Give me your best info on why Jews are actually evil

Give me your best info on why Jews are actually evil.

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I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Because they turned women evil.

their culture is tribal. jews are inherently pro jew before they are pro goy. jews have also had no homeland for most of their history. so jews have to live in a host nation.
the jews are still pro jew in the host nation. the jews help each other to survive, often at the expense of the host people.
i wouldnt say they are truly evil they are just hellbent on pushing their peoes agenda. i wish whites behaved that way desu

They are called God's chosen people. But imagine what kind of God would choose such a corrupt and evil race to represent him. This God could not possibly be benevolent or just. There God would necessarily have to be Satan.

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They assassinated GLR.

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Parasites like dead organs.

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What is your definition of evil?

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fpbp the correct answer is literally all of world history since the eternal jew dragged itself out of a shekel that had fallen from some whore's pocket into donkey feeces on the road to Ur

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The jew brought evil into the physical world, therefore, the jew itself is evil. With the jew comes evil, so without the jew evil will eventually return to the world of the spirit from whence it came, and glory of Western civilization will be advanced into the 1000 Year White Space Reich

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the space reich will be glorious brother

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Watch a goys guide to world history on YouTube

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Hail Victory!

Ultimate redpill: Neo-Fascists, Neo-Nazis, Neo-Reactionaries, racists, and the "alt right" are evil.

The Israeli government is a right wing nationalist one that is evil for the exact same reason as every other right wing nationalist government. Ethnic Jews are just one more ethnicity, like any other. They're basically Germanic/Slavic, with a light hint of Middle Eastern and/or Turkic.

They haven't done anything to you, and all your failures are yours alone. The violence you would commit is just you making the world worse, out of selfishness.

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>They haven't done anything to you
They are the reason for all evil in the West, and much of the world. Everything that is getting worse is due to them. The only reason we, objectively honest and good people, would ever want violence is because it is our only way out of the hell Jews have created. We want to be free and left alone. They refuse to allow that.

>be 2% of population
>treated as a protected class
>hold fringe beliefs that your host nation has strongly rejected
>can't respect the culture of the nation that protects you
>buy up major media companies using your family's usury-based fortune
>seize control of public discourse
>suddenly each new generation is far more liberal than the previous
>took only 60 years to go from conservative, patriarchal, nuclear families to 9-year-old drag queens twerking in gay bars
>everybody is pissed except the Jews and their useful idiots
>western society now on brink of civil war

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>Ultimate redpill: Neo-Fascists, Neo-Nazis, Neo-Reactionaries, racists, and the "alt right" are evil.
Once the jew has been removed from the physical world, he will remain within our spirit, as the Germans knew in 1945:

>"It is, nonetheless, false if one German or another concludes that since the Jew has been eliminated from German politics, that Jewish influence has also been entirely eliminated from our thinking and conduct."

Of course we today know that the Germans had no systematic plan to achieve our goals, so it is left to us to devise such a plan. The Germans knew that removing the jew, physically, from their nation would not defend them from the international jewry.

And today, this has crept into NOT ONLY the spirit, but the physical characteristics of all our Aryan brothers, and into all peoples on this planet.

Such a thing, a biospirit weapon, can only be defeated biospiritually, and metaphysics must be subordinate to physical for (((practical))) reasons.

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>God promises them land
>Says they have to fight for it
>Still live in other countries
>'muh diaspora'
Fuck'em. Fuck ALL of them.

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What I want to know is what makes them the synagogue of satan. I know that term gets thrown around a lot

>Still live in other countries
Not just that; they're obsessed with ruining those countries and the people inhabiting them.

It's a quote from the bible. You can look it up.

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Sums it up about right

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>that vid
jesus christ what kind of schizo...
>checks holy trips
fuck i guess you're right

Pedophilia is legal in Israel
They practice blood libel
Either is damning enough

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100 million corpses
>and counting

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Yiddyzek pedophilia and rabbi child molester ritual briss

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Nothing more needed

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What ever happened to Satan and hell?

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they hid the name of the messiah.

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And Santa

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fake jew kikes are shemites / semites
the torah was edited by their parents
lilith satan and gabriel. this is why
they edit wiklipedia to hide who they

in bereshit or genesis the renown
are killed by god in the flood.
shem or sem means renown
so, god killed the renown ie
shem, but allowed noahs son
shem, ie renown to live?

LOL. amalekites are stupid
and cannot create anything
but problems because they
are liars. not creators. see
the problem here with wikipedia?

Strong's Concordance
shem: a name
Original Word: ????

NASB Translation
byword (1), defamed* (1), defames* (1),
fame (8), famous (3), famous* (1), memorial
(1), Name (3), name (654), name's (11),
name* (4), named (7), named* (66), names
(80), renown (6), renowned (1), report (1),
repute (1), same names (1).

they also tried to hide the fact they're
still here even though god said he
killed them in the flood. fake jew amalekites
are renown.

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they also want to be someone they aren't
ie jews, so they can avoid the judgement
for their crimes of all the slaughter since
they were spawned here on earth.

fake jew kike amalekites are identity

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Jesus what happened to that guy

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they are like the mafia but get minority bonus

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Has anyone else noticed Jews are obsessed with fart jokes and scatological humor well into adulthood?

The vile, the filth, the ridiculous, the scandalous, the blasphemous.

Well in the new testament there's a lot of talk of Israel being replaced by the church (all Christians in the world, not the catholic church). In this sense a Christian is now a true "jew" as in being one of god's people. People of judeo heritage who claim to be above christ because they're "god's chosen people" would be claiming to be a jew but not being one, prompting jesus to call them the synagogue of satan.