Designer Baby Technology Thread

So they want to flood our countries with African niggers and turn the world into a larger France, run by Jews.

How can we acelerate the process of Baby Designing? Fund, study it, share knowledge and research results?

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Baby designing is the work of Satan.



This is France. Is that what you want for you?

By the way, we're 20% niggered, but our "niggers" are still worthy, useful mongrels.

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My answer was to you.

I'm not defending France, but baby designing is the work of Satan.

Think with me:

If everyone becomes Satan, there's no Satan. Right?

Anyone can do the same.

The other option is waiting so (((they))) make their way with us all, either socially or genetically.

That literally makes no rational sense and also the kike meme is a satanic lie.

time traveling user who came here wondering what it would be like 20 years before i was born
shortly before the third world war they develop a technology that allows us mass create human soldiers
a rogue european (i think he was german) scientist uses this technology to start his own revolution and eventually takes over most of europe
he attempted to attack america but a coup happened by a group of cia agents who were working with white nationalists in the northwest
the new america allied with europe and invaded the rest of the world
with so many human soldiers in need of wives they eventually repurposed the technology from creating soldiers into creating young wives for the soldiers

just a moral boost i thought you guys might need

Let china work out all the bugs and deal with the mutant babies. The most important thing America can do is work out post-natal gene-editing. Blacks only start diverging from whites in the teenage years. It will be much less risky to edit a child genes than an embryo, as the sperm/eggs of that child will not be edited. that way, if we screw up, it wont't be passed on to the next generation.

Brazil should just focus on becoming first world. You should not fund development of this tech.

The future is AMISH, monkey boy. embrace tradition and craftsmanship.

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>If everyone becomes Satan, there's no Satan. Right?
WRONG, faggot.
just stop, you're fucking done

if its on public talking spheres, it probably is already being used in billionaire spheres

You don't have to wait for designer baby technology. Just buy an egg from a white female.

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Sorry, but they want to make us all black and we'll not take it.

It's better having mutant babies than black babies.

Money is secondary compared to who we are and how our countries are.

this girl is amazing

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I want to fuck her face.

At the current trends there is no chance we will get to that point in gene editing before it's too late.
We have to reverse migration trends, there's no way around.

The west needs to get off its moral high horse. People are machines that need manual upgrades.

Start the ovens.

Gas niggers 2024

I may be mistaken, but countries won't allow a single man to have a baby this way? Aren't these only given out to women/ couples who elect to have them because they are sterile themselves?

What is this cumdumpster's name?

Tiernan E (blue)

we can’t create designer babies, because genes aren’t simple as creating a fallout chatacter. plus, educated people who actually study the human genome aren’t autistically obsessed with race.

altering a single gene it can make the subject less prone to a specific type of cancer, or averse to cilantro, but that doesn’t alter the design of a person by any stretch.

these are like tweaks or mods to an existing thing and, retard, no race or ethnicity is perfect. your metaphorical stinking ass, for example, is a deplorable thing example of how gross and useless a human of any origin can be.


And the most terrifying thing is we have no idea how many people are already designer babies. I'm thinking more than half of celebs and a select group of rich gen Zers


all this multiculturalism , degeneracy and devolution is intentionally made to get you to desire and eventually accept transhunanism as the solution. Don't take the mark of the beast

We need to develop and operate the technology associated with designer eugenics. Natsoc is a technology culture, become the genetic Vonn Bronn.

>educated people who actually study the human genome aren’t autistically obsessed with race.
Actually comparing races is a good way to find the purposes of specific genes but whatever so they are somewhat obsessed.
>altering a single gene it can make the subject less prone to a specific type of cancer, or averse to cilantro, but that doesn’t alter the design of a person by any stretch.
What do you mean by design? External features? Those could very much be changed by the same means once we understand which gene does what and we have a reliable way to replace/modify them.
>no race or ethnicity is perfect.
No such claim was made.
>your metaphorical stinking ass, for example, is a deplorable thing example of how gross and useless a human of any origin can be.
Leave the huemonkey alone you racist!

> So they want to flood our countries with African niggers and turn the world into a larger France, run by Jews.
They want to brazilify the world, huehue.

I think you can't go too far with this using DNA editing, maybe you will just produce more shitty NPCs.

I am currently studying biotechnology (the study of gene manipulation) and chemistry; this is beyond stupid and unethical. Not only go against the praxis of evolution and natural selection but it introduces a whole other realm of problems insofar as the question of how far we will go is concerned. I want to let you know right now, that the technology is already there and has been for a while, it's not particularly difficult to splice DNA, and my current field of research which is looking at modifying viruses to combat cancer through viral induced cell lysis. This is very bad and troubling if it comes to fruition

Please don't say the n word, rude.

Fuck you nigger.

They should create artificial wombs. That would help increase the birthrate without having to worry about getting your wife fat.