My first day in America and this chair was literally in the waiting room. I thought the fat American thing was a meme but wow it's more real than I ever would have imagined. you're a bunch of keks
My first day in America and this chair was literally in the waiting room...
Tyler Jones
Samuel Brown
that chair was pulled out just for you OP
Kevin Nelson
kek. OP btfo
John Davis
Yea,nice try OP, you faggot.
Brody Stewart
>My first day in America and this chair was literally in the waiting room
My first search on Google images, and this chair was literally everywhere.
James Fisher
haha you took his joke and said, 'no you'. sick burn my dude
Easton Torres
which state?
William Perry
Jonathan Baker
how fucking new are you?
Joseph Harris
Wow my dude, you just took his joke and pointed out the obvious. Sick burn.