Why does this place feel so dull?

Have you all gone soft?

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it's reddit infestation
just look at the """pol Humor""" threads
it's barely racist and mostly unfunny, I used to actually enjoy these.

i got lazy and stop posting.
i'll be back in 2020.

Campaign spending slowed down, less shills.

Still better than scoopsposting. Has there ever been a meme forced that hard? Dat boi maybe?

Paid opposition

Racists BTFO by election are now recovering, will be back in a bit.

summerfags larping as nationalists who literally unironically worship and white knight for white women.
this board was swarmed by actual cucks. we used to make fun of them.
its over now. board is dead.
its been over since 2014

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65% of the activity on this board is generated by bots and redditors/transplants/discord raiding teens

We are in a winter black pilled depression right now. Also, exams n shit got us down even more.

Hopefully its just a stage.

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Trust me bro, im trying my hardest

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>Have you all gone soft?
redditshills who are jannies
nigger hate threads and the like get insta-purged
while eceleb, demoralizations, and normie headline threads stay up all day long (they aren't even interesting)

The only way to cull the transient population is by doing your part and post
> nigger hate
> gore
this kills the normie

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Anti-Trump shills with a sick agenda have ruined the original spirit of this board and killed the high energy.

>the original spirit of this board
which was red-pilled chaos.
Jow Forums wasn't about taking codified political sides / positions

even with the paid shills for the past few years, you at least got extremes going at each other.
It isn't one side or the other that kills this place. Its the uncreative, neutered normie think

that, and the over population of zoomerfags who don't know shit to begin with to have a meaningful dialogue about anything.

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Can't they just ban the anti-Trump stuff?

its boring honestly, either you numbnut motherfuckers are mad enough to grab a weapon or you're not, reading your shitposts about how mad you are isn't all that intriguing, let us know if you ever plan to do anything, you owe me some entertainment.

You're such a faggot for suggesting that.

Original pol:
pro Trump, memes, pissing off libs in creative ways
All Shareblue posts lying, saying Trump is losing, not letting you explain anything


So what? You emotionally attached to this place or something? Half of us would be glad to see this site nuked anyway.

>Can't they just ban the anti-Trump stuff?
use filter, normie
if you're not filtering 100 threads at any given time, you may as well be one of them

> also, you should notice that most faggots fucking this board are the ones posting

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>original Jow Forums
>pro trump
>pissing off libs

Kike mods and jidf

because this place is almost entirely boomers now. who knows where everybody went or if the based and redpilled republican hysteria really caught on worse than I thought.

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Something has definitely happened to Jow Forums. Jow Forums is also changing as youve seen.
I really think their is some gay op going on here. Jow Forums needs to wake up

It's called Shareblue and it's a democrat op to make people think that everyone hates Trump or his administration isn't doing well. They want to keep redpilled people from voting. DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM.

And you know that how?

>Why does this place feel so dull?
This thread will get pruned in a little bit
> they all do
whenever you bring up anything that points out the trends of this place, it happens
The worst thing that could happen is that those that have found themselves on Jow Forums actually begin working together collectively

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anyone who isnt a drool covered retard can tell that trump is a loser, you dont need paid posters for that.

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Because kikes like yourself reveal it daily through your total lack of self awareness.

How many shekels do you make?

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So you're a faggot who doesn't know anything at all. Got it.

because Gritty

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ask yourself whats more likely
a bored fat american who has nothing better to do with his time likes to shitpost with strangers on the internet and shit on our failure of a president
im actually being paid by the israeli government to shit on our failure of a president in order to convince other fat bored americans with nothing better to do that our president is a failure

take your time.

I was range banned for 24 hours...
Things are getting weird around europe...

I keep redpilling people I meet, the technique this place have taught me have created a powerful revolutionary teacher!
Setting minds a blaze 24/7!
But you are correct, the best of us went to 8ch Jow Forums and /qresearch/, they have based mods who do their jobs well and the shills are timid as fuck.
Come join us!
I'm more of a front line fighter who likes to save innocent newfags from turning.


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on the kike dole, errytime...
Same pattern for 200 years bruh, if you talk fag and suck nigger like you, you're either a kike or paid by one...
Faggots like you make me sad

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why are you letting me kill threads?

Seriously, I can't bump threads? Fuck is this?

Mods, what the hell?

Things are getting so weird, fucking kikes and niggers just can't lose with grace...
It's over you know, you should have put up a better fight five years ago, but you thought you had it...

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go on fren?

I'll just keep bumping!
Teach you fuckers to range ban me!
Fucking kikes, pinkos, faggots and niggers!
Come at me

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I like it more and more all the time.

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Were co-opting the Gritty meme over here. Art Fags are killing it. Come and have a laugh with us, user.

Can't even get doubles anymore...
You know I used to get doubles, kid...
I even called a tripples get back in 2012...
Back then we thought the world would end...

Little did we know...
now, most of us have left...
I bunch of us realized we had won and moved on to successful lives.
It's like a bunch of us broke though, well, we were always broken.
We gave the last ounces of what ever was healthy within us to you, healed the world...
But we were never suited for a healthy world, just as our former enemies who we woke up...
Us, we, Jow Forums are still here, marinating in the stew of former commies desperately seeking meaning, shills who lost their mind, NPCs caught in a virus, bleeping and blooping...
It's our hell...
But little frens, do not ever forget, we're not stuck in here with you.
You're stuck in here with us, for ever.

We hurt you bad frens...
We won
We killed you already...
This is your stay in hell, enjoy the show

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thats because the mods ban and flag all the good posts

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It's the mixture of paid shills and reddit faggots. The shills make the low quality contrarian bait threads, and the reddit faggots flood them and sperg out.

this too


good thing that the mods will be hung and their families will die in poverty for what their pathetic brothers, sons and husbands did.

Nah, we've gone to Ricardo memes.


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pol, tv, r9k, and sp have all lost half of their posters since 2015...

its pretty embarrasing to still come here seeing as how all the magic and fun is gone, but how else will i spend my nights

We need a good raid. We keep living off the glory of Pools closed and the wars against Shia and Tumblr, but I haven’t seen any real mission here in awhile. I like complaining against the Jews as much as the next guy but fucking hell when are we going to actually do something

I feel the same, anons.

Not enough anti-LGBTQ, kike exposé, and nigger hate threads. And it also seems like there's a slow growing backlash against Trump, for some strange reason.

(((I feel like there's something going on)))

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