So this is how the white race dies

So this is how the white race dies

Attached: 1542827496297.png (316x246, 59K)

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Don't forget all the race mixing faggots on Jow Forums.

She cute for 81. CUTE

It's how the degenerate dead-end whites die off. (and thats a good thing)

Find Jesus as soon as you can.

Attached: fertility-vs-political-views.png (1000x800, 45K)

Are your eyes covered by fat?
Shes 51. 50 + 1.

51 user

and all she had to do was pop out a little white baby a few decades ago and instead of committing suicide she could be arranging to visit her newborn grandchild now

I will not speak ill of the dead. It's a good thing she fed her dogs

Good. The anglo roaster got roasted. Only seed pure breeds.

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Why didnt she have kids with her dogs?

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