All POC should have done this when whites started colonising

The North Senitelese people dont realise how much of a favour they have done themselves by killing this white man. Let the white devil in and their people would have gone extinct in a few years. POC around the world are wishing their ancestors did this

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They didn't cause back then white people didn't pity them as they do today.

If you say so, the world is sick of whites. Greedy evil jealous race. Their day will come, and boy will they feel it!

They tried. That's why they're all dead

Eh, every race is greedy, its part of human nature.

Should have brought plate armor.

The North Senitelese people only exist because whites were generous enough to allow them to.

Typical white saviour complex lol.

Exactly. I could have my son spread his germs and air drop some items - they’d all be dead in a week.

makes sense

Nope, its part of white nature. Nobody is as bloodthirsty as whites.

Hapa actually

Im Southern Italian, not white.

wait no, I meant the christcuck who got eviscerated

They did, that's why the Europeans didn't colonize Africa south of the Sahara before the 19th century. They needed guns and preferably the Maxim (machine) gun.

“Whatever happens, we have got
The Maxim gun, and they have not.”

Like the Mongols that conquered for the sake of conquering? Or Ottomans that occupied every country the bordered? Or Arabs that spread their religion through conquests?

that's not what the savior complex is

I cant help but wonder what he was thinking when he got hit with that first arrow

Was he shocked? Was his faith shattered because his "call from god" was actually nothing?

Lol, those added up havent shed as much blood as the white man, who genocided entire races and colonised 4/5ths of the world

Yes it is. Thinking that whites are special saviours and other races need them for protection. The North Senitelese have existed long before whites and will continue to exist as long as they stay away from whites.

Because white man found an efficient way of doing it. Had black been given a chance, they would have drowned the world in blood. Look at the Turks and what they have done to Armenians.

They did then more white came and exterminated them.

No ifs and buts, the whites DID commit more bloodshed than anyone else. Lets talk history and not what may have happened

They should have invented maxim guns too then.

Most POC were not as wary as they should have been, they welcomed whites because they were not aware of the true violent nature of the pale people. Then they were genocided and had their land stolen, now they know.

Look at the Japanese and what they have done to the Chinese when they finally got a chance to.

>Europeans didn't colonize Africa south of the Sahara before the 19th century
Mate the Portuguese and Dutch were doing that in the 1500s and 1600s centuries before that tech was around.

t. snownigger

Do you consider Japanese people POC?

And look at what whites did to the Africans, the Indians, the aboriginals, the Native Americans
Most other races killed their neighbours. Whites went around the whole world killing and conquering

Saving them? No, I mean generously not napalming them to death for killing higher beings than themselves.

>but muh Japanese killed the Chinese and muh arab slavery
Always deflecting - cant come to terms with the fact that your people are a bloodthirsty plague on this Earth.

Higher beings? Whites are the lowest of the low.

You said other races aren't greedy. I've shown you examples of it being untrue.

>your people
Im not white.
>Japanese killed the Chinese and muh arab slavery
Actually the reason I bring the Japanese up is because not just slaughtering white people who turned up on their shores worked out remarkably well for them in fact more so than the groups who had a kill on sight policy.

That statement is worth as much as some mindless ooking. This zoo exhibit is honestly kind of boring.

they did, and they lost

that's why USA owns their home

Isn't he a Hapa?

asians are white-supremacists when it suits the left

What about the Bantus, Austronesians, and Arabs?

Whites are the worst and greediest, thats what I said and that will always be true.

100% agree, the more white people die the better this world be

>NOBODY is as bloodthirsty as whites.

Truly agree.

Yeah, they're MORE bloodthirsty.
And most of "whites" who were blood thirsty were Italians, Spaniards, and Portugese; so if I'm assuming you're an ethic Italian that would be mean whites are some of the least blood thirsty,

That's getting boring and repetitive. Keep trying to shill if you like, I'm done here.

They did, dipshit. That's why they were rightfully slaughtered like the animals they are. Yet, how would subhumans cry racism and get pats on the head by the superior white man if they were successful in anything they did?

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Are there varieties of whites which are worse than others?


>POC around the world

You mean people of no color. Black is devoid of color. White people are the only people of color.

Nice try though.

nigger much?

Southern Italians are not white, we are POC.
British, French, Germans, Spaniards etc are the worst on Earth.
Nobody comes close to the white race in evil.

What’s Italian for Mustafa?

They tried. Whites are good at conquest, especially when dealing with low IQ brown people who have inferior weaponry. If the guy went there with a gun, he would be king of the island right now, but he went there with a bible and a misguiding belief that kindness would win them over.

go away nigger, nobody cares about niggers,

whites are supreme.

Dumb fuck, “black” is just a term, most blacks are varying shades of brown.
Also not just Africans are POC.

white power

Never have been and never will be, honest to God.

shit skins.

White Power
White Pride
World Wide

If white people are eradicated, Africa will starve. It's not like the gooks or ragheads are gonna waste their time feeding a bunch of retarded niggers the way whites foolishly do.

pink skins > others

supreme in? this is the race that cant even sit in the sun without burning, gets skin cancer at 20xs the rate, gets wrinkly at 30, starts balding the earliest, physically inferior, lived in squalor and filth and didnt shower until the moors taught them to. supreme in what? shedding blood?

we will see, pls exterminate yourselves so we can test out your hypothesis. ;)

They did.

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well they were smart enough to get out of the sun so they didn't evolve that hideous colour

Black people die from skin cancer at a higher rate than whites you dummkopf.

Pink pale skin that looks like raw chicken and resembles pigs is without a doubt the ugliest skintone of them all. Its funny how whites put down us POC and told us we are ugly when you guys pay to tan and have brown skin we naturally have.

No, you are a faggot.

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no, we pinks are PoCs, oppressed by the filthy anglo

because blacks are less likely to get it checked out. the only places blacks get skin cancer is the less melinated areas btw, like palms and soles of feet. whites have the highest skin cancer rate than any other race and are prone to a shit ton of diseases

they probably yell and throw spears at planes going by and think it has an effect

Do you want to speak about history ? Lets start
Chinese genicide the natives australasians( south east asians are a mix of mongoloid and australoid)
Indians killed all the natives and relegated the rest to the lowest castes
Mongols killed 20% of eurasian population killing half of europeans bringing the black plage
Arabs raped to extinction to north african natives
Turks genocide the native europeans from the steppe and killed the natives greeks in anatolia
Blacks( bantu) genocised the native subsaharians khoisans and pygmeans from the entire africa the rest are still slaves in central african countries
And we are suposed to be the bad guys give me a break fuckung retard

>Southern Italians are not white, we are POC.
As someone who is actually a POC (IndianxMalay) southern italians absolutely receive white privilege and have been throughout their history supporters of white Imperialism and supremacy.

the fact that every young white girl here doesnt think they look presentable until they smother themselves in layers of fake tan tells me that they wish they did evolve a darker colour hahaha

you gotta be some nigger that just got off a soros boat... italy, ya right......

Read a fuckin book for once, whites did this and 10xs worse, went aroubd the whole world genociding and exterminating! Filthy evil race

Over here we love our transparent chested women with big blue veiny tits and so does everyone with a straight spine

ewwwwwww, come to the UK you’ll see how badly these white girls want our colour hahaha

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>the only places blacks get skin cancer is the less melinated areas btw, like palms and soles of feet
LOL, I can tell you're no doctor at least.

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Doubt you are a POC. We do not have white privilege, WE ARE NOT WHITE and we thank God for that. Northern Italians are the white colonisers.

Is nor fucking subhumans all this people genocided entire ethnic group withou5 bringing anything more than destrucrion while we bring the world to a new era were the life of scum like you is protected

>one example blabla
THE MOST COMMON place they get it is in those areas. whites are the most likely to get it because they lack melanin - a blessing from god. stay mad

Thats why we invented solar creme to adapt to the different enviroment while you are limited like the proto human you are

>saved America from total irrelevance
kek imagine if all of North America was like Africa (or South America)

No everyone's as bloodthirsty as whites, whites are just smarter and better at doing it, don't be bitter

nuke em

I wish we would have been as evil as you scum claim we are , you would have dissapeared of the map by now

you invented it but god naturally blessed us with it hahaha!

>the only places
>m-most common
You're a joke, you know that?

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FALSE religion cucks always try to come down to tribal mentality,that is why the only real GOSPEL works its easy enough for anyone to understand but some tribes could give a fuck so fuck em we don't need them.

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The difference is that whites back then shot first.

The first people on this Earth were POC and the last people on this Earth will be POC. Whites will be gone soon :P

sound pretty jelly bro

God condem you to be a slave tier subhuman for all your existence that enought punishment

Yea and his own modern crossbow/bow

>Brown nipple

it is the most common place. that picture is stupid btw. coloured ppl is offensive bc that was the term used during jim crow by racists. believe it or not, we dont think we are inferior. i would kms if i was white

Considering whites are the source of literally every modern government, I think your suggestion is improbable.

And if we were greedy, evil, and jealous, ignorant mudbloods like yourself would already be extinct.