Are You on CDC list?

1 hr after vaccination, pt reported to feel dizzy, weak, vision went black for a few seconds, got pale with purple lips x 1/2hr. Felt better after drinking OJ. Then
got temp 101F and chills x 1 day.

CDC list of illnesses caused by vaccine
pdf 1,637 recorded injuries.

Attached: CDC-FLU-SHOT-678x381.jpg (678x381, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:

ive gotten vaccines since i was young and only had a fever like once

nformation has been received via a company representative regarding an article concerning a 11 year old female. On an unspecified date, the patient was
vaccinated with Gardasil. Subsequently the patient fell from the examining table. At the time of this report, the outcome of the event was unknown. No further
information is available

2 hours after Gardasil Administration pt developed inability to swallow. Advised to take Benadryl by covering physician and go to ER. In ER not given EPI but
Solumedrol to take for 5 days

>1600 pages

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1,600 cases
curtisy of judicial watch

but you coincidentally have the tism


fuck you in the ass, nigger!

I’d say back atcha but you’d like it too much because you’re an insolent little faggot

Antivax dumbasses are not welcome here, fuck off back to fagbook you stupid cunts.

do people actually belive this stuff causes autism etc

They literally target the dumbest people in society with these things. Beetus meds come with free shots. Does that not tell you anything?

>governments and sciences infested with self proclaimed eugenicists who believe in population reduction

I see the (((new Germans))) are retarded faggots

Show your flag

Are you in the medical field? What is your job?

come at me on the streets with that tone and see what happens, nigger.

>Trump HHS Official Found Dead: Ruled Suicide By 'Multiple Blunt Force Injuries'


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Smart people
>Japanese Government Continues to Ban the MMR Vaccine

Just some coincidental renal failure...

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Do people actually believe it doesn’t? The only people that still refuse to admit it are the kikes and roasties that won’t admit they harmed their child because they blindly obeyed super daddy government.

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Im a PhD in neetology and I work for Jow Forums laboratories.

Not going to engage in tin foil hat conspiracy autism theory with these vaccines, however I will tell you guys I work in a hospital and most nurses within the last 2-3 years have opted to wear a mask instead of get the annual immunizations. That should tell you something.

Look at data. No autism in Amish communities. CDC will not print or make public donors. Well golly gee, wonder who donates to the CDC?

unironically this.

I'm growing a 2nd penis and my tongue is like a lizard's since my flu shot. The gals all seem to like it, so I don't see it as a real issue.

you're 12 and what is this

When you are injected with a vaccine, it is deactivated viruses. Your body treats it like a real virus and activates your immune system causing symptoms indicitive of the disease, which then pass quickly as the contaigon is purged by the body.

The reason you feel dizzy, weak, and have fever is because those are the ways your body fights infection, and your body is infected, with defective viruses that do not reproduce, which is why the illness passes after about a day.

Or, you know, it could be all the mercury, lead, and Jew blood.

Source on no autism in Amish communities? Because that makes no sense, vaccines are not the only cause of autism

Old shitty sperm has a lot to do with it. Lots of fat fuck 44 year old men that ate garbage and didn't exercise for 30 years are impregnating women. Then you attack the subsequent weakling in every way imaginable from the second he's born. And this is what you get.

Read the vaccine insert disclosure that Dr hide from you. You have to ask for it
>May cause fever and seizure
Seizure caused by lack of O2 to brain causes permanent brain damage. Autism
Stupid Kraut.

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We live in a country where getting health care costs puts people into debt.

Yet they make sure everyone gets this free flu shot.

They came to my work and all the people I work with reported feeling like shit after.

They kept asking me to do it and I said no if I got the flu I am healthy enough that my body will fight it on its own. A little discomfort never killed anyone.

I am in my 20s.

Maybe if I was like 60?

Oof, CDCIDF got BTFO haaaard

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Only us burgers and the religious.

My company forces us to get the flu shot. I have felt like shit for weeks since.

They words are true.
They also "don't believe" (i.e. don't CARE) about many other things, such as child trafficking and trafficking in child abuse and destruction, psychotronics distributed throughout urban infrastructure as "muh technology", weaponized and criminalized notions of national security and public safety all in service of the Crown and Vatican's Exchequer Abroad (FED), MICC (military industrial congressional complex) with technology matched only by their hubris and evil, and it goes on and on what these monkeys and their whores and puppets will not see, hear or speak (manifest evil in and of the world). They basically will not fight it, and have rolled over to it, as they are peasant-ass coward and fools.

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Bitch meet me in the Walmart parking lot in 5 minutes and we’ll measure dicks

Okay all you smart goys
What was supposed to happen after a vaccination shot?

where you at faggot?
I'm 6'3, 280 lbs
what you wanna do bitch?

12 And 3/4 faggot. What are you gonna do about it and wtf is this??!?

the masses start to believe that there's nothing wrong being jabbed by the state?

So what you're telling me is most unvaccinated kids and most jokes about anti-vaxxers get old? I guess I agree.

ask your mom if you're confused, bitch.

Still waiting on that full address, faggot.

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington DC 20500
Good luck getting through the gate.

Weak-ass fag
>Hurr durr i'm strong enough to fend off the flu
>Fuck me this vaccine makes me feel awful though :*(
I got the flu shot last week. My shoulder was sore for a day, that was it.

The only things people should be getting vaccinated for are things that can kill you as your immune system is trying to fight it off (ex. smallpox, polio, typhoid, etc.). For everything else just tough it out. Naturally produced antibodies are stronger and are better in the long run than those created by vaccines.

nice job providing false information.
get reported, faglord.


It definitely makes allergies, asthma and autoimmune disorders significantly more likely.

I knew you'd bitch out. Pussy.

You're one of those people that think fluoride and frozen lunches are good for you.

you know it's a crime what you just did?

enjoy being tyreke's bitch in prison, white boy.

>Oi I'm a tough guy let's fight!
>P-please get the bad guy for sharing public information and saying mean things officer.

how does it feel to get memed, fagit?

You found yourself in a hole. Stop digging .


How many people have died of smallpox?

When my son was born, we asked 5 different nurses their opinion and 4 of them told us off the record that we where doing the right thing by avoiding the shots. All of them warned us that the doctors would be harsh on us. 2013.

Bitch are you stupid I just told you we’re gonna measure dicks at Walmart and when you lose your illiterate ass is gonna walk inside and apply for a job handing out stickers

Blood-Brain Barrier.
Preservatives injected 16 times before age 2.
Death, and developmental disabilities skyrocket.
Stories of children going "Dark" within hours, all with similar tales.
>Nope, totally safe, I had a vaccine when I was a kid, and nothing happened to me!

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Thanks JW, let's hope it wakes up some people who have skin in the game, to toss out these niggers who just play this for cash.

>When my son was born, we asked 5 different nurses their opinion and 4 of them told us off the record that we where doing the right thing by avoiding the shots. All of them warned us that the doctors would be harsh on us. 2013.

>Death, and developmental disabilities skyrocket.
>Stories of children going "Dark" within hours, all with similar tales.

From what I understand, part of the problem is people cramming all vaccinations into too short of a timeframe. The reason doctors insist on getting all the shots early and in quick succession is that statistically, people won't come back to get the vaccinations if they space them out. If you are a responsible adult and have your shit together (which you SHOULD be if you have reproduced), then you should be able to handle making sure your kids get vaccinated on a proper (and safe) schedule.

Thank you user's for digging in, many children are being paralyzed across the U.S. and CDC says it is a mystery

>Thank you user's for digging in, many children are being paralyzed across the U.S. and CDC says it is a mystery

Versus how many that get vaccinated with no issues? Gotta break a few eggs, user....