i honestly cant tell what you are trying to accomplish by posting threads like this you arent trying to open a dialogue and it doent matter whether you actually believe this crap or not these threads are never terribly entertaining either and you certainly arent going to change any minds whoever is paying you to do this is paying way too much
Kayden Johnson
>Rights are granted by the sanction of the state. Wanna know how I know you're a cuck? [spoiler]Hint: it's not your flag.[/spoiler]
Owen Evans
Fuck off faggot
Mason Foster
>1 post by this id Rake all leafs.
Jordan Evans
>i honestly cant tell what you are trying to accomplish by posting threads like this
It's fun.
>you arent trying to open a dialogue and it doent matter whether you actually believe this crap or not
I have no convictions.
>these threads are never terribly entertaining either and you certainly arent going to change any minds I disagree to the former, and the latter- but people, with exposure, will change their own minds.
>whoever is paying you to do this is paying way too much Money is not the only currency. -Ayn Rand
>free speech and pluralism are retarded This. If people don't want to hear what you have to say, then perhaps you should reconsider what you're saying- self reflection- which pol-NPCs don't have.
Sebastian Hall
>I think we can all agree that the big tech companies are monopolies that should be broken up. No. Fuck off lolbertarian spammer.
Angel Perez
>Rights are granted by the sanction >of the stat fuck off justin
Jaxson Rogers
>Rights are granted by the sanction of the state. What's depressing is that there are people who legitimately believe in this.
Oh so free speech is not a right for you? Then I advice you stfu and go post the supermarket prices leaf because my gun is a right and it gives me the ability to take away what rights you think you have.
Juan Harris
>Rights are granted Stopped reading there
William Jenkins
Benjamin Reed
Breaking up monopolies is the furthest thing from Libertarianism, leaf faggot spammer who makes this same thread over and over.
Daniel White
So tomorrow if the US or Canada decided by popular to round up all blacks, redheads, etc, and execute them that'd be ok?
I mean they don't have a right to life or liberty because rights are granted by the state.
Asher Morgan
>not on someone else's private property The internet is not private property Break up big tech companies
Connor Bailey
>i have no convictions
>change your hate
idiot. at least make a decent thread about elite pedophilia or the federal reserve. trolling the most jaded kids on the planet is boring, tactless, and oddly kinda rude bud. sage
Nathan Morgan
>at least make a decent thread about elite pedophilia or the federal reserve. This is not /x/
>Trolling the most jaded kids on the planet is boring, tactless, and oddly kinda rude bud.
dude those are clearly topics that belong here. you are either being willfully ignorant or are stupid.
read about the dutroux affair or the franklin scandal. if you deny that these scandals occurred, then you are a shill and a creep. might as well say oxygen or sexual reproduction are conspiracy theories.
Anthony Torres
Your conspiratards always hope your victim is shocked by your revelations, and too retarded to realize that you're concerns are nothing burgers.