Why do you guys believe Jews when they tell you that liberals are your enemy?
Why do you guys believe Jews when they tell you that liberals are your enemy?
liberal democracy = global zionism
why did you put Jesus the jew there
Yeah, banking wasn't even a concept then.
Read the bible retard. The only time he got physical was flipping the table of the money changers in the temple.
For the meme.
>Why do you guys believe Jews when they tell you that liberals are your enemy?
No one has told me that. Liberals are the puppets of the global elite.
Classical liberalism != the progressive left
I suspect that most people here are like me. I don't hate liberals because anyone told me too. I hate them because they're vile assholes who have offended me in person.
So are republicans
(((they))) control both sides of the fence
>why did you put Jesus the jew there
For obvious reasons you stupid leaf.
>Yeah, banking wasn't even a concept then.
The state of burger culture.
>Yeah, banking wasn't even a concept then.
t. Literal retard who has all his money in a bank
Usery was.
When was banking conceived in your faux reality?
bankers: 4
they: 0
I'm an atheist, though more and more I wish i could believe in god. In Australia, right now the LGBT community is trying to eliminate gender from birth certificates because it will apparrently help them cope withtheir own shit. What they're really trying to do is increase the number of gay kids over the next generation so they have more fuck-holes. Meanwhile 'The project' is clapping this courageous move. That does it. I'm voting for the toughest fucking nationalist from here on. I used to be left. That sickens me.
>I'm an atheist, though more and more I wish i could believe in god.
You will start to believe him user.
Although not pictured, I think it's fair to say that Uncle Adolf scored a point against them, despite losing the game.
Emperors Titus and Vespasian dunked all over the Jews and then shot their whole team tho
just replace adolf with napoleon and you non-shill greatness
Too bad only two of those people actually existed
Everyone that compares the Christian Jews to the Jews of today is actually retarded. Jesus was sent, by the Father, to lead the Jews into salvation. Those that followed him were Christians. The ones that didn't were abominations. These are the Jews we are left with now. The Romans hesitated to execute Jesus because they had no reason in the first place. It was the Jews that demanded it.
Your brain on atheism.
jfk and hitler are evil, satan and gabriels
not wise to put Zeus up there, you
must want horrible things to happen
to you during great tribulation. so be
hitler was a fake jew kike amalekite
jfk had nigger genes from his irish
How can you know certainty and not believe in God?
Not an atheist.
What? You've evolved into a Pagan Larper?
and the bankers won.
Not a pagan.
Muslims believe in Jesus idiot.
Not a muslim.
Jews believe in Jesus idiot.
Because the globalist left and neoliberal right are Jewry incarnate
Not a jew.
Gentlemen I bring to your attention the Leaf.
>if I keep denying it then they won't have an argument hurhurhur
False Dichotomy.
Being the enemy of my enemy doesn't make you my friend but it doesn't make you my enemy either.
Also conflating "Liberal" with "democrat" was your first mistake. The founding fathers were liberal as hell and really liked big guns and little governments whereas the commie fags today claiming to be liberal are anything but.