Right now I have no idea what people see in Christianity but I'm curious to learn. Basic trite answers like "Jesus saves!" or "the bible is the word of god" or any other self referential bullshit isn't very helpful by the way
Persuade me to become Christian
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No irony- bible lectures at youtube persuaded me. Was raised christian tho, but angry atheist warrior for 10 years.
Jesus is a historical figure so you must believe he existed as no real historian has ever given decent prove to the contrary. We have 32 different texts about Jesus during his life time from non biblical sources. Lastly his disciples were killed for their beliefs lies don't make good martyrs. best answer open the bible and let it fight for itself mate there are plenty of churches willing to answer questions about his divinity.
I've believed since I was little. I pray to God and feel His Presence. The Bible is powerful to me. I love Jesus and I love His people and His songs and I love going to church. Mostly I just believe. You can't convince anyone. We are predestined to believe or reject. Jesus took my sins.
this is true but people can change so I think you are wrong and not helping.
This too.
It's true. All of it.
You get to keep your foreskin, the rest is like playing judaism on casual difficulty
Do you believe the Greeks existed? Lol You don't understand historical accuracy. There is a lot of evidence for his existence. Start with Josephus.
God is logos - that is to say, God is the ultimate truth, the infinite potential of this universe and the highest ideal. God is the subject of worship for this reason. This idea is the source of all the freedoms you arrogantly would consider "basic human rights"... Free speech, reasonable treatment by your peers, honest truthful dealing, they all stem from the concept that the Truth is something that men should align themselves with, because it is good to do so. To be created in the image of God doesn't mean to share a physical shape with him; what it means is that every word you speak manifests the divine into reality. This is the basic tenant of Western culture
Jow Forums isn't christian, they're what Jesus specifically describes in the bible as "antichrists" which contrary to popular belief is literally just a group of people calling themselves christian who actually arent, and will "produce bad fruit" meaning they'll give Christianity a bad name. If you need an example, take a look as the dying state of the religion.
You want Christianity? Go feed the homeless. Go for a jog. Love thy neighbor, get the fuck off this website. Make a positive impact on the world and set an example for everyone else. That's what God is user, at least that's what I hope he is. Because if traditional right Jow Forumsfags are correct and God is what they think he is, then you're literally living in a Lovecraft Novel about a genocidal deathgod who demands you don't like it up the arse and you need to spend all your time worshiping him before else you'll be sent to a cosmic rapeworld.