Devs Nov 20 >Jihadist attack kills two SAA soldiers in Aleppo >YPG members open fire on arab protesters in Ash-Shaddadi, Haskah prov >From Nov18-20 Turkish Armed Forcesattacked own proxies in Afrin region due to 'looting&crimes'. Others claim the groups became too independent >SAA command announces full liberation of Al-Safa region >Iraqi Air Force launches several airstrikes over Syria, 40+ IS terrorists killed >US envoy:All foreign troops except Russia must leave Syria >Russian Navy begins large-scale war games near Syrian coast >SAA seizes Israeli-made explosives left behind in Al-Quneitra >SAA denies reports of Israeli airstrikes over west Damascus >Afghanistan:SUicide attack kills 50+, 72injured during a religious celebration in Kabul >Afghan government created 6,000-strong force to stop taliban advance in Ghazni province >Houthis halt missile and drones attacks on Saudi Arabia and UAE, call for peace talks
Also fuck the title pic. Stupid hashemite got what was coming to him.
Oliver Gomez
We got some twenty somethins but. The shitposting is fucking great tho ill tell u that
Ethan Taylor
Oldest member is like 30+
Gavin Rivera
Yes and all of the Middle East suffered for it
Austin Rodriguez
We were fucked with or without him. Anglos wanted blood from day one.
Cooper Carter
>the group that fucked it all up
Kayden Foster
But maybe things could have turned different if abdullilah didnt starve half of the population in the 40s. Also you do know thr crown regeant was a faggot right?
Jaxson Mitchell
I joined
Sebastian Harris
Someone will vet you soon. Check out the little questionaire in the rules and regulations bit and post it into the newcomer chat
I don't think there's any Arab strong enough today that can defeat the Saudi family, and since they've been controlling Arabia for 300 years, i'd have to say the actual Arabian land is gone for good (due to the policy of Wahhabis and them destroying the history and relics of land) and no one will relinquish that family from controlling the land in the near future due to the close-knitted relationship with globalists in the weapon and oil industries. In which case, if you meant the rape babies outside of Arabia somehow uniting under some pan-arabism fantasy, then I don't see how they're not united since anything and everything Arabic or Islamic is controlled by the Saud family in Riyadh, whether out in the open or in secret.
>ukraine right now with hundreds of thousands without heating and water >massive blackouts on mayor cities >people are literally freezing to death >blame russian hackers immediately >hospitals and schools closing, emergency tents offering warm shelter to local residents >people are starting to get very angry (roads blocked), not even reporters can hide it anymore >Blames Local Officials for Heating Crisis >Even luxury apartment complexes in the center of Kiev had water and heating issues >gas prices increase 23 percent >Pipes started bursting and its not even below zero C
is Ukr*ine dare i say inoperable?
Angel Jenkins
>Tfw hungry for Kahi & Geymar but the Kahi maker wouldn't make it until like 8-oclock I-i dunno if i can make it bros...
At this point i can't help but feel like it's impossible unless the Saudis and the Gulfniggers fuck off cus alot of the other nations are ready and willing
Sometimes these updates give me hope. I wanna see a saudi arabia collapse general now
Kevin Torres
Atleasr you can indulge in it daily. I have to get lucky every time my dad heads to the iraqi place in melbourne (3-4 times a year).
Landon Ward
We will get to see Saudi Arabia collapse MBS has lost western backing and they are trying to get the king to replace him He’s destroyed the institutions that protected the regime and is trying to enact neoliberal privatization and taking away subsidies He’s fucked once the king dies
>"The 1980s witnessed the international breakthrough of neoliberal economics. A group of economists formed a seminar to learn about the new ideas from Chicago, managing to get the ears of the Finance Minister, Kjell-Olof Feldt, and the governor of the Central Bank. Marketization and the control of inflation became the new priorities of Social Democratic policy. In 1985, this cabal pushed through the deregulation of Sweden’s credit and capital markets in effect making Swedens economy much closer to those of the US and West-Germany. Feldt reported that when he presented the proposal to Olof Palme, the Prime Minister replied,... >"Do whatever you want, I don’t understand anything anyway" UberMan Swede Ar*an IQ on full display everyone
Adam Brown
Kek will be so good. Now if Iran AND Saudia collapse at the same time???
Ruptly The permanent Representative of Sweden to the UN Olof Skoog warned against the dire consequences of sanctions on the North Korean population while proclaiming the Security Council’s resolve to implement the provisional measures, speaking at a presser at UN headquarters in New York City on Wednesday. "We are very committed, and we stand firmly behind the sanctions on the DPRK [Democratic People's Republic of Korea] in accordance with the Council’s resolutions,” said Skoog who blamed the North Korean government for the situation.
Despite the Security Council’s commitment to the imposed sanctions, Skoog underlined the need for supporting the North Korean population with "lifesaving support." "We are concerned that the chronic underfunding of humanitarian support is hampering this humanitarian effort," added Skoog who urged all countries and agencies to provide aid to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).
Ruptly Pro-Palestine and pro-Israel demonstrators faced each other in London on Tuesday night, as the Israeli Eurovision song contest winner Netta performed at the gay club Heaven. London Palestine Action called for the gig to be called off, accusing the club of 'Pinkwashing' Israel, who it accuses of apartheid and genocide. As the club confirmed the concert demonstrators came to disturb attendees outside the club.
Pro Israelis turned out in defence of the country's name and Netta herself, however they numbered fewer than the pro-Palestine protesters.
Ayden Sullivan
Houthis again? Their film-making skills are getting better and better
Vesti News A new computer game was developed in Ukraine, the name is meaningful: The Cost of Freedom. The exhausted people in familiar striped suits play the role of the victims, so the scene of action is apparent at once: it is a concentration camp. The player may choose the team in which he or she will play: the enervated prisoners or the cruel killers. The former plot an escape, trying to survive, the latter manage the prisoners at their sole discretion.
Jaxson Gutierrez
I love that short *beep* sound immediately before missile launch, seems like a Kornet thing.
Is that a truck full of niggers getting hit by an IED then waiting for another truck to transfer the wounded which then gets hit by another IED and subsequently gets another truck to come pick up the 2nd group of wounded, only to end up blowing up at the 3rd IED?
Lmao after the 3rd attempt the other guys just turn around and leave, that's fucking comedic. >yeah fuck those guys, they can bleed to death
my fucking sides when I clicked play
Levi Howard
It gets worse:
All of his projects are going to the backburner because of his idiotic stunts with Qatar, Yemen, and Iran. Nothing tangible is being produced in any of them other than billion sinkhole in one of those countries. NEOM and whatever mirage bullshit he's conjured is getting pissed into the wind. Also the high oil prices he was hoping for are getting AAAAAAAd into the floor because Trump wavered sanctions on Iran while theyre too not cutting production no matter what. He's also done absolutely fucking with reforms. No thots driving does not count as a tangible reform, he's still jailing people who actually want to reform.
Oh yeah, and he's still treating the 20% Shiite minority like shit still, totally not a powerkeg Iran can easily set off no sir.
Saudi Princes are trying to replace him when the King finally fucks off and dies because holy shit this tard has set back Saudi influence a decade.
Oh and the tard just recently rejected any reconciliation with Qatar that the US is wanting to do in order to create this meme Arab NATO thing. You know, right after Iraq allegedly claims they, Turkey, and Iran are going to form a defensive alliance.
This isnt ptg english teacher we are well aware of the jewry.
Kayden Powell
Nathaniel Cooper
wasnt she based? what happend?
Joseph Bailey
عير بيك وعشر بسورية هههههه. Saged
Lincoln Bell
Translation: "#Iran is increasing its missile arsenal in #Syria near the border with Israel (Golan) in order to serve as a 'first line' against the US and Israel." (@lemondefr). Recognition of Israel's sovereignty on the #Golan is a joint Israeli-American top strategic interest.