Why is Jow Forums not embracing Islam yet?

Why is Jow Forums not embracing Islam yet?

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They won't let me embrace it ironically and I'm unable to do anything unironically by now.

Are the people who write for Time legit retarded? How is this a story?

Why you calling me a retard wtf?

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Because leftists got to them first, somehow.

Achmed and Cletus could have teamed up but the endless war in the Middle East kind of ruined a match made in heaven. Brothers hand and hand tossing faggots off roofs.

because we're not shitskin

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>lgbt "rights"
fuck off chr*stian dogs

anti-LGBT is common sense consider the pedophilia it brings. Religion is not needed for common sense. Islam is Judaism.

That's not the right terminology. The media always makes this mistake since there is no such thing as "sharia law". They mean the fiqh since is the human understanding of the sharia.

Because the barbarian enemy of my degenerate enemy is not my friend.

Islam is an Arabic religion and I am not a goddam Ayrab

Is that code for completely fucking wasting it since day 0? God these people are so retarded

How do liberals not understand that the LGBT movement and Islam are incompatible?

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It’s a natural consequence of your flag, just embrace it

Who is Shari and why did they name an anti-lgbt after her?

Bees can make as much honey as they want, I'll still smash them if they get near me.


Why are you questioning the cognitive reasoning of literal retards?


It's classic cognitive dissonance.
They hate everything that stands for normalcy in the West, so they glorify anything NOT from the West.
That disdain for their own culture supersedes their own identity.
This is what makes them cucks, by the way.

Because we're not right wing stooges you cnn cock sucking jackass