How will the Mexicans handle the caravan menace?

And how will this effect all of Mexico? I assume this will make Mexico extremely nationalist and immigration (legal and illegal) into the US will decrease massively. And since the left cums in their pants every time a minority does something, they’ll probably support Mexico and will be more open to the idea of American nationalism too. Also there will be a lot more spicy gore webms supplied by the lovely Cartel in the near future.


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Other urls found in this thread:

The Hondurans complain about the free food. They have an opportunity to bond with and appreciate their Mexican hosts but instead choose to be disrespectful filth.

>Be Honduran
>Go to US border
>Get Shot
>Go to any Mexican town
>Get harassed and targeted
>Live on the streets
>Get taken by Cartel
>Go back to your own country
>Continue to be a prostitute or drug dealer
Sub sub humans deserve no mercy

shameless bump

It’s funny how all of you niggers now differentiate mexicans with other central american hispanics all of a sudden because of a virtue signal for nationlism from a mexican with drug cartel ties lmao. Why would mexico care about nationalism when they’re too busy getting fucked by the cia funded drug cartels?

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It´s really amazing how similar this is to what happened in europe, also with a caravan if you recall back in 2015. Imagine how it is for those who have no experience on this matter. They just barge into countries hundreds of thousands of people, they don´t clean up their mess or anything. And then complain about food and accomodations. Not realizing that if they both travelled and applied legally for work visa or for travel visa etc. They would have none of these problems. And then there's ofcourse pictures of kids crying because the douchebag parents brought them with them on this idiotic trek. And then to make matters worse, mexico offer them jobs and accomodations. But they say no, we want to go to the US instead.
>Why would mexico care about nationalism when
Everybody cares about their nation and people. Immigrants from other countries in the US for instance, don't they always talk about their culture and people and where they come from? Ofcourse mexico is not interested in many thousand squatters that literally arrive overnight. You have no idea what that does to communities. These people just sitting in the street, garbage all over the place. What mexicans are experiencing right now is a microscopic example of the scale that this was happening in europe.

I doubt all of the rich Jews in America want there supply of illegal slave labor to run dry. I say it's only going to get worse from now on. This is only the beginning of many caravans to come.
They estimate this shit will effect mexico for the next 6 months according to an article. Everyone cares when their community is all of a sudden impacted by something like this. It's not like they don't have their own things to deal with too.

Petty immigration numbers don’t mean shit when cia funded drug cartels are an active threat affecting mexico, leading to all the Mexicans in poverty moving to the US

>Petty immigration numbers don’t mean shit when cia funded drug cartels are an active threat affecting mexico, leading to all the Mexicans in poverty moving to the US
Yeah i'm sure it won't mean a thing for tijuana to have 10,000 central americans squatting in their city over the coming 6 months. Won't effect the day to day operation whatsoever right?
>Juan Manuel Gastelum said there were 2,750 migrants from the caravan in Tijuana and that estimates by Mexico's federal government indicate the number could approach 10,000.
>"No city in the world is prepared to receive this — if I'm allowed — this avalanche," he said during a news conference at City Hall. "It is a tsunami. There is concern among all citizens of Tijuana."
You can't just barge into another country because your own country has problems. You don't think mexico and mexicans have their own problems?

What the fuck are these news? This is the third caravan, the first two already made it into the US weeks ago. We will send this one that way too now that they have the right to apply for asylum.

>western governments bomb the fuck out of poor nations to sustain the beast that is the military industrial complex
>people in poor nations now have no way to sustain themselves
>simultaneously offer citizenship, employment, and resources to bombed out nation survivors in an attempt to lower the value of the native citizens
>get to pretend like you're working in the best interest of your citizens, while also pretending like you care about those who aren't

gotta love the (((USA)))

Tell me when honduras was bombed?


Fucking impoverished mexicans come here en masse because their currency isn't worth shit & never has been; and even at what we consider slave labor they still make a massively better living.
The CIA operating with such impunity there is a symptom, not a cause. They don't really have a pot to piss in so of course they're not fucking happy about having to share the pissing corner of their haciendas.

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sorry for my english ...
most do not want these migrants we are manifesting to this bullshit but the news and our politicians, they are in favor of the Hondurans and giving them many helps...
i have to say it this is really bad people fucking really bad people they are so bad that the cartels here in mexico
instead of recruiting them are killing them because they are a cartel in themselves...

with the new president taking charge in December this is going to get worse because he is a fucking communist and will support this kind of people

Shouldn't at least the first migrant caravan have made it to the US border by now?
Have they decided to just say "fuck it" and stay in Mexico?

Im not sure user, but central americans need to be gassed. Even the immigrant Haitians we got here are actually based. Now I've been redpilled about spics.

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in the state of tijuana they are joining i think that they are waiting for more and more people to do some kind of chaos in the border..

Most of these people can't even get a travel visa because they have a criminal record. Kill. Them. All.

Some are staying and some are probably plotting something big at the border. The people who are staying no Mexico though are staying because they fear being shot at the border (and trump told troops at the border they could use lethal force today).

>and trump told troops at the border they could use lethal force today

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>”Trump has so far deployed 5,900 active-duty service members to the border, along with 2,100 National Guard troops.”

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>twice the number of migrants in troops currently
>they're holding back in tijuana to become greater in number
>they started off aggressive as shit & are only going to get worse the longer they stay in Mexico
>border troops are authorized to use lethal force
I want to believe this is all coming to a perfect head like this.

Please help

I only see this ending 3 ways:
>Cartel utterly annihilates the caravan
>Mexican citizens utterly annihilates the caravan
>US military utterly annihilates the caravan

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>I am going to build a wall and Mexico will pay for it!

I never understood what that man mean't by this but its all making sense..

>fund caravans of Hondurans and Guatemalans
>have them walk through Mexico shitting and littering along the way
>Make it so that the Mexicans want to prevent this
>Mexico builds its own wall to prevent them from coming through

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The 4D chess meme is real

We are the Wall

btw this is genuinly happening, the Donald Trump of Mexico wants to deport all who step a foot on Monterrey

>it´s really amazing how similar this is to what happened in europe, also with a caravan if you recall back in 2015.

It's not a coincidence, the same people are organizing the propaganda.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((I WONDER WHO THOSE PEOPLE COULD BE???))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Mexico's latent autism is activating. the redemption arc begins

Now if you had used a couple more pairs of parenthesis, I'd have known who you meant. As is it's just a mystery.

Yessir. Europe was the trial run, to work out the kinks. Notice in the (((media))) all these articles just popped up about how three or four new caravans are on their way from south America?

It's not who you think (unless you realize it's right wing NGO's doing it on purpose to prop up ethno-populist movements)

>it's right wing NGO's doing it on purpose to prop up ethno-populist movements

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back to /leftypol/ with you.

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>they're experiencing what Europe did
They're experiencing what they've been doing to us for 50 fucking years. It couldn't be more poetic.

A few groups that hitched rides on buses are the ones that have made it to the border as of yet and they haven't "asked for asylum" so they are definitely waiting on the rest. Mexico offered visas but few have taken that up

Help will come soon, Juan

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3 separate but unified nationalists countries.
F u c k my dick is hard

North American ultra alliance when?

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Hopefully very soon

Thanks to britkikes now the entire world knows that our border troops are powerless and unarmed. It looks to me like we memed a Merkel into the presidency

>North American ultra alliance when?
When Trudeau dies from complications arising from his castration and vaginoplasty

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based spics

>Canada is nationalist and mostly white
>US is nationalist and split into black and white, but though the races are separate they’re still extremely nationalistic and love each other, despite being separate
>Mexico is nationalist and mostly Mexican
A pipe dream, but this would be the most ideal thing that could happen.

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Holy shit not only is the red wave real. Its fucking horrifying the level of "woke" its amassing in its wake.

This is a good thread. Based and redpilled C.U.M alliance.

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>C.U.M alliance

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If only Trump would've slighted it to mock Trudywoody.

Come on guys, it's your chance to try again.

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the mexicans are all mad because the migrants are taking their jobs lol

Mexico already has a wall that we paid for years ago. It was supposed to stop the flood of illegals but did fuck all because all spics are corrupt, lying little backstabbers who care only for themselves and can always be expected to fuck you over.

>right wing NGO's doing it on purpose to prop up ethno-populist movements
Holy fuck you faggots are grasping at straws. Begone child-dick-sucker

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The cartel are apparently joining up with the caravan to come across the border.

maybe put more thought into some sort of salient argument before you post. Throwing buzzwords around may work on others that drank the bongwater as a child, but wont work on anyone with a functioning brain.

lurk more faggot

Well then, see

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The wetback shitholers played with fire. They thought they could fuck with the US for stopping the illegal wetbacks coming in to steal jobs and send the dollars back to their wetback shithole (as remittances is a huge chunk of Mexishit GDP), by sending a different kind (yet equally shitty) of shitholer to make the wetback beaner variety (somehow) better by comparison. Of course it isn't, but that's their delusion. The US said no and we're going to make ground meat out of those shitholers if they tried - both the US military and random citizens will shoot those subhuman spics if they tried to cross. Now those shitholer vermin are stuck in wetback shithole land and are fucking shit up and being entitled and shit. Now it's not just the other spics that will get gunned down when they try to cross, Mexitards will also get gunned down because we don't really give a fuck - if you're brown, you die. Mexishit can't do anything but take it up the ass, because they deserve it by thinking they could do anything against the US.

>Mexico offered visas but few have taken that up
Absolutely ungrateful and braindead

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WHY the fuck did it take 100s of miles for there to be some Mexicans with some damn BALLS

FFS the saving grace of the 3rd world is traditional gender roles and lack of political correctness

What a damn embarassment

> Separate but together

A man only can dream.

Funny thing is how Baja California is a very liberal state yet most people don't want the Hondurans.

We have 20 million illegals here ,,,,,so Mexico can take in 10 thousand illegal there.... Karma is a guy named Juan.

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The left are not aware that this is happening. The left cannot find Mexico on a map. Truth is, they are ignorant of the whole world outwith their city

You can deport yours any time you want.
We don't want these fuckers so they're going back whether they like it or not.

lmao no
Rich lefties and chairos (aka your collegue marxists) are against the caravan already.
I'm curious how Obrador will handle this.