And his retarded emotional arguments against Ben Shapiro
Molyneux DESTROYS Tucker Carlson
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Well Molymeme is wrong here. And that's why all the kids are going commie.
fuck off kike
Moly is way too biased and conceited for me to take him seriously. It's ludicrous for him to call himself a philosopher
Not an argument
>zealot defending his religion
>worship the Holy Market with me guys!
Even both commies and nationalists can agree - they fucking hate you idiots.
Tucker is right there
He is a genius with a lot of empathy
>he should be the face of the conservatives in the western world.
Still not an argument
Absolutely TUCKED
Literally not arguments.
>not an argument
Correct, it was a statement of fact. lolberts are zealouts who worship The Market at the expense of all else.
Going through the vid now, Moly's argument against Tucker in the first 10mins is based upon a strawman of Tucker's argument. Basically treating him as a luddite.
Not arguments
>I want to ban driverless trucks
>What do you mean I want to ban driverless trucks?
The Luddites were right tho.
Not an argument.
No one cares about molymeme here anymore. Go back to JewTube or Plebbit you faggot nigger.
dumb bald faggot.
he wasnt saying dont develop the tech nor to eventually implement it. he just said it cant happen now.
the funny thing about people like molyneux is that they always suck off corporations and free market... until youtube, twitter and paypal all decide to make a free market decision to throw their ass off their platform, then it's suddenly censorship.
What's the point of arguing with a faggot who apparently won't give anyone the time of day if they don't have a NY times best seller? When does he ever argue with anyone respectable?
Actually yes it is. Tucker is advocating for real politik and Stephan and Ben are having some sort of philosophical exercise. His argument is that what ACTUALLY happens to people is more important that what happens in THEORY.
the free market has let to 99.7% of Americans having Teflon in their systems lmao
Remember kids:
>not an argumenting isn't an argument either
>what ACTUALLY happens to people
Like WW2 veterans and American farmers? Yep, Stefan talked about it and Tucker is still wrong, and a hypocrite
Molyneux is the purest cancer to ever exist on this earth. There's no one on earth I wouldn't rather be stuck in a room with for an hour, not even the worst dictators, psychopaths, and thugs. He's completely evil.
WOW...Jow Forums BTFO!!
>muh'ing when it happens to others
>ree'ing when it hits themselves
>being able to stand back, days later and provide criticisms of a debate he wasn't even part of
This is the intellectual equivalent of hearing someone else getting called a nigger and responding with y-y-you too
Molymeme and people who're prone to libertarian arguments in general seem to really struggle with realism. I'm very prone to that sort of thinking. It's basically the inverse of neoliberalism imo. Neoliberals want all the upsides of a massive, centralized government and all the upsides of free markets. Libertarians know that sense of control is a stupidly destructive thing, despite the invariable successes and look for more realistic approach. But then that reasonable sensibility seems to invariably devolve into self-defeating intellekshual circle jerking and purity spiraling. Molymeme wants a "pure" free market, people who think otherwise just don't "get" freedom.
It's some one step forward, two steps back kind of bullshit that is very common in non-liberal people.
Tucker is right. Shapiro/Molyneux's problem is one of idealism. Sure, their systems are 100% free from coercion, or use minimal government force, or whatever else. They're logically consistent. But human beings don't behave in a logically consistent fashion. And it doesn't matter how "immoral" you consider the use/initiation of force, the people Tucker was arguing for will still shoot you or hang you from the street lamps when they start getting hungry. Morality doesn't factor into it when you and your children can't afford food because 90% of the jobs have been automated or shipped overseas.
If I close my eyes, I can almost imagine some working class folks throwing a rope over top of a lamp post and putting the noose around Shapiro's neck while he screams about how these people are wrong for violating the NAP.
we were put on this earth to serve capitalism, it's dismaying to see so many worker units stray from the light
Praise be to the GDP.
the only true religion
Explain how the Otto cycle engine was a net negative to the economy
Explain how alternating current was a net negative to the economy
Explain how the gas turbine engine was a net negative to the economy
Explain how the Internet was a net negative to the economy
I can go all day with real life emperical examples of labor reducing technologies that have grown the economy.
Self driving trucks and 3D printed houses will greatly reduce the need for shit skin immigrant labor.
But it won't stop it. As long as the GDP is the religion of politicians, we can never stop growing.
No one is making the argument that labor saving devices have a negative affect on total economic output. That's ludicrous. The contention is that if the entirety of the benefit to the economy accrues to a small percentage of the population, the likelihood of social unrest and violence increases dramatically.
It really doesn't matter what's fair, or just, or right. What matters is the results. At the end of the day, if you have a very small percentage of the population absorbing a completely out sized amount of wealth, you're going to have problems. The French aristocrats of the 18th century learned this lesson the hard way, and it's entirely possible our modern aristocracy will meet their end the same way.
Also, if you think the ruling class is going to stop importing third world shit skins by the boatload just because they figured out how to make a car drive itself, you're unspeakably naive.
its disappointing that i followed him so hardcore for years
and that cancer didn't kill him
lolbertarian kikes and their free market capitalism kikery, it's all so tiresome. another shekel for the good goys.
Literally who?
Technological dependency on industry. Human obsolescence. Mouse utopia experiment.
Imagine how retarded you have to be to be living in the modern world standing atop a mountain of technology screaming on the internet that technology is bad.
Go become Amish you retarded hypocrites. Give up technology. See what society is like.
Cronyist corporatocracy is not a free market.
molymeme is a jew and that's why he calls out everyone but jews and muh jews own all the media because muh high jewish iq
Not the argument at all.
To see this amount of socialist sentiment on the "far right", which I consider myself a part of, is disturbing. I guess that misnomer of "nazi" for the far right is actually true since a lot of people just want white countries + socialism.
To be right wing is to preserve the natural order. Wealth re-distributionism doesn't create a strong race.
It's more of an observation.
>Yeah leave your parents graves and move to some soulless town to become a cog in a machine
This line has meant more to me than a whole lot of Molyneaux shilling the free market ancap stuff, though the man still has some incredibly sound points and arguments.
Okay, as long as you know it is irrelevant to the topic at hand.
It is, though.
What is “the natural order”? Many companies lobby the government to get where they are, especially the trucking industry. Is that part of the natural order? If it is, why shouldn’t the employees of the trucking industry also lobby the government? If it’s not, then why should we care about reducing their profits?
No, it isn't, because your observation has nothing to do with the argument Tucker is making.
The difference is that we are removing the last jobs that don’t require education or much skill. In the past you could fall back on low IQ hard labor jobs or stuff like trucking that anyone with basic education can do.
But as we progress in technology and automate more and more manual labor to where low IQ requirement jobs are all robots and manual labor is all robots so you can’t take someone with a high school education and just give them a farmhand job or whatever they did after the industrial revolution, you’re creating a system where EVERYONE will have to have at least a degree to find any kind of work and not everyone even has that ability. Plus that takes time to train them etc
You used to be able to say we took your trucking job here’s a hammer but with your minimal education and low IQ/skills you can go hang drywall.
But when robots are 3d printing houses it’ll be we took your drywall job and flipping burgers etc but with your minimal education and low-IQ you can........program an IT infrastructure for a bank? Nope.
It’s a great line, many people think they need to abandon their family and the town they grew up in to go live in some city working some “great job” but they end up alone and using drugs to cope. This is especially bad for women.
>The results of the internet were bad
>The results of the car were bad
>The results of increased productivity in the fields caused 80% of Americans to be unemployed
That's not true. And the topic is bigger than tucker carlson.
lolbertarians gonna lolbert
meant for:
It's what Tucker did
How about you stop talking in greentext and actually address the point? I did not say or imply the internet, automobiles, or increased productivity are bad.
Yes it is, and the fact that you can't see it (and your memeflag) just confirms you're operating on the most basic surface level thinking possible.
Not an argument
explain where all the jobs are for people in the rust belt?
When all production is automated, how does the 80 IQ pay for food?
>need for shit skin immigrant labor.
Why would I argue with you? You've shown yourself to not even know what the point of contention is.
Well they don't pay for food now, you the taxpayer does.
Retards like you did, in the day. Just like Tucker uses emotional non-arguments to ban autodriven trucks, retards since before the luddites used the same to try to ban everything
He should have turned it more into an anti immigration episode desu.
>shitty jobs are going to get automated
>we need shitskins to do jobs no one wants to do
Well, pick one.
Adress this, fucking pedotarians
Correct, but I'm asking for an ancap theory, otherwise the submission then is socialism.
Nazism/fascism recognizes natural order, and realizes if you dont provide the working class subsistence youre asking for marxist revolution, and no level of whining about the NAP will stop them from being swayed from killing the people who didnt pay enough for them to survive, or laid them all off. Its pragmatism. Grant them subsistence, utilize them for a collective goal in the same way capitalism has created socialized collective labor (not in the terms of socialism), and keep the movers/shakers accountable for the effects they have.
I think you're projecting. And that's why I'm making fun of you.
Thats what Im saying.
>behave in a logically consistent fashion. And it doesn't matter how "immoral" you consider the use/initiation of force, the people Tucker was arguing for will still shoot you or hang you from the street lamps when they start getting hungry. Morality doesn't factor into it when you and your children can't afford food because 90% of the jobs have been automated or shipped overseas.
>If I close my eyes, I can almost imagine some working class folks throwing a rope over top of a lamp post and putting the noose around Shapiro's neck while he screams about how these people are wrong for violating the NAP.
Tucker lives in a little bubble himself though with his idea of things like not supporting automation for things like trucking. I mean it sounds nice. Yeah lets stop automation so these people will have jobs. Except that it doesn't stop the rest of the world from turning to automation. Then the US is left behind. Although you can argue that because of globalism it's just a race to the bottom, which is only solved by isolationism nationalism. Which nobody seems to be looking at as a solution. Even though the US has everything it needs to be an isolated country.
Just started listening to this, usually I like Molyneux but Tucker was right that communism emerged out of mismanagement. When people like Tucker say that it’s normal for average people to look at our current system and want socialism, they are making a factually correct descriptive, not prescriptive statement. Some people get so caught up in what ought to be done that they can see why someone might want to ask why a phenomenon is occurring,
Tucker did nothing wrong.
he lost me at public intellectual. 1/10
Also this. Tucker is coming from the reality that 20% of society produces 80% of results. If you remove all the jobs that 80% can do, it’s civil unrest time. And the majority of that 80% literally aren’t intellectually capable of learning to be able to do the jobs the 20% can do. But the more we automate and progress in technology the more we make it so only jobs the 20% can handle are available.
Imagine your 80yo grandpa having to apply for a STEM job when he can’t figure out how to use Windows. But he can swing a hammer or flip a burger. Same with Tyrone in the ghetto
All these people are kikes
>spanky man defending one of his tribe
>Even though the US has everything it needs to be an isolated country.
There's no such thing as an isolated society anymore. Every government in the world is in reach of your country. You need to maintain political relationships with all of them, and you need to dominate them on both economic and military fronts, or you are vulnerable to being destroyed.
>Self driving trucks and 3D printed houses will greatly reduce the need for shit skin immigrant labor.
HAHAHA. As long as the GDP needs to grow, immigration will never stop. We'll have a china level society (but with more immigrants) if it meant that was the only way for the GDP to grow. GDP is the single greatest factor that they care about.
While I agree with Tucker's general sentiment on the endgame of automation, you are correct. Sort of. We still would control the world market place, and overseas labor is already slave tier. Trying to compete on this ground is foolhearty. Simply need tarrifs, and one can maintain the jerbs for adjustment time.
holy SHIT molyneux ANAL RAPED AND GAPED tuckers ASSHOLE verbally. How can TUCKER ever recover
>There's no such thing as an isolated society anymore. Every government in the world is in reach of your country. You need to maintain political relationships with all of them, and you need to dominate them on both economic and military fronts, or you are vulnerable to being destroyed.
you don't need to do any of that if your a self sustaining isolationist. For what purpose? You can certainly maintain a strong military force for defense purposes, especially when we won't be babysitting the rest of the world.
Natural order = positive eugenices & natural selection, not stealing wealth from the successful and redistributing it.
Tucker's argument that he would simply ban self driving trucks so that Truck drivers wouldn't be simply dumped jobless on society is a sound one.
You can also obviously implement self-driving trucks slowly: allow each company a very small percentage of self-driving trucks so that we "know they're safe." They can only have like 3% of the fleet be self driving for 10/20 years or whatever so that many truckers will retire, and younger folks won't get into the business.
Molymeme and (((shitpiro))) are the worst kind of ideologues that the right have: they put policy on a pedestal and ignore the practical issues going on day to day. This is how the right lost the culture war so badly in the 60's, because it wasn't "principled" to fight it on a cultural level. Look where that jewishness brought us now...
>When people like Tucker say that it’s normal for average people to look at our current system and want socialism, they are making a factually correct descriptive, not prescriptive statement.
This. Of course I WANT free shit. Who doesn’t. But I intellectually understand the consequences and costs of that free shit and so I work to earn my shit.
I like the theoretical idea of a free market but when Stefan loses 90% of his audience and income being forced off YouTube onto Gab and that gets shut down by twitter mobs he’s going to see “start your own internet” is a tall order
Tucker left his parents graves and moved after jobs.
Amazing how you tuckittes didn't even watch molyneux' vid before shilling
>For what purpose? You can certainly maintain a strong military force for defense purposes, especially when we won't be babysitting the rest of the world.
If you don't defeat them economically, you ultimately won't be able to keep up with them militarily.
If you don't maintain political relationships, multiple countries can gang up on you and pillage you.
You need to be on a side, and you need to make sure your side is winning on both fronts.
The only options aren't stealing wealth from the successful and redistributing it to the poor via welfare state OR having a marxist class revolt.
it is a race to the bottom, with the intent of capital to replace labor entirely. dumb white collar people like coders, doctors, lawyers, etc think that the same automation isn't coming for them in due time, too. if you can successfully automate a car (which I have doubts about), you can have it do routine medical and legal work.
The problem with stefan and his free market love is that he never factors in TIME. It takes TIME to retrain all those truck drivers to do some other job. Years even. If they’re even capable of learning new skills. If YouTube shut stefan down and there was demand for an alternative sure it would be created but it might take 15-20 years. Is he okay with having no income for that period of time? The free market corrects itself.....EVENTUALLY. But that eventually could be a lifetime or more.
>make decision that is better for the people rather than the economy
>Suddenly I'm a communist
I love capitalism, but it has its limits. It is the greatest economic system, but without us at its wheel it will ruin any nation over time.
Its funny too that Communists use the argument "capitalism always controls the capitalist" and people like Stephan and Benji do everything they can to validate the critique.
He is le head shitposter on jewtube, trying to divide people from all walks of life suits these kikes who are losing traction, rather than have to deal with a vast peoples who are fucking done with their attacks on us all they are scared we find ourselves of one mind and take over the institutes and address thier monopoly of hate...
Its fully fucking on and they know it
Also,He needs a checkup from the neckup
And he moved for a high paying job. Is Cletus better off moving for low income work or would he and his family and kids and society be better off if he was close to his family and community that could help look after teach and raise his kids to contribute etc
Are we really better off as faceless passers-through living walled off and moving year after year, than when villages and communities knew eachother by name and helped eachother out?
And that is? When you put 80%of people out on the street with no jobs, they are going to simply take from the 20% until they are satiated. The free market isnt an end, its a means to acheive an end, just like a state.
Misguided dude. China's set to outgrow the US in 10 years. Why? Cheap labor, cheap parts, cheap products, no regard for anything other than work. The US can't compete unless they adopt similar practices.
As I said, with globalism, it's a race to the bottom. I'd rather the US not take part in that race. We currently have the most powerful military in the world, and it's not because of globalism.
And we can certainly maintain relationships with countries. If an ally is in trouble, we can agree to help, and likewise the opposite. I don't see winning the war of the economies as important as keeping your populous happy and free, and not more like China.
Wow, Molymeme picked the wrong hill to die on. Into the trash he goes. I guess he only wants a jewish boomer audience and gradually fading into obscurity.
> self-publishing, cult-leading leaf
miss me with that gay shit