How come there is a ton of anti american sentiment across the world, the media and even many americans themselves but yet they lecture americans to let more people in? Why would strangers should have to move to a country that is so 'bad'?
How come there is a ton of anti american sentiment across the world...
Joseph Watson
Other urls found in this thread:
Jeremiah Reed
To make the country worse.
Brayden Sanchez
to take our stuff
Asher Nelson
Why did you use a picture of Linus?
Hunter Lopez
don't you bring linus into this
Julian Brown
bcz americans are responsible for all the wars and degeneracy in the 20th century
Jacob Long
because the US is the biggest cause of wars and climate damage, fuck you
Matthew Rivera
because the us is rich you idiot
Jacob Thompson
they hate us because they aint us
Jordan Gonzalez
Wait is this the ugy from Linus Tech Tips?