Let's say Salvini becomes ruler of Italy and turns out to be super based beyond imagination.
Wouldn't it make sense to just offer migrants, refugees and their descendants that have gotten a legal stay under the previous governments 5000 - 10000 euro for leaving Italy?
if 2 million would take up this offer this would be an addition of 10 - 20 billion euro. Current debt stands at 2331 Billion euro.
The migrants would not think about long term effects on their life they would just see the short term gibs. Back in their home countries they could even do quite a lot with this kind of cash.
Migrants that are here for marriage with natives, are actually very useful to the economy or really love the country and feel some patriotism would stay because the reward is not that bad.
So would refugees that truly are afraid of their lives.
You just leave the choice up to them.
We just call it a repatriation subsidy for all the working immigrants that came here. A 'thank you for your service". In reality all ages will apply and anyone who can track its lineage out of the Schenghen area prior to 1950 can apply.
Lefties can not argue against this.
If you simultaneously squeeze the welfare crane a bit they would start to run in droves.
This is my wet dream.
Just tell me we can still just buy our way out of this mess.
Humane solution to the migrant problem that the left cant attack
Other urls found in this thread:
Why pay? My wet dream is a war.
Because you will only convince a quarter of Jow Forums to do the same, which is 0.02% of the total population and to top it off, their idea of war is posting memes.
Hehehe, yeah as long as we have some bantz and dreams while our continent is being eroded away, amirite ladz?
sorry but nobody want to hear """"""refugee""""""" and """""""humane"""""" in the same sentence.
try leftypol and gtfo swissfag
Not gonna happen whiteboi.
The superior BLACK MAN will take over Europe soon
lol and you want to give those niggers 5 to 10k , who gonna pay for this? us again? kek
>Lefties can not argue against this.
It seems you haven't been around them. They do not care for reason & rational thought. They care for their cult's goals to be achieved. Anything opposing said goals is a hostile obstacle that must be erased to further expand their "progressive" regime, for the benefit of everyone, of course.
Press P to automatically punch a fucking commie whenever you notice them in your general vicinity
You know 98% of your fellow niggers would grab the cash and run.
You cant be this deluded.
leftists don't try to argue, they just want to impose their rabbid views on everyone, it's straight up propaganda
Have them build the wall, roads and tent city on Mexican side of the border.
Yes you frog, you're paying much more for them to stay.
You need to think about this strategically.
Less than 1% of the debt gets rid of 2 million.
Ok they can argue but its an arguement they will lose in the eyes of the independents and more importantly their imported cattle voters who want free cashout gibs.
There's a reason it's a dream. Should things continue down this path however, war may not be so farfetched. Until then these sheeple can reap what they have sowed.
I dont want to reap what they have sowed though.
I fucking had it with this replacement scheme.
i think you're seeing this all wrong, you're going to give them money, then they'll try to come back for more gibs, and even push some other niggers to come too because anyway if they got kicked they'll get some free gibs.
what we need is a real willingness from the people in charge to put a stop to this madness, like Salvini or Orban.
Heres the humane solution. Every migrant able bodied male has 2 weeks to leave, will be detained on sight thereafter and shot if resistance is put up. Women, the elderly, and male children under 12 will be sent back home on planes to the country of origin. More time will be spent in interest of being humane due to their fragility. Theres youre only solution that will work. The only thing these people understand is force.
just kill them lol
Yes, it's unfortunate, but that's the way it is. Doubt we're going to have any changes until tensions rise further.
>reap what they have sowed.
i mean...
You clearly don't have a lot of experience with gibmedats. They would take the money, leave and then come right back lol
So we should make them rich just because they made it here and we hate them?
Fuck that, give them some shitty boats like the one they came with, a backpack with some food and drop them off at the coast on the other end
Surely you can do something about this. Well first off it's not just the migrants anymore. It's people that have naturalized, kids that were born here etc. People with a european passport or a permanent resident permit. Many have dual citizenship e.g. morrocans) many have ties with the nation where their forefathers came from.
They leave, they leave their passports, permits etc.
You do not let them come back.
This is for the legal migrants only.
Ok good luck in the next election if you push that through or even utter the thought.
Hedge maze
Every migrant has to play hole in the wall officially rather then the current system
Painted on tunnels
they came here in first place, if they did it once, they can do it back too.
everything indicate that anyway, from the current state, conflict is inevitable.
Is Austria fuucked too? I wanted to move there because they don't want to sign that Contract and seem a bit more "based" than Germany, even though I don't really trust Kurz. I get some Macron vibes from him.
>Humane solution to the migrant problem that the left cant attack
We need to stop worrying about these people and focus on our children's future. We must not have mercy on anyone because these migrants are weapons to weaken our societies. 100 migrants killed in the future will probably turn into 70 rapes less, 400 thefts less and 20 murders less. Also, let's not forget that most of these people are muslims, and every dead muslim is a potential less terrorist and one less pawn in the islamization of your country. We must not have mercy and vote for extremist parties, without caring for human rights defenders. So or the Koran, choose.
Remember, the consequences of a wrong choice will be paid by your children.
yeah you are never going to convince the majority of your nation to vote for politicians that spout this 'muh racism nonsense'. You know how idiotic the average european is.
>Hand in passport / permit
>Get a temporary stay permit for 2 weeks
>phase 1) completed here is your primary payment of 1000 euros.
>detect boarding of plane
>phase 2) completed 4000 euro's will be wired to your bank account.
>put on no refugee list.
>send money
très candaule tout ça.
a boat vest and 1L of water.
Send them all home to rebuild their nations. Say we’re going to help them. Muh Brain Drain.
you won't make it by paying your way this time, swissbro
you should read Camp of Saints.
Switzerland hold out the longest but eventually they also gave in...
Only force, the deadlier the better.
the main issue of this idea (I think something similar was suggested or just expressed as a potential idea by the current Austrian PM for Turks born in Austria that they claim to feel more Turks than Austrians) is that they do not respect your authority / the West.
They see us as some retarded rich nations that decided to give them free stuff just for being in our soil. The gib money are way too much for your 5-10K€ to have any serious value to them. They collect that much in a year, probably (depending on which EU country they are currently registered).
So, first you need to rebuild your status. Make them realize that the era of cucked Western leaders is over. Make them realize that you have no intention to allow them to "win" (see how Salvini handled it and how he constantly abuses the NGO ships - it's his way to pass the message that "this shit is no longer acceptable in Italy, so fuck off")
Once this has been established THEN you should introduce your idea of a get-off-my-land-barbarians program.
I'd describe it to be somewhere between Germany and Hungary. Subhumans are concentrated in certain areas yet the rich parts are virtually untouched even in Vienna.
The only option may be violence. But we would have to be the ones to initiate the civil war right across Europe. How would that happen. Will it ?
Judging by south africa it will not happen before all of africa moves in and have been in charge for 30 years.
Unless you close the borders they are just going to leave, and then go back to be paid again.
And if you succeed convincing a majority of western Europeans that we need to close the borders, we wouldn't need that shit anyway.
We should a) stop messing with Africa (IMF, NGOs and all those shits) b) make our country men proud of their culture (so they wouldn't accept people not assimilating, sorting the people here for gibs from the very tiny minority who truly love and admire our countries). This is the most humane and organic way to deal with this mess.
Only moral solution is a battle royale tournament. Winner gets legal entry and few million eurobucks
They would take the money and immediately move to another white country with gibs me dats. It's the exact same thing our niggers would do if we payed reparations for them to move back to Africa.
There is no peaceful way to get rid of them.
It wont take convincing if the economic problems hit the elites.
>Wouldn't it make sense to just offer migrants, refugees and their descendants that have gotten a legal stay under the previous governments 5000 - 10000 euro for leaving Italy?
???? I stopped reading here. The only solution, is to buy those used A380 from Emirates. Pack it full and send them back to whatever country you think they come from. They can walk back home then. Muh apefrican countries don't want them back. Who fucking cares ? Seize the assets of the 100 wealthiest people from their country and finance the expense of their countrymen living in your country. If it's not enough, just trust everything the asylum seekers are saying and topple their government, prosecute their leaders for all their "crimes". If thousand people are telling stories about being persecuted in their own country and seeking refuge in yours, it's your duty to help them to bring freedom to their homeland. Remember "never again", "the darkest hour"... humanitarian bombing should free them.
There is no problem.
With half the money we can set up a camp on an island
They can not run away, we can provide them with tents, food and basic medical care. The place will soon become a hell, they will kill and rape among themselves. If they want to stay in Italy they are there, otherwise they return to their shithole
They'll just come back and demand another payment to leave.
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our debts and we forgive
our debtors,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from Israel, with a 9+ richter scale earthquake,
for thine is the kingdom and the power
and the glory, forever. Amen.
All refugees, migrants, and illegal immigrants that are taken into any country should be sterilized. The migrants aren't even the biggest problem, it's their offspring that they will have when they settle down in a country. Spics come here explicitly to breed, and besides the initial anchor baby, they shit out several more more kids who will become citizens and replace the native population. In Europe they have it even worse with Muhammed having at least ten kids. I read about a drone strike hitting a man's house in Yemen and killing 20 of his kids. Fucking twenty, amd he still had some left! These subhumans shouldn't be allowed to breed regardless but people from the poorest countries just shit out so many kids and then they can't support their populations and they migrate. Any displaced person who by voluntary or involuntary reasons wants to seek refuge in a foreign country should be automatically sterilized. When a country aids real refugees and lets them enter their country to escape war or famine they are guests, and the refugees would do well to remember that, but when they breed they become squatters and leechers. Breeding is not a human right, and it is especially not a right for poor or displaced people, or poeple who ignore international law for their own benefit and to the detriment of the host country. Mandatory sterilization for all illegal immigrants (including the children they arrive with) and migrants would circumvent a lot of the incentives for the leeches to want to enter a nation. Moreover, it a terrible thing for migrants to breed, for they are the weak peoples of their nations, they could have stayed to fight what problems were ailing them but instead they fled. The weak and the poor and the docile are outbreeding the strong in almost every country, further producing a new generation of malnourished, poorly educated and ill mannered bastards.
It's not an acceptable white man solution. Dignity, moral and justice should be guiding your actions.
how is the situation in society? Germany is fully split again and you can't have any discussion with Leftists.
I'm more afraid of native Germans than migrants at this point.
Chile did this and it worked. But we're better at negotiating, so they only got free plane tickets.
redpill us on this.
Would you pay me to leave your house after I broke into it?
>Humane solution to the migrant problem that the left cant attack
they attack everything, especially humanity but here goes.
>They can stay in their countries..
>Humane solution to the migrant problem that the left cant attack
Make a refugee camp. Anyone can come or leave anytime, no question asked. No size limit. Every migrant found is escorted here so he can wait for the end of the war and come home once it's done.
Make it in Algeria.
>It's not an acceptable white man solution. Dignity, moral and justice should be guiding your actions.
Why? Australia does it without anyone opening its mouth. See Nauru island on gmap.
If Italy raises its head and expels immigrants they send us UN inspectors, while in Paksitan they hang Christians because they have offended muhammad. Something is wrong with this fucking world, and it is certainly not Italy's fault. They do not belong to my country and my country does not belong to them, they have to go or they will be deported to the island. Many will choose to leave on their own, others will do so after a few months on the island. We do not kill anyone, we provide food and medical care as mentioned. Even the others who want to come clandestinely will think twice about coming to Italy because in Italy the illegal immigrants are deported to the island
What I'm still trying to figure out is when did the left start supporting exploitative global capitalism and destabilizing mass migration?
there is no humane solution
you can't vote your way out of what's coming
you can't hide
When was that law passed in the 60's in America allowing all non whites citizenship ? That was when.
1087 haitians
pretty based, we just need to up that 10000x
It's not just the refugees. It's mainly the worker immigrants and their offspring. They will outnumber us soon.
40% of german babies have immigrant backgrounds. I want to fly them back as well.
This is an onslaught desu.
A demographic apocalypse.
Then cut the gibs. Crash the economy so there is no money to redistribute. All the leaches will fly away in just a week. Italy got it right. As soon as the money is gone the problem is gone.
>offer 5,000 euros to any """refugee""" willing to go home
>they sign up in droves, millions waiting with outstretched hands
>deport them all for being here just for gibs, anyone willing to go home for 5,000 euros doesn't deserve to stay
why would you care about German babies?
>They pay 1000 to get back in
Are you trying to imply the concept of open borders isn't the product of Reagan republicanism and Koch Brothers think tanks?
>why would you care about German babies?
Because they are overbreeeding you
me not him
Also that is a good thing for Europe.
Immigration and welfare states don't mix. To crash the system means to just flood up with no good migrants but I doubt they'd just leave and instead throw a bull-blown chimp out.
Better yet, send them all to Belgium, Switzerland, and Austria where most of the elites live.
>Also that is a good thing for Europe.
If Germany is populated by descendants of Pakistanis becomes Pakistan. Pakistan is Pakistan because it is populated by Pakistanis, Italy is Italy because it is populated by Italians. Pakistan is a shit because it is populated by shit, if you take shit and put it in Germany, Germany becomes shit. What can Europe earn? nothing, only misery, death, destruction and social regression
Objectively Germans are far worse for Europe than any other group.
Replacing us would make life better for you.
white countries are doomed
>Replacing us would make life better for you.
But replacing you with people worse than you is not the solution, especially if we talk about people who could bypass the border to infect neighboring countries with Islam. Then it's not the Germans who hurt Europe, they even realize that those who are harming Europe - their politicians - are doing it to them too
>with people worse than you
No such thing
how much for a vasectomy ahmed?
80% of this pic is bullshit.
But Germans are quite dangerous because they are too fanatic if they have created an idea no matter how stupid it is.
The pic is exaggerated but there is truth to it.
We are cancer to Europe.
Two world wars and the EU
Resettle them in the Middle East, with European taxpayers footing the bill.
>can resettle many times more "refugees" because it is far cheaper to resettle them in ME vs. Europe
>will not be oppressed by racist white people in Europe
>will be able to retain their own culture without pressure to assimilate
>will not need to make dangerous journey to Europe
>Europeans can feel good because they are paying for it all
>how much for a vasectomy ahmed?
By placing them in a detention camp, it is possible to provide food containing hormones for chemical castration. For me the best solution is the creation of detention camps or identification and expulsion centers, call them whatever you want. Islands are perfect because they can't escape.
Germany was also behind pushing the global compact to legalize Merkels actions of 2015 to avoid persecution after her political career is over,..
But I'd say 15-20% of Germans are not brainwashed.
not good idea if you want tp brown every white country.
Here is another proposal left can't say NO to: we shrug our shoulders and say that okay, you win. However, we don't want any part in what you are doing and you need to take full responsibility. We force left to pay migrant upkeep solely out of their own pockets, and we force them to live among migrants.
>5000 - 10000 euro for leaving Italy?
why would you do that when you can earn 10.000€ every year, working dead end menial jobs like janitor, trucker, cabbie, painter, waiter, construction worker, etc.
now I'm not claiming every migrant is an engineer and a doctor but most all of them have the lowbrow lower class cunning. you're a fool if you think they'll fall for 5000€, especially after already spending thousands of € and risking life and limb to get to Europe. there is more and more of them camping here, waiting to border hop into Croatia, they're on Western Union money transfer taking out hundreds of € all day long. traffickers are offering to transfer them for like 1000€ a pop and you think 5000€ will solve anything.
>Just tell me we can still just buy our way out of this mess.
maybe like increase it to 50.000€ but then you'll only encourage more of them to come and claim free money.
We should drop all refugees on Israel, since it is responsible for creating them.
>Make it in Algeria.
The global refugee camp should be somewhere safe, and no place is better guarded than Israel
Who are you, based Italy user with whom I would totally share a meritocratic right wing enclave?
Then they'll just keep coming expecting a bribe to leave.
I disagree certainly for a country like Italy they dont make much there. For africans 5000 and certainly 10000 is a fortune.
Look at the Chili example 1100 Haitians just took a flight and no money.
It's not so much the refugees. The majority of the immigrant background people here are people who came for work. They make kebab in every street and clean our toilets at work.
Also I dont really want someone to leave that is 40+ and has a job here.
I want the 15-25 year olds to leave that are unemployed and will spawn kids in the near future.
You must be retarded if you believe this won't open a floodgate.
More will come just so they can get payed to leave.
Your nation’s entire history is about obtaining shekels and providing haven for ((())). It is understandable that you would project your pathologies onto others. You are mistaken if you think we can be bribed out of our conquest.
>More will come just so they can get payed to leave.
You can make it a 1 time thing.
Everybody who was in the country prior to 1/1/2019 and can retrace a majority of their lineage back to outside the Schengen zone and after 1950 will be eligible to leave with cash (unable to return) within the next year.
you could send some of the Sub Saharan blacks away, but most of the MENA and South Asians coming to Europe actually have a plan. work in Europe, bring in family or send money back home.
the best thing you could realistically do is what Germany did with exYugoslavia. issue long term work visas but no family reunification, permanent residence or citizenship. have them work in Europe till they're like 45 then send them back home with 1/10th German pension.
it's a triple win situation. for EU countries they get their cheap labor & low pensions + no demographic disturbance. countries of origin get to dip into those sweet, sweet EU salaries and don't have to worry about paying pensions or healthcare for people who worked abroad. finally the workers themselves get to save a shitton of money, improve their lifestyle and upon returning back home they still receive pensions that are 10x what they'd receive from their own gov.