bought adnan’s yacht. It was worth $200 million but he only payed $29 million for it and called Adnan the “worst businessman in the world”. He sold the yacht in 1993 for $20 million to Former Saudi Crown Prince Bin Talal AKA dopey prince. MBS ordered Jamal Khashoggi’s death because of his ties to trafficking weapons and people and being part of the Muslim brotherhood


>Muslim brotherhood connection

Idgaf about a dead Muslim honestly. MSM trying to signal away from other happenings and weird DEW started fires in California. I want to see arrests of these people through a peaceful and legal means and not through bloodshed and violence

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>posts info memes and red pills
>OP of this thread just types and doesn’t provide links
>calls others “shill”
The Jew cries out as he strikes you. This is now a redpill thread

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AIDS tier thread faggot

911 report and their models were full of BS

TRUMP knew Truth on 911

The destruction of WTC was an occult ritual.
>the Twin Towers represented Boaz and Jachin, the columns at the entrance to the Temple of Solomon
>Boaz and Jachin represent the two key energies: ying and yang, male and female, strength and beauty, north and south, up and down (duality - like the Star of David)
>WTC builder, Rockefeller, says the buildings are the perfect combination of "utility and beauty"; he also owns Jerusalem museum housing remains from Temple of Solomon
>Luciferianism predicts/wants a new age of transhumanism; Kaballah and freemasonry believe one attains perfection by mastering and combining male and female energies
>Twin Towers destroyed in consciousness altering event at start of millenium to usher in this new era of transhumanism
>Replaced by Freedom Tower where both towers are combined, one up and one down, like a Star of David
>2001: Space Odyssey is about man's evolution to transhumanism - he touches the black monolith and transcends human form to a space baby
>9/11 happened in 2001, next to the Millenium hotel designed to look like the black monolith
>madrid bombing was 911 days after 9/11
>sept 11 is the first day of the coptic calendar, first month is named after Thoth
>2001 was the start of the new millenium not 2000 (there was no year zero)
>33 years from groundbreaking to destruction pentagon groundbreaking sept 11 1941

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And yes


Ayy bump for red pills. Posting economic redpills on jewish Control in the world of banking and finance

>Clarke and Dawe - European Debt Crisis [Open]

>The Money Masters Full Documentary The rise of the bankers [3h29m] [Open]

>How does the financial system work [Open]

>Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve [Open]

>Money as Debt - Full Documentary [Open]

>The Truth About the Deficit, Debt, and U.S. currency [Open]

>Prof. Werner brilliantly explains how the banking system and financial sector really work [Open]

>The Federal Reserve Conspiracy

>The Federal Reserve Act 1913

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Donald Trump's executive director of his campaign, Michael Glassner, former Dole and Palin handler and Southwest Regional Political Director of AIPAC in 2014-2015, as Political Director of his own campaign. Glassner’s most interesting credential, however, is his 1998-2001 tenure as Chief of Staff to the Chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

In this capacity, Glassner was in charge of “lobbying strategies in support of the successful $3.21 billion dollar privatization of the World Trade Center complex”, a campaign which, with the support of Zionist billionaire Ronald Lauder, placed the property in the hands of “lucky” Larry Silverstein and partner Frank Lowy.

Frank Lowy — he and partner Larry Silverstein obtained 99-year lease on WTC shortly before 9-11; came to Palestine in 1945 from Hungarian to fight as Golani commando in Israeli “War of Independence”; Australia’s second richest person; in May 2007, investigated by Israeli police for corruption scandal involving Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert; Zionist

Lewis Eisenberg — chairman Port Authority of New York and New Jersey on 9-11; authorized transfer of WTC leases to Silverstein and Lowy just weeks before 9-11; later appointed chairman of Republican National Committee; Zionist

>worth $200 million

Yachts are not 'worth' anything, that's just what they cost new. And how about the huge overpayments by saudis for Trump property. It's all so very interesting.

there's rumors of trump choosing jewliani or chris christie as AG

fun fact: christie worked at the law firm representing the port authority and his wife worked for cantor fitzgerald in the WTC...and she coincidentally missed work that day

>no links or archives
>all caps redpill
>executive director on the city, state, or national level?
Larry Silverstein is a fucking lucky kike and made billions off of the buildings collapsing. What you posted is true but you haven’t provided any links or stated in what level or capacity the Executive director played a role in the campaign. Was it on the town, city, or state level? For how long was he a director? Did he get paid?

Important questions and information you need to provide to back up your “redpill”

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better rev up your search engine, user

Hello new friend. Stay a while and learn about sauce.

Copy pasta is not a source.

While I hate trump and love where this is going I’ll still need facts.

lol he was made into dog food cause
he was going to talk.

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>Information from a Palm Beach source says
Hello CNN


(You) #
You make these terrible threads and post your shitty slide thread with no links or videos with your gay ops discord buddies. So terrible. Will keep posting gore and redpills in all of your threads

>pic related

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I read the entire thread and OP is indeed a lying faggot. Likely a lying jew faggot. What a waste of time.

you shills are fucking PANICKING


no, im just a guy in so cal, read an article, i dont know where, claiming he was tied to muslim brotherhood.

>194161558 → #
→ #
You could have placed sources and archives all on your pasta by now

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>Trump did 9/11
You glow in the dark niggers have lost it completely
It's sad
Not huge

Look at this post. Has a link to an article about Khashoggi’s Muslim brotherhood connection
You’ve realized just how ineffective your attempts are. pol is not a place for kikes

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Wikileaks email regarding Arab Unrest, Khashoggi, and Saudi Arabia’s role in Yemen

I owned the goat farm that the 911 Saudi hijackers used to "off shore drill" some ewes in season. I have video. Audio too. Yapping in Araspic with an occasional yahoo. Am I a target?

>are you doubting me?
>are you doubting this?

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OP abandoned thread.

doing a little bit of spackling at the moment

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Fucking Kek he got wreckt. Archiving this so when this faggot posts again we just shit on his life

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>hurr durr shit on his life
lmfao. good plan shill boy

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CIA wants Prince Bandar, friend of the Bush family to run Saudi Arabia
Khashoggi was an arms dealer for Bush for decades including Iran Contra and all the saudi arms deals. Then he fell out of favor and had to "gift" a multi billion dollar mine (gold or silver I forget) in Arizona to Carlyle Group. I'm not sure when he bought the flight school but Kashoggi's uncle was this super rich powerful arms dealer then had a falling out with Bush (bush senior) and had to pay tribute. the flight school could have been part of that whole thing...

interesting. thank you

every single nine on e on e thread.

muddy the waters.
hhhhmm I wonder

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where did everyone go?

not sure

This thread is shit.
Herbs in all fields.

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Stupid fuck kek

These posts are designed to take up anons time so the thread can slide to the bottom.

also OP what is the source this is big if true?

It my anus.

>posts redpills and links in a thread with none
>hurr durr designed to slide threads cause is too long
>but trust what I’m saying here
Op abandoned his thread and you leave it like this. Pathetic

>Boaz and Jachin
tOP KEK user bluepills

the dilemma of the shill:

should he lamely try and discredit, but it bumps the thread, or just leave the thread be, but then others might come in to it with new info...

sucks to be you, m80

>”kushner inc propaganda”

Ok now we know who you are

they're not sending their best


be greatif some user hadthe balls to ask trump about wtc 7

>Cant even provide source
Your ass doesnt count as source, KIKE

Neither one of you have provided a single link or source to what you’re saying or trying to prove. Yet I’m the shill. Kek

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Hes pushing a bs narrative to hide the fact that Jamal wanted Assad out and Syria Balkanized

Hitler effect. Within 20 years he'll be standing next to Hitler during WW2 while they gas'd the Jews.

bumping your bump

fuck the shills