Why are we not talking about this?
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Can’t wait until this nothingburger flops then all the Q retards can off themselves.
Right on cue. Kudos on your punctuality. Otherwise, die terribly.
Bongino did a great show today on this very topic.
The same reason we're not talking about Haiti facing a coup, killing political opposition by the boatload, and US mercs helping the police kill protestors and silence journalists.
Because it really fucking is happening.
>Why are we not talking about this?
Because it'll never happen.
Because we'd rather react to the latest tweet from literally who. Even better if its a rerun and we're replying to a tweet or reddit post we've seen posted 50 times before.
it's why they started on this ivanka emails nonsense just recently
i mean fuck ivanka, but they're clearly worried
That webm always cracks me up. Fucking rekt.
Whats going to be different this time? Shit, any other goverment official or service member would have been fucked for life mishandling classified info once. ONCE. She had a whole server in her own basement. And they chalked it up to no one would want to prosecute her. So how will the hit her this time?
>asking people to look forward to something that'll take forever anyway
The only things worth waiting for are First contact and/or the Second Coming of Christ.
1234 get checked
Oh I'd love to be talking about this kind of topic, but 4chin refuses to let me start threads. They either go immediately to page 10, or simply never appear.
Charles Ortel has put together the most comprehensive audit of the Clinton Foundation, and it's a complete fraud. Any accountant that looks into their financials can confirm they have never filed a complete tax return. Always file late. Had to refile several years during 2016. Their books are cooked beyond corruption. It's blatant.
"House GOP" is a bunch of cock sucking Neo-conservative globalist faggot pieces of shit.
yes fellow real actual human being person... when normal hughmaans try to engage with this honeypot bait monster we are of course ignored...because they dont care about us
She'll empty her decrepit bowels during the hearing.
Why arent we talking about this? because when the GOP held house majority they didnt investigate shit. Now that Dems are taking the house and the GOP is the minority, NOW they decide to investigate.
its all a shit show
because nothing will come of it. The House GOP only has a few more weeks in power, then the Democrats take over.
The house GOP had 2 YEARS to investigate Hillary and they did jack shit. This last second hearing is just for show.
Hopefully something actually sticks to this vile woman
>rinos only get the balls to do something when they have no power because they cucked out when they had a chance to actually do anything
Every fucking time
which body double will go to the hearing I wonder
In 2017, Clinton foundation got 22 million in donations. In 2015, it was 180+ million. It's almost like the whole thing was graft and bribes for access and cooperation.
>scrawny bitch arms faggot waits until dude turns his head to swing
Shameful and bitchpilled
ding ding ding, do you really think Hillary was the only corrupt politician working out there? Think they all want their network unraveled? Get real.
I wonder when the lid will be blown off the happening cooker.
They need to all go to jail or be fined depending on the severity of the crime
They have to prosecute the destruction of subpoenaed evidence. There has to be a special investigation of her and the Obama Doj.
will there be one?
Ah the GOP is having a little going away party
Because they're not going to fucking do anything because they never do. Wake me up when they produce something besides more news.
theyll just find another way to cope with falling for a larp
Wow. 2 years and now they have something? A little late there.
No problem. Hillary will just ask Huma (with a playful slap on the ass) to fetch her spazz glasses.
The funk of a swamp crypt.
I've got a book which talks all about the Clinton Scandal, check it out at Bongino.com.... hey have you heard of I-Target?! I love using it for target practice. Same with Wax-RX , do you have a lot of wax in your ears? I sure did as a secret service agent! Bongino.com!
Nigger kike
because these neocon faggots had two years to do something
speaking of Kikes, have you checked out Berch Gold, gang?!
Shut the fuck up you fucking faggot. She failed us and is dispensible. Enjoy your "witch hunt".
What's sad is you faggots don't give credit even when the nigger just happens to get things right. Don't get me wrong, I hate all glowfags equally but give credit where it's due and right here, you glow like hell on cold winter night.
This. With the dems in charge of the house even less will happen than when the reps ran the joint.
>Sessions is the only reason Huber is even there to attempt prosecution
>b-but muh sessions did n-nothing
Cuz nothing happens.
Huber reports to the DOJ, DOJ reports to the Senate not the House. Dems are done.
Nobody really cares because it's known nothing will come of it. The DOJ already handed out immunity to anyone who could nail Clinton to the wall. It'll be a spectacle, but she'll never see the inside of a cell.
"nothing will come of it" NOTHING? NOTHING!!!?? You are wrong my friend. They will launch a committee which will create an investigation which will create a committee which will investigate the investigation over which committee is in charge of the other committee's investigation.
Wait for the calls of 4d chess, I'm sure Ivanka is on it as well, weird that they signaled her out though, what does she really do at the Whitehouse?
Sucks Jared's dick and that's it. She doesn't have access to classified information in the first place lol.
CF though. That’s the interesting bit. Especially considering the timelines between this happening and the happening in Haiti right now. CF if you didnt know was heavily involved in severe fuckery in Haiti, from Child abduction(see laura silaby) and taking billions from their country in aid money they orherwise should have received. This could be huge or nothing. As usual probably nothing. I meanthey stole billions, I mean you could probably bribe any amount of people and/or kill them.
mission accomplished. now let's go crack open a brewski and watch "the game".
Too many faggot lefty shills on Jow Forums anymore, they'll never accept that their false messiah Hillary can do any wrong. Ever since we helped meme Trump into office we've been chocked full of them from all over the net. I can't wait for reality to smack them in the mouth.
Because its a house hearing. those things go absolutely nowhere, they exist only to grandstand. until the department of justice actually decides to get off their asses and indict people it means fuckall.
>b-but muh 60 gorillion secret indictments
indictments so secret no one will actually be arrested because doing so will make them not secret anymore
Her obvious felonies will always go unpunished.
America is the world's richest banana republic.
This second.
When something really habbeningssss.....
It'll be another deep state cushion of 'she did something wrong, but it was ignorance and we're not going to prosecute, but if you did it you'd be in jail for life.'
That accompanied with evidence of Democrat election fraud, may be enough to deny them the House before they assume office in January. There's several on-going investigations into California voter fraud right now that have evidence.
Implying they actually want to go after corruption
The only reason she got off free before is Comey, we already know that the FBI at that time was undeniably shilling for her.
Only real question is: why were they given the last 2 years to destroy evidence and cover up the crimes committed?
If you're to believe the Q glowfags, apparently Military Intelligence kept evidence of the crimes but don't have jurisdiction to prosecute citizens under the UCMJ. The 2 years was spent cleansing agencies and the DOJ of enough corrupt elements to warrant a guarantee of trial via military tribunal, when a vote arises on the matter. Well...that and they haven't stopped committing crimes, so in the meantime they're being caught in real time to top it off.
trey gowdy asked for ivanka's emails because he knows there's nothing damning in them. the ivanka thing is just for memory-holing the public so they later remember ivanka had an 'email scandal'
If a film was produced of Hillary killing a child, cutting out the adrenal glands and eating them, nothing would happen.
Don't get me wrong, that fucking cunt needs to be on trial for attempting to sell the country out, as well as having SAP on her private server, but nothing will happen to her in legal sense. The best we can hope for is this treasonous bitch to finally die of whatever ailment she has.
Leave Hillary's punishment up to the Lord, she's not worth our valueable time anymore. We've got work to do and jobs to create.
Fuck that, she needs to hang.
Been a LONG time coming...
>created jobs
>why are we not talking about this
the beep boop overlords forbid it
What likely happened is Trump was briefed on the evidence and saw that A) it was highly damaging to the strength and security of the United States and B) it was far more valuable, now that those immediately involved were out of power, to use it as quiet political blackmail. So now the Dems took the House and are getting all uppity, so Trump plays a single card on the table to remind them, now just watch the DNC leadership fall into place and start offering minimal resistance to the MAGA agenda.
In time it may be know, may be to dangerous to reveal the truth now.
I don't see this being a quiet political blackmail, certainly bad people have been outed by it or those still present have distanced themselves from the worst ones. I think Hillary will actually end up one of the first successful prosecution, only because Trump needs a big name to serve as a reality check for the rest. People like Comey and Christopher Steele aren't enough, they're just assets to her, like she is an asset to someone else.
Dude, if Trump managed to successfully put hillary clinton in jail...
Think of the fucking MEMES!
>2016 2.0.exe
its literally nothing
a waste of time just like the "muh benghazi" hearings
i regret giving trump the nuclear codes because he will never use them to nuke subsaharian africa
Everyone is burnt out from 100 different it's-about-to-happenings that meant fuckall. The one thing Q was absolutely right about is 'it's all a show'.
>they're being caught in real time to top it off
This is what I love, they still haven't figured that part out yet.
God captcha is being such a FUCKING NIGGER TODAY
nothing is going to happen, just like nothing big happened before mid terms. nothing will ever happen. im depressed, boys.
>nothing will ever happen
>oh gee I'm depressed I wonder why
Maybe your mentality has something to do with it
trump getting elected was out of this world and i thought with this amount of chaos more big events would be happening. so far nothing of substance that makes me question reality like trump getting elected did.
I've got hopes for Huber's investigation but I'm not gonna buy into hype expecting it to be a nail in her coffin so to speak. The election fraud and fires are really what has my interest, it's pretty clear from video and pictures that most fires started from the homes, not from some BS wildfire.
So you've just had your head up your ass for two years now then?
Why do you think Trump really has troops on the border?
Creepy old Fuck.
God willing he chokes on his teeth.
based repent shirt guy
The Dems took the house are about to bury the entire Trump crime family, Ivanka, Jr., Kusner and King Cheeto himself. Lock her up indeed
>u mad goyim?