Can black and white people get along? I truly think we can...

Can black and white people get along? I truly think we can. As much as you guys try to say "fuck niggers" online in real life white people are the first people to invite me to things. My white friends have invited me to all sorts of their family events. I was a groomsmen at one white friends wedding. I'm even having Thanksgiving with a white family tomorrow.

It's a slow process, sure, but theres definitely a light at the end of this tunnel. This world is definitely not as bad as you all make it seem

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Black and white people get along now. People here who hate niggers really just think niggers are out of control and are frustrated mainstream society isn't correcting them. Like wise, black americans are brainwashed and amoral so they do heinous shit. However a white guy and a black guy get along if they are both decent.

Exactly. But looking at this board you would think there is a race war going on in the streets. Black and white people have more shit in common today than ever

>Can black and white people get along?
We aare. When's the last time you saw a lynching?
However, we'd be better off seperate. Blacks will always fall behind in a society which benefits ppl who can think past next week and punishes ppl for impulsive behavior and will become resentful for living amongst those who are privileged enough to be capable think past next week.

Well this board is largely full of intelligent people who have such a niche sense of humor now that this is the only place they can have a laugh or actual grade-a fucking retards who are invested in the kike meme and are bitter faggots. Usually, those people are in reality losers who pose a threat to no one.

>Can black and white people get along?

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Absolutly. I get along with this guy from Nigeria.

niggers and black people are two different things, of course black people and white people can get along. people and niggers dont get along, period.

>My white friends have invited me to all sorts of their family events

Token nigger

Yes, if black people can sort out their dysfunctional culture and fix their family units, which is difficult considering the amount of damage jews/war on drugs has done to it.

There is based black people and anyone who says otherwise is simply ignorant and low IQ white trash most likely. Pic related.

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It depends how many niggers. There’s a point where niggers can overtake any gathering with their niggerdom. You can have a whole auditorium full of whites but once you hit that nigger threshold, everything gets niggerish and falls apart. Studies need to be done on this exact number but I’m estimating that 5 niggers can turn a gathering of 100 white peoples into a complete disaster just by being niggers.

Trust me black people don't even like niggas. We think of them the same way you guys do.

Funny that was my college nickname

That's such a challenge and we don't even start off on the right foot in life. That's a while other topic tho

>spend last 150 years making countless efforts at legislating racial equality but keep failing to come even close to meeting the goal
>it'll happen eventually guise!
W.E.B. Dunuffin was a commie NAACP niggerbitch.

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>That's such a challenge and we don't even start off on the right foot in life.
There would have to be some sort of serious revolution, like a religious movement that transformed African American culture. But honestly, african americans were doing better in the 1960s than after the 1960s. Isnt that odd they had better rates of 2 parent households, lower divorce rates BEFORE the civil rights era. After the civil rights era, the jews focused on them as a political voting block and destroyed them in order to make them dependent on welfare and therefore dependent on the state. LBJ the president who did all of this was also a high ranking member of the KKK FBI reports proved.

You cant change your culture but just control yourself and try to guide your friends and family as best you can.

Nogs have been voting Democrat since at least the 30s and most are not on welfare, per capita on welfare they may be overrepresented but that isn't most of them. The welfare kangz and quanz meme was nonsense to trick people into voting for economic policies that necessitate more immigration as they gutted the welfare state to a shell of its former self and gave it an anti-white bias in the application process so poor whites have been getting poorer.

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I would always say niggers != blacks.

Well the anti-White terrorist organization #BLM sure isn't at the forefront of race reconciliation, that's for sure.

There's your mistake right there. Outside of the brainwashed cucks who invite you to their events white folks steer clear of any and all blacks and for good reason. Start fucking some of those white women and you'll find out how shallow those magnanimous whites really are.

If we're talking ultra loud niggas it only takes 4-6. In malls if you're group is too active security will make you walk in 2s so anything higher than 2 is the start of the cutoff

That's the thing, there are avenues for black people to get scholarships and diversity hires definitely help out. More youth are finding this out tho so you will definitely see more college educated black people in the near future

That's what I do. It's hard to shove red pills down people's throats tho without sounding like a crazy person

Some day, black and white people will live together,
side by side,
in Chinese concentration camps.

it was alright in the 90s and early 2000s but it regressed

>shoehorning that's been going on for several decades will somehow start working any day now

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If you are a decent black person you have probably realized there is a serious nigger problem in this country. Decent black people don't want to live around niggers anymore than decent white people do. Black culture in this country has being smashing against rock bottom for generations now, I personally think it was engineered and blacks were merely the first run of what they want to do to the other races (destruction of nuclear family, etc...) but I won't rule out that it was a natural occurrence.

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Yes we can. In our own countries separated with clear border and trigger-happy border guard.

O and I know, i just wish there was a way to say these things and have a platform without putting my job at risk or committing suicide by two shots to the back of the head for calling (((them))) out. Cause I definitely would

>white people are the first people to invite me to things.
>My white friends have invited me to all sorts of their family events.
>I was a groomsmen at one white friends wedding.
>I'm even having Thanksgiving with a white family tomorrow.
More people are waking up to the fact that it's a one-way relationship like you just described. Whites are expected to do everything for blacks, while blacks can do whatever the fuck they want.

>That's what I do. It's hard to shove red pills down people's throats tho without sounding like a crazy person
Most african american redpills are honestly believed by lots of black people I think. That jews and their anglo puppets have intentionally destroyed their culture for 70 years. Most rap is a reflection of this. Amazing how much music can shape a culture when you break the family unit. Children seek out role models and identify with all the wrong people.

But BLM is trash tho. Outside of the name of the organization. Just put them in the same box as antifa


I honestly don't consider blacks the worst. To me it's streetshitters and arabs, I got along with blacks and latinos better than these mudshits. I think we should band to kick mudslimes and kikes because our hate for heebs is mutual and quite frankly the root cause of both our peoples' problems.

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Honestly, just stop voting for goddamn communists.

The moment blacks started voting left was the moment blacks quality of life went in the toilet. Vote conservative, get the inner city schools fixed and you'll be fine.

Also, stop abandoning your kids. Single motherhood is worse than cancer.

In my case I moved away from my immediate family so I tend to find myself in solo situations, but it's never been a one way thing at least with me. I bring my white friends to my all African church, family events, and barbecues. I will admit white people stretch their hand out more tho

Hey blackanon would you like to come to thanksgiving and cuck my wife tomorrow?

What's the addy

Wtf is up with all of these fucking Civicuck Magatard Nigger Loving shill threads?
The Mid-Terms literally REKT your (((Civicuck))) kike agenda.
Fuck off and go back to t_D you fucking faggots.

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>Can black and white people get along?
Ofc user, there is a difference between trying to stop immigration and lefties and actually hating blacks.

Happy Thanksgiving bro

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No, I've read enough stories of nigger crimes that I cannot ever be content in a world polluted by niggers.

fuck off fucking nigger lover
I hate niggers because these subhumans are a threat to my people and they rape and murder white women and children daily
fucking cucks here who bend the knee to these monkeys are race-traitors and they will get the bullet too
Jow Forums has been flooded by civicuck magatards from t_D and they have fucked up this board.

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Ive spent many years around this place anons, more than Im comfortable admitting. Ive gone through every pill you can think of, the fuck niggers pill, the blackpill, the occasional whitepill, you name it Ive swallowed it. Theres one thing Ive learned: nogs arent the enemy, theyre simply pawns for the kikes. Theyll be spared on the DOTR and sent back to Africa instead.

Yes, we can see eye to eye on certain topics. Like this for example:

Yes, fine. Tell your people to stop pushing an ethnic replacement agenda alongside the Jews and corporate powerhouses on my people. We can be friends in separate nations and separate developments without the policy of racemixing, homogenization, and displacement.

In 1619, that box was opened. You can not close it now. The darkest Shadow Walker here is 30% White. Too late now.

Fuck kikes and all monoracials. Fuck all non-Novuteran Paradigm hybrids too.

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you're thinking of muslims

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if by get along, you mean put up with each other without totally annihilating each other, then yeah, probably.

but is that really the question to be asking? shouldnt you ask, "how do we make communities for and with people to be as happy as possible?"? because i can give you that answer. they would be homogenous.

for better or worse, humans recognize patterns, even if a pattern does not necessarily correlate. in the scenario of a town that had somehow completely removed all racism at some point in the past, all it takes is one or two occurrences, with one or more people noticing a correlation, spread some rumors, etc. bang, "racism" is back.

so you have to ask yourself. is it all worth it? why even give people the option to make such a recognition? kids or adults, anyone can do it. you dont have to have hate to have uncertainty, and when things are even slightly unfamiliar, there is no point in taking that path over one that feels more safe. you can have racism without hatred. and in fact, racism simply means that you recognize there are differences in the first place, regardless of how small. it doesnt even have anything to do with hate...

so i ask again. is all this worth it?


I think we can if we start telling bitches of both races to shut their fucking mouths

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I only call evil ghetto blacks niggers. Im cool with African Americans. I acknowledge that you are human beings.

No. You can't. And, neither can we. We never forgot Haiti or Liberia. And in the future, you'll never forget either, fucking shadow-walkers.

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Yes. They are doing it in Detroit, Chicago. And new york

Good fences make good neighbors. Separation is the only way to truly end (or at least lessen) racial tension.

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I usually prefer black people from island countries. They don't embrace ghetto culture the way a lot of ours do.

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>But looking at this board you would think there is a race war going on in the streets.
This board is 90% irony. And I've posted my share of lies that I'd like to think are entertaining.
>I'm even having Thanksgiving with a white family tomorrow.
Remember that Thanksgiving is not a white holiday but an American holiday.
>Can black and white people get along?
Yes, of course! And we generally do!
Now go hang yourself.

>classy beautiful
>>frizzy hair

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I work in Tele marketing for a month. The revelations of black people would startle most libtards. (Except the education is against them of course)
1.) Black people are way more emotional on the phone. If they don't understand one thing they start yelling besides just asking a question. They all go into a crisis mode if you tell them they are getting magazines and pressed against them, they were firearm charges

Don't care about Amerimutt beauty standards. Only care about my own kind's beauty. That frizzy hair is a signature look and I love that my women have it. The large frizzy wavy-curly hair is the standard of beauty to me. They have more beauty, class and are more conservative than the shadow-walkers. Only Hybrids and Latinas get anything like this hairstyle. I think straight, wavy, 100% curly, bald and anything else that is not that on a woman's head just makes me get a soft-on.


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>t. shitskin

Fuck off nigger.

We military takeover now.

You are leaving.

Jokes on you, I love saltiness. Kek.

This. The epoch of Chang is nigh. He has shouldered the white man's burden in Africa with a very proper stance. Breed them out. They are fucking breeding with niggers so much they'll have cleared them out of Africa by 2040 and replaced them with a han/negro underclass that understands how to basically maintain a nation then they will use their 3 billion population to subjugate the world.

Go to infinite Chan and look at the white vctims of black crime thread. 500+ victims posted twice a week from FBI records from 1990 and up. Niggers do commit mass violence on whites.