I have a genuine question for Jow Forums and I'd like you all to seriously consider it...

I have a genuine question for Jow Forums and I'd like you all to seriously consider it, if you'll give me a few minutes of your time.
Broadly speaking, Jow Forums is ideologically divided in a really sharp way. The two major political positions are libertarianism and national socialism, and the only unifying force between them is a hatred of leftist cultural marxism.
Do you view this divergence of opinion as a positive or negative thing, and -- more importantly -- are you willing to set aside your differences to properly combat the Left? Or do you think it's a better idea to promote infighting on the Right as a whole?
This isn't just about politics, either. Christianity vs. Paganism, Nordics vs Mediterraneans, all that shit, it serves to split what could be a much more cohesive group over relatively inconsequential lines. Personally I think we should save the smaller squabbles until after the Left has crumbled.
What do you think?

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Nope, for me it's fascism or GTFO. National Socialists are not fascists tho, they're homosexuals.

I understand the desire for violent overthrow, I really do. In fact I think it's the only way to properly restart a given society, and if enough people were able to organize it would probably work really well.
My question is, what keeps you from wanting to ally with people you agree with on SOME but not ALL things, especially against people with whom you share ZERO opinions?

You fight for the truth and go against anyone who doesn't love God. Evil will wear any mask it wants. If you want to preserve the American system of government, then you cannot side with fascists even if they are against communists because they ultimately would destroy what you want to preserve. The fact is that we are already past the point of no return, civil war is coming, and a bullet in the head of a nazi is as good as one in a commie.

Jow Forums used to have no label and pretty much against them and the only unifying force was the distrust of jews

Who do you consider the enemy, and who do you consider the friend? I ask because it's worth remembering that one of the key reasons Trump was elected (and the only reason the Overton Window is shifting right again) is because far-right extremists pushed for those things to happen. They're a definite voting bloc.
I used "cultural marxism" as a way to describe the degenerate societal changes which Jow Forums attributes to the Jews. Consider the two terms interchangeable.

you're under the assumption that a unified right wing would be stronger, when in fact it would just be an easier target to tear down.

chaotic, ever-changing, amorphous and untargetable. adaptable to any new attack or situation.

unironically read rules for radicals.

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We unify under one thing and one thing only


can you give me an example of how a unified Right would be easier to attack? based on the perception of the different sects of Leftism (socialists, communists, feminists) I would say that a fragmented group is much easier to target and deal with on a smaller scale.
Do you think there's no need for something more concrete, like a leader? I know this is Jow Forums and all but there are limits to what an amorphous movement can realistically accomplish.

The libertarians and nazis won't mind each other as long as we work together to remove all of the jews and parasites.
After that we go off to do our own things in our own ethnostates, perhaps with peaceful trade and mutual protection agreements between them.

I think the libertarians are playing with fire, desu

>Broadly speaking, Jow Forums is ideologically divided in a really sharp way. The two major political positions are libertarianism and national socialism, and the only unifying force between them is a hatred of leftist cultural marxism.
>Do you view this divergence of opinion as a positive or negative thing, and -- more importantly -- are you willing to set aside your differences to properly combat the Left? Or do you think it's a better idea to promote infighting on the Right as a whole?

any libertarian utopia would require a homogeneous ethnostate to to function and the only means of establishing a homogeneous ethnostate in today's globalized world would be via a temporary extreme authoritarian government of a dominate ethnic group to nationalize and homogenize the whole world under one nation of peoples bound by blood.

only then is a libertarian utopia even plausiable, but in reality ALL utopias are unobtainable and thus a one world global authoritarian ethnostate is the only viable end game government..... and china is winning THAT game.

>can you give me an example of how a unified Right would be easier to attack?

Tea Party

I think as long as all jews go back to Israel and we stop funding them then we will be in a much better position to reach an agreement with libertarians

see I agree with that in principle but realistically we're talking about Jow Forums's ability to influence national politics. any and all ethnostates aren't going to be established in the foreseeable future, so in terms of the real world, can you see yourself working with them even when the end isn't in sight?

I agree with the part about ethnostates being an ideal foundation for any government system (socialism, communism, democracy, you name it) but most libertarians tend to believe that hetereogeneous societies can properly maintain a laissez-faire economic system (teach everyone in Detroit the Keynesian economic system, boom Detroit's a paradise).
But the Tea Party is and always has been distinct from the neoconservatism of the mainstream Republican Party. They don't represent the whole.

I'm right and everyone else is wrong. Fight me.

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First of all you're totally incorrect. The main issue I see on this board is that Trump supporters here think they make up the bulk of why Trump was elected. Far-right extremists only hurt Trump, not help. Trump won despite them, by displaying his courage and will to win and Americans who still care about the country recognized that. Also, way more relevant to Trump's victory then petty, trashy extremists who only harbor anger and don't build anything, were the Christians of this country who recognized in Trump a man capable of halting the advance of leftism.

Regarding allies and foes, I consider an ally anyone who fights for the truth, meaning they fight for things based on reason, Godly morality and not based on emotion, revenge or bitterness. I consider a foe anyone who seeks to overthrow the American government, who seeks to enslave or murder, who seeks to advance communism, fascism or any other foreign idealogy who uses subversion to undermine this nation.

National conservatism is the one true ideology.

The Tea Party clearly defined themselves and their goals. They made a clear attempt to become the spine of the conservative movement. And they got ripped to shreds within just a few news cycles.

Now take the "alt right". What is it? Is it Trump? Is it spencer? is it Jow Forums? is it ben shapiro? Can you tell me who is alt right and who isn't?

It's madness and chaos and that's all that matters.The mainstream right wing has been losing for ages because they have centralized morals that can be exploited and manipulated. Meanwhile the left has no morals and never apologizes for anything, and has managed to dominate the entire media because of it.

Of course, you have to remove jew first before you can get anything else done. Only after that do we split and do our own things.

>What do you think?
Death to traitors

>Can you tell me who is alt right and who isn't?
"Alt-right" is a bogeyman term made up to scare the normies and the media, and they played their hand too hard. People who were centric republicans their whole life are grouped in with them. Basically anyone who is not a pinko commie is alt right.

I think the older Jow Forums viewers have grown up,matured and the ones behind Nationalist Socialist stuff and the MAGA guys are now the driving force behind Libertarianism.
That said NatSoc 100%.

>I agree with the part about ethnostates being an ideal foundation for any government system (socialism, communism, democracy, you name it) but most libertarians tend to believe that hetereogeneous societies can properly maintain a laissez-faire economic system (teach everyone in Detroit the Keynesian economic system, boom Detroit's a paradise).

most libertarians are idealistic idiots. kind of like dumb young college communists. they grasp onto libertarianism as if THEIR political ideology of 'maximum freedom, minimum government' is the oh so simple answer to all the world's problem when it isn't. the value of the libertarian train of thought is that it exist as a check on unbridled centralized power all authortarian idealogies demand. libertarian thought should be used as a tool in any government but on its own it can't accomplish anything.

all modern, western liberal democracies were founded in libertarian thought but all of them ended up expanding the size and scope of their governments out of necessity. there has to be some socialized organization but with counter balancing libertarian organizations. the USA is the best example of this balancing act.

>are you willing to set aside your differences to properly combat the Left? Or do you think it's a better idea to promote infighting on the Right as a whole?
>This isn't just about politics, either. Christianity vs. Paganism, Nordics vs Mediterraneans, all that shit, it serves to split what could be a much more cohesive group
What kind of faggotry is this attitude? I'll fight the libertarians on their stupid shit and then team up with them to fight the left

As someone with a minor political position, I say the more infighting the better.


No. Just, no. You have absolutely no understanding of where you are whatsoever.

obvious faggot is obvious

>Jow Forums is two people
Well, at least your methods are evolving.

Wow norm really came to visit. Can tell by the writing

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