When will you neckboard faggots realize you've been living a lie, and that the true redpill is a traditional catholic/orthodox monarchy?
Fuck Fascism
Fashism = Work your way up, get stronger
Monarchy = Never work your way up, maintain weakness
A chosen by god king used to send people to die in the middle east to fight in a war against sandpeople. Some things dont change
Fascists are our natural ally you dumb cunt
You need fascism to install a monarchy in a corrupt society
Fascism is the controlled opposition to real conservatism, monarchism. There's a reason why people like Hitler were funded by many western governments right up to WWII.
And why was that?
to get gay with kids
You sick fuck
>true redill
Sure, tell us how fucking your cousin is redpilled
Idk about orthodoxs, but I don't want to be ruled by a inbred nigger blessed by a kiddy fiddler
No you fag, why would you trust godless, blood idoltary, fascists to install a traditional monarchy?
Yes you faggot, they complete themselves.
When will YOU Papist faggots realize you've been living a lie and the true redpill is that worldly politics are all theater from Satan and NO government will be any better until the return of Christ
that image is neither Obi-Wan, nor Dumbledore
So we're just supposed to roll over and be third world shitters, until the big guy comes back to visit?
Why is there no monarchist/reactionary flag on here?
>monarchies are based
Kaiser Wilhelm II single handedly destroyed the German Empire. That's all it takes to tear a monarchy down, one idiot ruler
Read Hobbes before you talk shit on monarchism
Go read about the Tsarist monarchy sometimes, that's the best documented because it lasted into the modern age. Its the most retarded system and its unbelievable how everyone hated it so much nobody had to fire a single shot to bring it down.
Wtf??? The Russians spent years quelling monarchists after the revolution and had to brand ww2 as “the great Russian war” to get conservatards in rural areas to go along with it in the same manner that revolutionary France declared war on Austria
Fake news bro
It wasn't the kaizer, but the great war. So many demands from a country that is dirt poor and starving from trade blockade will tear any country apart. No one expected this war to escalate to what it was.
He still believes in 'social contract' sophistry. Hobbes has some good points, to be sure, but I think he's overrated.
Feudalism was the perfect system. If you wantef to move up socially just join the army or church