With all due respect to the purepill thread, trying to be trad in a broken, gynocentric society is pointless. You’re just feeding into a system that churns out whores and degeneracy. Get in here to discuss how we can make the system work for men again
Take away women's rights and punish them for their bad behavior.
Contrary to popular belief, western women are not controlled or "shamed", but they need to be.
But most men are little faggots who are offended at the very idea of controlling women, so this is not possible. Yet.
>all due respect to the purepill thread
...is zero, so forget about it.
men sent their own way is degeneracy
This is kind of my thought process as well. You literally cannot be trad, trying to assert any actual authority as a man will make almost all women leave you and you’ll probably be branded an abuser as well.
>sent their own way
Nice ad-hominem
MGTOW is made by them to stop Conservative people from reproducing
No, don't mince words. That is your thought process.
I have a lot in common with MGTOWs although I don't interact with too many of them, but the difference between us is that I openly admit that the system men and women had for most of human history worked.
The modern western system does not. Men have certain duties, but in the western world everything men once stood for is routinely pissed on.
Hence, men naturally opt out, MGTOW or not.
You could just easily say trad is created by them to feed the divorce machine and mass corporate consumption
Don't take away women's rights, but have them accountable just the same as a man.
>don’t mince words
I agree with literally everything you’ve said spastic
Right, and women in some cultures were considered superior to men, so the idea that the patriarchy oppressed women everywhere, even though men often died more from it, is BS and many are waking up to it.
>This is kind of my thought process
Should say
>This is my thought process
Lets not beat around the bush here, burgerboy.
Get rid of the jews
A matriarchal society never lasts.
dont marry a fucking slut you retards
be a man you pussy
Easier said than done, but either that happens or the west will collapse sooner rather than later.
>don’t marry a slut
Far easier said than done. Almost all women are sluts.
>Be a man
*gets divorce raped*
>make the system work for men again
Artificial wombs and trad traps are definitely the solution of the future. No need for vaginas of any kind, that way.
>trad traps
waifubots are the future
Can a waifubot be enough when there's no boipussi?
It simply isn't satisfying enough and doesn't have that real feeling.
Women are coming to steal...
>shuffles cards
Muh money!
I'm thinking about moving to another country to marry. Unfortunately, about the only place that hasn't adopted (((western))) divorce laws are Africa and the M-E.
It's sad, but it may come to a choice of what you (and I) value more: our country, or our lineage.
I'm leaning towards lineage, personally.
make men be men again.
boom solved
keksimus maximus
He's going to look back on this photo in 20 years with such shame.
Isn't there some other website that you people can shit up with your stupid threads? Like reddit or leftypol?
Create your own stable living situation in which you do not depend on a woman
You can't fix the system, you have to make a new one
Like Muslim Sharia zones all over the West
Get together someplace and make your own laws/courts
Control property by terrorizing and excommunicating neighbors who don't follow your law exclusively