Fucked up YouTube Channel

I've seen this several times on YT. Anyone who would exploit these children deserves to come back as one. Not sure if we should investigate this one. There is something seriously sinister about this man, and nobody in the comments seems to notice. I'd like to think fellow Jow Forumstards have experience with recognizing evil. I know I'm not crazy. This man might be a jew or some entity inhabiting the skin of a human.

Just pause and watch his face and false expressions. The forced smile. The bland questions. Something about him is SERIOUSLY wrong.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Shameless self bump. People need to be warned. Is this man possessed or does he just simply not have a soul?

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EXACTLY! It just blows my mind we waste time, resources, and emotion on these people that are so cripplingly disabled that they will never have productive, fruitful lives. Not even productive lives, they don't have lives at all, they literally can't do the extreme majority of the functions our species is built to do. Like that girl will literally never achieve anything; she will never fall in love, hopefully never have kids, she would NEVER survive on her own... She exists just for the sake of existence, and is a burden on society and her own family.

Put aside right-wing religious hardliners and fee fee loving leftist hardliners, and give me one good argument for putting these people through life... In the natural world, before humanity was dominated by the culture of massive societies, these people would have been left to die in infancy and it would have been understood that that is the natural thing to do. They were the weak link, they jeopardized the survival of the rest of the family... Not putting someone that fucked up through the suffering of life is akin to a fetus being miscarried or a baby being stillborn. It just fucking happens, why do we sit here and play God like this? If you think this is okay: your head is full of piss. Freaks like this go through torture and endless disappointments and hurt because these fucking idiot parents can't take the sane decision. This fucking jew capitalizes off it.

You can not change the human natures repelling instincts at seeing freaks like these. Do you think they are popular at school, have a nice time out and about, will ever get laid? What the fuck are you going to do about it? Join this cretin and form a mighty host of goodie two shoes to go door to door worldwide and change opinions that lie hard coded in our fucking genome? Go around picketing for tolerance? YOU’RE PART OF FUCKING PROBLEM!

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I mean, I think I would be uncomfortable around them too. I think he's trying to do good and be nice around someone that should most likely have been aborted, but is a bit creeped out by the thing still.

Have you legit not watched a single fucking video.... not only does he give these voiceless disabled people a voice but he also talks to their parents and tries to show the world that these people have a place in this society. This guy is a saint and only has the best interest of these children in mind. Do you really think these parents would allow their children to be exploited. You’re sick, you’re the problem. This guy is 10 times the man you are. I pity you I really do. Your life must be very sad and lonely. Find a hobby.

OY VEY! Never forget the 6 bijillion, goys!

He’s has converted his channel and everything else into a legit non-profit charity, so there's that. He's been doing this for a while and seemingly started out legit as a special education teacher in Florida.


What's odd though is that his degree from Penn State is a bachelors in communications with a specialization in (((media))). Doesn't seem like the type of degree a special ed teacher would get. So, who is this guy? His name is Chris Ulmer. Is he jewish? Highly likely. This would explain the (((push))) behind his channel and MSM exposure. Was taking tards to tv land his plan all along? Looks like it.

>I think he's trying to do good and be nice around
This is false and delusional.

There's no way he isn't a filthy jew: Long-nosed Disingenuous NPC Turbo Chad + exploiting disabled children for monetary gain + making videos about Holocaust survivors + overt pride in an apparent sexual fetish = K I K E.

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You're fucking delusional and emotionally manipulative
>niggers aren't human!
>gas the kikes!
>kill the faggots
>b-b-but those worthless vegetables are human like you and me user!

Does he rape these vegetables? Is he a jew? Why is he exploiting those deformed children? How does he keep getting away with it? Does he not realize the pain these poor shits are in—what abject horror is displayed with such disingenuous theater? Life’s a roll of dice. Anyone of us could've ended up like these sad bastards, and this fucker is making light of them for YouTube gibs.

>b-but he just wants to make them feel loved user!
Too bad they "feel loved" for about five minutes. That's about as long as their retard brains can retain information.


Disney tier suspenders wearing motherfucker has every mutation cataloged on his channel. God, I hope reincarnation isn't real; having to exist as any of these genetic abominations would be a fate far worse than eternal nothingness. Turbo chad's leaked retard porn vids WHEN?

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Jesus Christ.....what on Gods earth is this vile demon???

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I know him, he visited my sister a while ago. He paid us 2000 to have sex with my sister that has progeria. He said that he can't help but feel an enormous love for people like her. Since she had never felt the heat of a man we decided to let him do it.

He's a good man. He made sister feel very happy for the first time in ages.

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>do you want to have a boyfriend [you potato faced retard]?

If you read between the lines, he's basically making fun of them, but pretending to be completely serious so jewtube doesn't nuke his channel

Kinda clever desu

Jesus christ fuck off already. The tards seem happy enough

Remember that the Majority of the People on this Board have an IQ less than 90.No Point in Arguing with soulless Bastards

Ulmer is a German Name you absolute Retard
Around 50k People have Ulmer as their Family Name.
According to you they are all Crypto-Jews,right ?
Fucking Nigger

>This guy is a saint and only has the best interest of these children in mind
Ok now I know somethings up. Anyone who's branded a saint is really a monster. How many of these kids have he raped, murdered and necro-raped? Does he have a Fritzl dungeon full of them? Lets find out!

Retard alert. What is it about canada that breeds such low iq. You can't assert some is jewish just because they have a german name and a nose that for some reason is stereotypically jewish.

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>implying tards are people

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This guy's channel is half-sincere and half modern day freak show. I appreciate it since I'm quite interested in deformities and mutations as a layman. I like to think he gives them an opportunity to express themselves and exist beyond being a burden to parents.

Some of the people he shows aren't tragic accidents and are just slightly impaired. I find this one girl, who has chromosome 18 gone, to be strangely attractive. I like to imagine taking her out to eat and holding her hand in the park. I could marry her and take care of her the rest of my life. She seems sweet and very kind and I'd treat her like a queen.

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This thread is why all MEMEFLAGGOTS need to be banned from the board forever. Fuckin' retarded leaf bullshit.

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See /pol, you can laid

Anyone can even you. It's called getting a prostitute.

You have to go back

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>Not even productive lives, they don't have lives at all

But they seem happier than you, user.

Nope, I ain't clicking that shit.

Not politics, Fuck you, fuck your gay thread.

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These poor people are not kept down by their "disabilities" but by the white male cis gendered patriarchy. We need to make sure each college has at least 10% of these beautiful people.