Anyone else notice white women are getting BEANED more than ever?
Anyone else notice white women are getting BEANED more than ever?
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Mashallah this is a nice family.
is 'beaned' what we're going with then?
Calm down Pedro, have you taken your A.D.D. pills today?
>he literally looks like her with darker hair and eyes
meh if their children breed with another white woman/man the children end up looking white
nothing wrong with this
as stated, their kids kids will end up looking completely white.
looks like a fucking romanian hahahhahaha
But maybe it's because this happened to my genes, and my skin started getting pink/white and my eyes started getting hazel
Yes, we did that, try and stop us
can confirm, but this was apparent more with gen x'ers in my experience. i can't tell you how many roasties who fucked niggers in high school all seemed to end up marrying a pedro.
Has anyone one noticed that OP is jewkikeniggerfaggot
I want to cum so much in that loli. I'd fill her up every day if she was mine.
what other term?
I honestly couldn’t care less about this. Latino genes are weak, that guy is a white-leaning Castizo (probably over 80% white) and his kids look white. Probably the mix that produces the whitest kids. They look like a nice, wholesome family.
White men are because they can virtue signal without going full black
American white men are not living up to the selection pressures.
As a gay white man. Mexicans are more spicy
So what? white/pink ppl doesnt look good, it's better a light brown skin
the loli...MY DICK
My white sister got beaned. She has 6 kids now. Not even joking.
Beaners are part Euro at higher rates than blacks anyway so isn't it really their lines getting a further bleaching when they breed with Whites?
That’s a sad story.
Shrugs. How is she any whiter than him? But for blue eyes she'd look just as spic.
Top notch loli we have here, desu. 10/10
Her husband looks mostly Spanish looking, so it really isn't horrible.
Who cares. Hispanics are much better than niggers kikes or shitskins. The baby would still be whiter than most of America
>Anyone else notice white women are getting BEANED more than ever?
...and their children look ugly as sin. Stupid whores.
Would you prefer 'beanboozled'?
you realize that to have a generally "white" looking human race would mean that we'd need to have 7billion whites and 1 billion "others"
He's a lot closer to master race than that thing beside him
Most "white" Americans are part native anyways, they're really the same race in different degrees.
stay tuned for more at 11.
I transferred from a well off, majority white school into a half spic, rural shithole. Those people in your photo are subhuman animals. Whites that are comfortable around beaners are the most robotic fucking trash plebs.
mutt master race checking in
no it isn't you fucking retard
white women will bang a 5 foot tall manlet beaner with no money whose 6 inches shorter than her.
but a white guy has to be rich and 6'3 and have god tier social skills, and even then shes likely to cheat on him with some shit tier brown animal manlet.
white women are truly garbage. i tonight, have finally taken the yellow pill.
the native part is literally a fraction of a percent on average. i think .2%
i have a niece that dates mexicans and im a millionaire in my mid 30s and ive already told her race mixing degenerate ass that shes never getting anything from me even for christmas or fucking birthdays.
Beaners are retarded sadists. I've seen little irish looking, white manlets that rant about how much they love mexico. Mixing with them is degenerate.
>Anyone else notice white women are getting BEANED more than ever?
This is actually really hot. Is there any porn that you can share about this? I think I can fap to this.
You are taking what comes around goes around to a whole new level Spain.
She looks like a goblina. You have to be mentally ill to think beaners are attractive in any way.
What European race is she? Too generic to tell.
The rural school was full of race mixing propaganda. White people have no culture to participate in through K-12. Everything is designed to shame and abuse them.