The GOP is headed by a retard. He's killing right wing politics in America for a generation, if not longer.
Trump is fucking embarrassing
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Trump you're alpha and a total boss. We're still here and we'll give you another 4 years.
Everytime you green energy shills get your gov funding threatened, you come here and spam threads. It's really sad.
I guess when the heat wave hit, he will be talking about global warming being real. Very scientific approach.
Global warming is real! All jewish scientists agree!
Go after Pfizer if he wants to get the Americans back on his side but lol he plays identity politics,only the left care about Global Warming so now instead of Saudi Arabia they will talk about this tweet/Global Warming.
What's embarassing about that? You need to rewatch The Inconvinient Truth, it used to be global warming at exponential rate. Then they milded it down to "climate change" that can mean fuck anything. Climatefags deserve to be laughed at and spat in eyes.
>please keep acting retarded it is really funny and makes all the "serious" people angry
Are you a child?
No, those liberal faggots don't deserve to be taken seriously.
This must be the new tactic.
>you can't beat them, they're too powerful
>you can't beat them, every effort to fight them is controlled opposition
>you can't beat them, leaders turn everyone away from your party and beliefs
Pretty spiteful of you.
No, I'm a man. That's why I don't allow godless leftists convince me bravery and strength is a weakness.
Funny, because that's what all the media jews do every time there's a heat wave. Yet I doubt you criticize them for it, you fucking mongoloid cunt.
Imagine still being on the Trump train. How embarrassment.
Didn't Al Gore try to tell me from his private jet that our decadent lives dependent on energy would result in polar bears being extinct by now?
kek best twitter user in history, nearly redeems the whole platform
This is the boomer revolution!
Average global temperatures are still increasing. Ice caps are disappearing. A "cold blast" of winter weather in North America isn't going to reverse this.
I mean if you looked at some of those doomsday "the polar bears" articles of the past, you can understand why people on the right punch at climate change. Al gore became a multimillionaire, it became a political racket. It's hard to accept a premise like that know what we know. Idk why you people still do the wow just wow bit.
Yup right before he bought a multi million dollar mansion a few metres away from the ocean he said would rise
Imagine not. Those people should be shot.
Go tell Generation Z that you nazi faggot.
Poor little buddy.
>He's killing right wing politics in America for a generation, if not longer.
oh no he must be stopped republicans are great wtf
Why don't they USE that term anymore??? Moron
No. This orange faggot hasn't done shit. He can't even help his hardcore supporters out like the Proud Boys. Fuck him.
I wanted 4 things from trump:
1) corporate tax cuts
2) securing SCOTUS with 2 conservatives so it went be packed with strong latinas.
3) strict immigration reform and enforcement
4) keks
I expect, and want, liberals to roll back the income tax cuts and remove corporate tax loopholes, while being unable to increase the corporate tax rate in general.
I expect, and want, liberals to keep SCOTUS balanced enough where neither side has enough to take down the other's sacred cows.
I expect liberals to lax some of the immigration reforms, but be stuck with the larger effort, and be stuck enforcing them, never getting enough power to defund immigration, or support to open the borders.
I'm filled up on keks and wish we could have something different, now, though.
2 more years.
He's got SCOTUS, he's got the senate, the judicial branch's stalling is running out next year.
He can hopefully leverage the dreamers and other SCOTUS decisions going his way into an immigration reform bill before he's gone.
Either way, I'm supporting someone else in the republican primary, and will vote for a centrist Dem if he's not stupid enough to talk about banning spoopy looking rifles.
And every time they post you respond in earnest and bump their shitty thread. Learn to ignore these fucking threads and let them die rather than fertilizing them with your own shit.
The Solar Minimum is here. But Climate Change Ideologues refuse to acknowledge anything but the immediate ecological global disaster at the sole hands of people as something to consider.
>looking forward to winter
Why can't I bring up Al Gore in a discussion about global warming? His documentary was a pretty big deal on the subject.
100% on the Trump train. I don't give a fuck what you retard shills think or say.
I knew you wouldn't have anything real to say.
>tfw shills are doing a raid based on this one tweet
The Proud Boys are fucking losers. You should join them.
muh right wing true conservative values
We have Trump. You have pic related.
I'm good with that.
Trump is such a wise old SAGE
Your liberal panties are showing...
1 post ID BORING!
Only some faggot jew or boomer would say it's okay to turn on their supporters.
>Proud boys are losers
Civ nats in general are losers, they have only scratched the surface on how fucked we are, but they are least realize this isn't going to happen without alliances. They are /our losers/ if there is such a thing and you are /our nigger faggot/ which I know is for sure a thing.
I actually agree, but this gives him an opportunity to act against it. It's time the right be unchained and allowed to murder and pillage. Normies be damned, let us take our tax of blood.
No but a Grand Solar Minimum and an approaching ice age can
>Either way, I'm supporting someone else in the republican primary, and will vote for a centrist Dem if he's not stupid enough to talk about banning spoopy looking rifles.
Well hello there fellow republicans... whats going on over here? Oh a discussion you say? Let me tell you about my opinions on our great leader and why I wont be supporting white people anymore.
Fucking kill yourself cuck, the time for shitty centrist pussies is growing shorter every day. Your pandering to shitskins and liberal communists isn't going to win you any points come RaHoWa.
>Spend ten years telling everyone that global warming will melt the ice caps causing the sea to rise
>buy mansion 2 metres from beach
Its in the name.
Why should one listen to a "liberal" who survives off Chinese slave labor, a meme job and fiat currency and or stock market dividends? Their opinions are based in a reality that is not only unsustainable but fake as the news they consume on television.
>Tell everyone to reduce their carbon footprint
>spend 30000 in coal fired power for your giganting mansion
He isn't turning on anyone. The Proud Boys are losers and you're a moron if you think Trump won because of those morons. They appeal to you maybe because you're a youtube rat and think the internet is reality.
they're losers not because they're civ nats, which if you're an American who is not a civ nat, you will get the bullet along with the commies, but because they join a Gavin media cult that does nothing but inflate his ego.
That doesn't even make sense.
Liberals hate the corporate tax cuts because fee-fees.
But the only way we're getting a 2nd term of trump will be both complete ineptitude from both democratic leadership, and their candidate, which is a reasonable enough expectation, AND for some of trump's gambles to pan out in the next 2 years.
If we see good economic growth, some trade war wins, and some advancements with north Korea or somewhere similar, he's got a chance.
If the economy gets sluggish and his international bullying gets nowhere, he'll be in trouble.
And if he does get immigration reform, he'll need some new big ideas for his campaign, as he's reliant on selling big ideas.
> It's time the right be unchained and allowed to murder and pillage
You're such a bitter loser, your other comment makes more sense. You'd rather destroy then build, like a common petty thug. You're trash.
Hey look there's a FUCKING WHITE MALE committing a mass shooting. Better ban all white males from owning guns.
You are ZOGApede cancer and you should take a razorblade to your throat. Trump isn't going to save you dumb faggot.
>Trump is killing the party of israel shilling and the military industrial complex for a whole generation.
This monster must be stopped or else America may never fight a war again our life time!
If trump cant do his job, ill vote for someone who might get a little bit done, rather than someone who promises big and doesn't deliver.
No ones getting a white state without balkanizing the union, either.
Based. Love the liberals seething in the replies.
>shits out a fueling station’s worth in the Gulfstream G650
What the fuck is wrong with Trump? Ever since the midterms he has been garbage. He’s not shitposting, he’s just posting retarded shit making us all look bad. I don’t think this is chess, I think something is seriously off and this isn’t him
The great thing about global warming is you not only get hotter summers but colder winters.
>My feet are cold
This is a retarded statement and can only be made to a retarded population. Trump knows climate change is real, the administration admitted that the planet was going to warm something like 4 c by 2100 just a few weeks ago.
Having colder winters is a product of the planet getting warmer.
The poles are warming faster then the rest of the planet because of science and shit if you where not all retarded you would have already know this. As the pole get warmer the jet streams become destabilized, wavier fucking up the weather all over the planet.
Colder weather in winter should be expected as the planet warms. Sounds like an oxymoron but you are retarded.
Its going to be a long 2 years for you as no amount of sly maneuvering will halt the gridlock of congress in mid terms. That is unless dems decide to draw up some reasonable bills but i doubt it. I'm looking forward to Trumps prison reform meanwhile.
He will win in 2020. Meanwhile Alex Occasionally Cortex is the new face of the democrats, and she's a far left socialist retard who is dividing the party even more.
Why don't the climate change faggots discuss the real problem: overpopulation?
No global warming in 17th century... I wonder why.
Listen retard, I take care of myself, my family and my own life. I don't rely on Trump or anyone to "save" me. So take you're faggot way of life and fuck off. Find a woman, marry her and be a decent person you degenerate.
Lol kike
Lol kike
Lol kike
kiss my ass
Lol kike
>Why don't the climate change faggots discuss the real problem: overpopulation?
Because overpopulation has never been the problem and likely never will be.
Let us in you damn xenophobes!
you are worse then a social justice warrior. educate your mental midget mind.
Killing myself does not sound to bad being surrounded by utter fucking morons on all sides.
Correction for the autist
>>Having colder winters is a product of the planet getting warmer.
winters will on average warm a little but the extremes will be much colder like we are seeing now.
I don’t believe temperatures are rising, an independent analysis on temperature data in Australia found temperatures had fallen
Who fucking cares? even if it is man made, and it may not be, we are all fucked. Nobody is going to stop emitting CO2, and your fucking kike taxes certainly won't help.
Blumpf is going to destroy the world i guarantee it.
We Trumptards are not GOP. Thank you for your signal, but you are wrong.
>Yeah freedom woohoo
>We should shoot people that don't think like me
Mutts everyone
>aRe yOU a ChiLD???
How about: You can't beat them. Even when they grow tired of winning they never grow tired.
Didn't you read? You'll freeze to death! Better stay in Mexico where it's warm.
I will stand with the brave and the strong.
Good question, in the way that the left refuses to look at race realism the right refuses to look at climate change.
So the left dominates the narrative on climate change as the far right will on race.
Overpopulation is a third world poc problem.
Whites are reducing there birth rates. Listening to the mental gymnastic of leftist regarding this is fun.
"If Humans Are Headed Toward Extinction, Don't Try to Blame Third-World Populations"
>Either way, I'm supporting someone else in the republican primary, and will vote for a centrist Dem
I guess you got tired of winning
>ice caps will melt in 15 years
>ice caps still there after 15 years
>change global warming to climate change
Republicans seem willing to ride the Trump train all the way into a banana republic.
How embarrassing for a once great nation.
Trump is no better than any of our grandfathers who just watch Fox News all day and yell at the TV. His dad gave him $413 million, that's the only difference.
When you scream for the past decade that the earth's average temperature is shooting up, OWN UP TO IT. Otherwise you look like retards and Trump is absolutely in his right to point this out. HALF THE COUNTRY AGREES WITH HIS STATEMENT!
I know right? It's like he didn't get the memo for the rebrand to "climate change." Fucking tool.
>killing right wing politics
>already installed 2 conservative SCOTUS judges
No, it's eucalyptus trees.