I hate here so much
I hate here so much
Other urls found in this thread:
Brexit NOW
I ‘ M
Jesus christ you people need Tommy Robinson back for it's too late!
To my Robinson, the Mossad shill?
I havent seen that much bush since the 70’s.
Why can't the bots spell yet?
Mrs. Natural.
what an earth goddess NAME?
Does she really have to grimace or is that just what her face looks like naturally?
Why is he *your* Robinson?
why are english/uk people so ugly? is it the tea? They all got crooked faces
that pics shopped.
mfw I will never have a cute English girl with a bush that wants a Brexit
Kys nigger.
To my > Tommy
I missed an ‘m’
Does she have some sort of palsy?
nice save faggot
doesnt want to bend over and rip her trousers
Have you considered moving, and hating somewhere else?
it's a robot.
Well, she is a brit
This will make your penis very soft
its like i've been exposed to a lethal dose of radiation
>eye contact
>physical motion
the tools of a top tier saleswoman
pure cringe
Your sperm will never recover
WTF is going on with her knees?
Thread fail. Autism is the currency of /pol and May demonstrates her autism with pride, yet /pol points the finger?
She's /my girl/ because I find her autism cute.
you may have eye herpes or shingles.
It isn’t a save, I literally typed to fast and missed an ‘m’, cunt
She's like a female Mr. Bean
>dont let them push you around user
>you can take
holy shit that is exactly what it is
terminal case of britishness
who dis
This bitch has one awkward looking body. Lanky yet stumpy core, always with weird motions and posture.
Id cum inside this beauty
She's of the same species as the queen. Go read david icke
i wanna nut in you, bro
Just a reminder:
Brexit will never happen, the can will just keep on kicking.
>I really hope Edmvdvs Gonville haunts her for the rest of her life.
Oh, and she's not for brexit, that's shopped for sure. Please don't post the pic of her sitting bare assed on a 400 year old priceless velvet couch. She pulled all this nude protest shit at Oxford, I think, where she's a professor of whatever bullshit. Maybe Cambridge. But God, I remember when those universities were the best on Earth. (Not that they're aren't still good professors, but they must show deference to the nude retards. And the US ivy league schools are just as bad, accept for University of Chicago, maybe.)
That’s ghey