India has a history of attacks on foreign Christian missionaries. In January 1999, Graham Staines, an Australian missionary, was burned alive along with his two sons Philip, age 10, and Timothy, age 6. A mob of Bajrang Dal fundamentalists attacked the missionary and his children while they sleeping in their station wagon in Manoharpur village, located in the Kendujhar District of India’s Odisha State.
Gentle Christian murdered, Hindus and liberals mock him
Christcuck getting what he deserves.
I think people are more laughing at the stupid american rather than him being christian.
And rightly so americans are a global embarrassment.
Have fun in Hell
>Know of an isolated group of super violent xenophobic superstitious tribe
>Why don't I go there!
I mean, not sure what he expected?
How so?
he was being retarded he should have at least taken a gun or bodyguards
The Great Commission
Stop being such a retarded evangelical faggot.
He was trespassing on an island he had no reason being on other than to sate his ego. That chink’s own demise was caused by hubris. The tribe had every right to defend their borders against an invader.
Furthermore, it’s widely known that trespassing on that island is extremely illegal and that tribe has a reputation for attacking intruders.
I'm a Christian and I think this guy was an idiot.
don't worry you'll have an eternity in hell to mull over your mistakes commie fag.
to save their souls by bringing them the glory of Jesus Christ
you think if we send them some coconuts these island niggers will allow us to take half their island and setup a huwhite ethnostate?
oh I'm so scared
he was obedient to the Christian calling. All who go know the risks, but he had the balls and loyalty to God to do it.
That's because these idiots try to do peaceful conversions. The best and only way to properly convert a people to your religion is to subjugate them and force it on them over several generations until it replaces their original one and their descendants have no memory of how their people originally began worshipping i t.
You can't convert people holding a gun ...force isn't conversion
I mean, it is sad but this was so obvious. If you want to do something like this, firstly don’t take your children and secondly make sure you are armed at the minimum and have a security team at the maximum.
Jesus didn't tell people to commit suicide.
>India has a history of attacks on foreign Christian missionaries
Then maybe stay the fuck out, clearly you aren't wanted,but christfaggotry knows no bounds.
Sounds like they need a dose of freedom.
You will be
"John Allen"
desu he should have just taken off his clothes blend right in
you can't just go wherever you want. i cant go into my neighbors backyard i will be killed
I honestly don't give a shit, everyone who isn't white can fuck off.
>can't convert indigenous people to christianity
>genocide them instead
yep, checks out
He didn't commit suicide, he tried to save those savages' souls and was murdered.
Should have brought an AR.
no its to prevent getting killed by feral niggers
Conversion is violence
Yep - those "pure of heart" Christians always get abused by godless sinners.
This is a victory of the noble hunter-gatherer against civilization cucks. Only a mind laden with carbs and alcohol could sympathize with the oriental 56%er.
The leaf is right, trespassers can fuck right off.
They may be subhuman niggers, but they're in their own country so I don't care.
Tell that to the entire religion of islam.
So they don't have your fate, fedora
Absolutely this, dumbfuck missionary wanting to get more savage niggers on American tax dollar handouts. Jow Forums becoming a haven for unironic Jesus freaks is the worst fucking thing.
It's in America's best interest to protect borders. It's not a global principal.
I was going to make a joke about him appearing before God wanting to be considered a martyr instead of a suicide but I think that gag would be taking the Lord's name in vain so I didn't do it.
Jesus is meeting him at the gates now saying "WTF, dude?",
Border Patrol should take a lesson from them and use the same techniques (though modernized) for defending the US border.
Mow down a group of 20 or 30 spics trying to sneak through and that illegal immigration traffic will dry up instantly.
Christcucks are the fags of religion. He got what he deserved.
Based. Christians wanting to bring civilization to the savages is why we currently have a global migrant crisis & the West is cucked by the legacy of colonialism. Think of where we'd be now if we'd simply allowed them to slaughter each other.
He tried to bring religion to a group of hostile savages. He went alone and unarmed despite this knowledge.
He believed his faith in God would shield and protect him.
The sheer arrogance of believing God would protect him when he has taken no reasonable, practical measures to prepare himself for the endeavor when all the risks were a known quantity is why he's mocked in death.
Blind faith is idiotic. Take care of what you can and leave what you can't up to God.
>how did Europe convert to Christianity oh gee I don't know
tell that to Islam Also
>soviet flag
Buddy, if anyone worships a jew its you
>muh Catholic priests and choir boys
Implying that its “priests” molesting boys and not the homosexual infiltrators
Tell your social media platforms to stop censoring us then
I'm not an atheist, i just don't slurp down that jew cock.
Muslims and christians need to be exterminated from india
He shouldn't have gone. Any contact with the outside world could cause a Sentinelese genocide from diseases they have no immunity to.
Also, to OP, the Sentinelese have nothing to do with Indians.
When has anybody ever gotten banned for Christian views though? 90% of Christfags are the ones most ardently pro-open borders, Catholic/Lutheran charities keep bringing in bulb head durkas from Africa
Who do you think you're talking to, Jack Dorsey? lol
This. Fuck christcucks
To be fair he was a fucking idiot, the Sentinelese do not want any contact with outsiders and have ferociously defended their isolated stone age lifestyle for centuries. Did he really think he was going to be the guy to convince all of them to stop killing anyone who comes to the island on sight?
Fuck all liberals
Especially the Christcucks who promote open borders and worship that fucking communist kike Pope
he did take a gun and killed a few.
they are trying to keep it quiet otherwise every wanna be navy seal redneck is going to try to go there thinking they can play call of duty with 0 real life consequences and gun these muds down
It's probably been for millennia.
Anyone who doesn't want to listen to their nonsense is persecuting them, the victim complex of christians is rivaled only by niggers.
>0 real life consequences
I mean, he did die and the fishermen who took him there are getting arrested. Sounds like it would have the same consequences as any mass shooting.
Good for him. If he's right, teaching the last of those who haven't heard about Christ who he was will end this world.
Go Christian Go!
>Graham Staines, an chinese missionary
truth. Fuck christcucks
have fun in Hel
Bases hindus death. To christianity
Fucking niggersaires faggot
all christcucks ar elike that even if they want LEGAL immigration fuck them.
Well the island is off-limits. And this isn't the first time the Abos attacked a visitor. The guy was a fucking idiot for going there. And let's be honest, he wasn't doing it for missionary work, he was travelogue socialmedia faggot trying to be an e-celeb. Got what he deserved.
but some anders brevik type could go there in full swat gear and probably kill about 50
Any of you faggots got a twatter account? I was shoah'd years ago and don't care enough to make a new one.
oh that's even better. Any screencaps of his twittard feed?
Brevik killed 77 in Norway, Stephen Paddok killed 58 in the US, so it doesn't really matter what country you're in.
>always see this picture of niggers on a beach with bows
>it was sentinelese nigger/india hybrids
they aren't brown they are the blackest niggers ever to exist
Are you forgetting (((someone)))?
I consider them the same thing, they are just jews of another color.
"The fishermen saw the tribals tying a rope around his neck and dragging his body. They were scared and fled,"
"It's a difficult case for the police," says Mr Bhaumik. "You can't even arrest the Sentinelese."
they were gonna fucking eat his body
>they were gonna fucking eat his body
fuck it then eat it, yes correct, they're a nasty lot
It's much easier to kill people in the US, so Breivik was better.
History says different.
How's Brexit going?
>His body is yet to be recovered.
they already ate him
Nice comeback, kek
Worked in South America. It's the most profitable region for Catholicism.
those people need to come out and pay taxes
tradition is no excuse in 2018
his bones already being used as thicc ass beating drum sticks RIP brave hapa burger
>they're a nasty lot
You mean the christians? Blood of my blood, flesh of my flesh.
another example of hapa excellence
Stop worshipping sandniggerd
I must've missed all those Christians constantly bitching about muh 6 gorillion for 80 years after it didn't happen.
You forgot Andrew Cunanan.
I'm talking about the fuzzy wuzzies sir !
Well gollywogs can do what they want as it is their sovereign right, but you wouldnt know anything about that you POM.