What can we do about the mentally challenged acting in porn?
What can we do about the mentally challenged acting in porn?
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Why would you care?
Jerk off to them. It just makes it better tbqh.
This topic has been discussed to death. Sage.
R u the guy that keeps white knighting for that retard Hannah hays
Fuck off.
She is my ex gf AMA
A girl that hot and dumb is going to get taken advantage of by somebody. Sad but true.
i guess hes fucking dumb too
(pause For laughter)
shes just a fucking idiot
(pause for more laughter)
i mean what is the deal with porn stars? its the laziest audience participation event you could think of. You can do it literally one handed
but seriously people youre lovely and all but i really got to go now. Its about time i jerked it for the twoth time today. Oops
(slide whistle)
>kikes are taking brain-injured girls and having them suck dicks for money while you watch
watching porn may as well be reciting the torah
>2th video
It's infuriating the Jews are defiling a cognitively impaired woman
Regardless, she's a lost cause
lmao falling for this shit
as expected from the idiots on this website
this is just the jews playing 8d chess on you
she's secretly a high iq crypto pretending to be a retarded southerner to attract more attention
you fucking fell for it lol
and now you're gonna jack off to it too, because you are weak-willed
still talking like a 10 year old. don't ever change roastie keep taking that easy money until you OD in some hotel somewhere
she can't be that retarded, right?
21 days strong jew, this trash does not tempt me
They could become thread slider shills.
Lmao bet he got cucked in that vid.
She's kinda slow and is being taken advantage of by some kike pimp. I mean she has a stuffed animal for support for christ sake.
There's a vid on it on jewtube.
I wish they would let me to
Fuck man, I was a loyal paypig to her for so long, how could she do me dirty like this? I bought her 3 things from her Amazon wishlist and send her paypal money for her private images and she even replied to my DM's and now she has a fucking guy she likes, fuck her.
Just tell the story faggot
Yah, I'm all for freedom to do as you wish, but it really sounds like she's being taken advantage of. Both her personal situation and her mental abilities.
What's most sad is that she doesn't have anyone looking after her financial interests, as that sort of position would be most attractive to those who would take her money rather than help her.
i love watching her take black cocks
Please be autistic work of falsehood or fiction
Outlaw sale or distribution of all 0porn
I bet it is. I doubt she's smart enough to understand how findom works.
Is she that retarded teenager? The FBI should arrest anyone who uses her. She has the mind of a child. It's fucking disgusting
Lmao. Well done leaf.
Fucking Jews, I fucking hate them so goddamned much pic related.
no, YOU ARE being taken advantage of by some kike pimp. It's an act, her agent is the one making threads here and trying to start a viral campaign surrounding his client to drum up business.
>implying I pay for porn
>not realizing he's paying for that free porn
they look like siblings
>implying I haven't cut porn down to a couple saved images from /s/
its not like the retard has any other use. hopefully she'll get so used up she wont pop out any more disables to further drain society
If she's your ex-girlfriend and you know she's basically too dumb to function on her own, how'd you let her end up getting into porn? I would have wifed her dumb ass up.
honestly OP is just demanding we rip up the 1st amendment
>someone hurt my feelings
>flush the 1st amendment down the toilet
does OP offer any other alternative than
>your Constitution sucks
>get rid of it
>my feelings are at stake
>think of my feelings
Actually, it's a live lizard. "Mr. Chievious"
I was just trying to catch a few (you)'s desu but looking though her twitter she seems desp for money since she isn't getting many whore booking and is considering becoming an escort and shilling her sex toys and used panties, also some paycuck will have to buy her a jeep.
also gf experiences are 2k.
Source on their scene together?
she writes like shes 10
Well at least she's honest... Can't imagine the kind of cuck that would pay that much for her. She's only so cute.
her agent controls her social media and writes for her
I was kidding about that obv, but I don't know why you would who would have an overgrown child for a partner, well worse than the average woman
Shes gone forever.
>all i have to do is fuck them and they give me free shit, haha, and they call me the retard
All of you white knights who are knighting for her, have you guys ever considered that she might be too stupid for anything other than porn? Hannah's IQ must be somewhere around 75
>I don't know why you would who would have an overgrown child for a partner, well worse than the average woman
I don't know. I guess I imagine that, under the right conditions, you could maintain a child's level of innocence to go with the intelligence. As though she'd be less likely to hurt or manipulate you. Just a pipe dream though, I understand women about as well as I do particle physics.
that's impossible, you can't be too stupid for prostitution and do porn
where are her parents?
This retarded thread again AHHHHHHH
Retards can't consent, this is a filmed rape
Probably, he is literally wrecking her tiny pink body.
nice bait, if that was the case it would apply to half of Jow Forums who have autism
go cry on twitter about it
they both look retarded, porn drains the soul, and im sure the (((directors))) seek out retards like these two. Shit is fucking backwards yall, this world is doomed.
Normally I'd say "dropped" but it's clear from her YouTube videos and Twitter posts that she's mentally handicapped and those Jews in the porn industry are taking advantage of her. How do we save her lads?
top kek, well done user:
Quality material leafbro.
It's a normal human emotion to want to protect the vulnerable among us. Only sociopaths can't comprehend that.
You can probably search for her name and include "incest" with it.
you're fucking pathetic honestly, no better than lefitsts who want to infantalize adults well into their 30's
the Jews will pay for this one day.
If you are serious, then start by not consuming a single piece of porn for the rest of your life.
If you're not prepared to do this, then fuck off you virtue signalling fuck.
you have her legaly defined as handicapped. once thats done she cant enter into a contract on her own, its even retro actiive. then you sue the producres and make millions
best way to do it is to get her on board with it, have her go to a doctor and lawyer FAR from cali. to get certified retarded, then come back and sue.
theres already precedent for it, a girl lied about her age and became a porn star at 16, when she turned 18 she came out then sued all her former producers for underage porn, pretty sure some of them did time.
Do the autists in this thread think professional wrestling is real too? Honest question here.
>polshitters whiteknighting a giga-roastie
This is why women will always win you fucking cucks
As gay as it sounds Hannah's greatest accomplishment was getting me to quit hardcore porn. Thanks Hannah!
I wasted 45 minutes of my life watching the stupid interview and everything about this girl is fake outrage used to shill her on Jow Forums.
>She had an accident that left her retarded.
She had an accident but it didn't impacted her intelligence. It just fucked her knee and hip. She talks slowly because of a speech impediment she has had since little, but she isn't retarded. She already graduated college AND started her own business.
>Da jooz tricked her little innocent mind into porn
Before being a porn star she was a model. Her manager offered and she watched porn and deliberately decided she liked that. She knew full well was she was getting into.
>Da jooz DRUG her to get her do porn
She doesn't use drugs, other than medicinal marijuana for the pains from her knee and hip problems from the accident.
>She just did porn to help buying her grandma's medicine
Her family was struggling but they certainly weren't starving on the street.
tl;dr: Stupid thot deliberately gets into porn and the white knight crusade is out in full force for her.
>you have her legaly defined as handicapped. once thats done she cant enter into a contract on her own, its even retro actiive. then you sue the producres and make millions
>best way to do it is to get her on board with it, have her go to a doctor and lawyer FAR from cali. to get certified retarded, then come back and sue.
>theres already precedent for it, a girl lied about her age and became a porn star at 16, when she turned 18 she came out then sued all her former producers for underage porn, pretty sure some of them did time.
she's not legally retarded idiot, the fact she has all you marks hooked probably indicates her IQ is higher than yours, what you describe wouldn't happen either, even her gimmick isn't that mentally handicapped, it's like you morons think dumb chicks hasn't been a selling point in media for fucking 80 years
>that's impossible, you can't be too stupid for prostitution and do porn
prostitutes have to be smarter so they don't end up in jail or dead and ground into taco meat to be served at a vegas casino buffet
porn sluts have the benefit of public scrutiny (proper precautions, contracts, less frequent abuse, quasi-legality, some oversight) to keep them out of jail and physically healthy even if they're mentally and emotionally broken, Schlomo only needs their bodies after all. That being said, you can teach a cockatiel to say "I consent"
Redpill: she's only pretending to be retarded to build an online persona. Sick fucks get off on the idea of jacking it to a retard who can't truly consent to what's happening.
yes all correct except the whiteknight part is actually a falseflag
the agent paid big bucks for her southern accent so he could denigrate southerners/racists
First of all, this isn't funny.
Second, where's here family in all of this???
Third, unless someone is going to shoot THESE kikels instead of a bunch of oldfags in a "synagogue", then I don't fucking CARE.
either start removing the obvious degenerates, or fuck off and stop QQing about it.
either rescue her IRL or let her go already.
>you will not take my ability to jerk off to mentally challenged people reeeeeeeeee
I see you
A leaf with bad taste let me find out you like her feet too
am I supposed to watch a video that positions itself as political propaganda in the first 5 seconds? sorry I'm going to need evidence that isn't doctored with your narrations
you're giving her free viral advertising, you idiot, do you even know what gorilla marketing is?
>gorilla marketing
>Free viral marketing in a NSFW board
Who you trying to fool
>What can we do about the mentally challenged acting in porn?
stop the supply. we need to get your mother on food stamps ASAP
>gorilla marketing
>gorilla marketing
*guerilla marketing
Has anyone even tried to save Hannah yet??
I bet she's being continually raped by big black men with hard, massive cocks as we speak.
who the fuck would name a porn channel dog fart
>Who you trying to fool
it's fucking obvious, it's marketing, the fact they are pushing her here in a place with a lot of pathetic autists that will buy into her porn gimmick is fucking brilliant, every time you do one of these threads, probably 20 people look up her shit and then can be convinced to give her money, like I asked earlier, do you think professional wrestling was real? When Stone Cold fought Mr. McMahon was that real workplace violence? That's how fucking stupid you are. There's entire books on how to this kind of marketing now. The key is to get dimwits who don't understand the angle to give you free advertising.
Holy fuck how far inside her tight little white body do you think that massive black cock must be going? And is her facial expression pain or ecstasy? -- I can't tell
people in Jow Forums are so fucking dumb they probably think this is real and she wrote that sing as a call for help
stop challenging them
>big black men with hard, massive cocks
what a meme! but you want to believe in that, so whatever.
A while back someone pointed out her feet. They’re fucking hideous and every time she’s brought up her broke dick feet come to mind
Someone posted them here when she first became a meme. They are, in fact, quite barf-inducing
Personally, I don't give a single shit about this coal-burning retard. In fact, as a direct result of her shilling herself on Jow Forums, I've grown to actively disliking the cunt. I hope she accidentally steps on her lizard and watches as the thing dies in agony right in front of her. I hope her mother and sister fucking die and she's left all alone in the world getting taken advantage of until she OD's or kills herself.
Ethnostate and draw "The Line".
Have never heard of this bitch before but from seeing the picture I thought it was the guy that was retarded
it's her marketing team shilling her here
You want porn without women...?