Christianity is weak...

Christianity is weak. It has been on a steady decline since late medieval times and it is utterly impotent in the face of degeneracy.
>But the west is degenerate because it abandoned christianity!
If this is not the go-to rebuttal, then it is usually something along the lines of:
>That wasn't real christianity!
The former is baseless special pleading and the latter is just moving the goalposts. Every extant denomination has tolerated or even fomented degeneracy for many decades, nearly a century now. Christianity promoted multiculturalism and miscegenation. Christians failed horribly to stop the rise of feminism and suffrage for nonwhites and women. One or two cherrypicked priests or pastors who spoke out against it won't change the reality that the majority of Christians allowed these things to happen, nor will quotes from ye olde deus vult or whatever change just how weak the religion is in the here and now. Of course the "not real christianity" camp will then claim they plan to resurrect the true and strong christianity, but we all know that's just talk. If you still somehow believe that christianity prevent degeneracy, then you need only note that the majority of the world's christians are niggers and beaners, who are still nothing resembling civilized.

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christianity has all the answers to the worlds problems its just that nobody wants to follow them. following the 10 commandments would eliminate 90% of our problems. but everyones stuck on this seperation of church and state nonsense and freak out when a principled christian gets anywhere near a position of power.
sorry but this is a case of what is 2+2
>inb4 4
so enjoy your endless flipflops between the merciless exploitations of capitalism and communism since that the only 2 systems you godless retards could come up with

Instead he gets a non-white museum Europe

The Old Testament law on government organization and the Justice System are very based and redpilled.

no surprise we're in hell now. The rapture has already happened

Reminder, that if you actually believe in a All Loving, All knowing, All powerful, All Present God, or any God, you're fucking retarded and suicide is your only life option.

It's pretty simple retards. Every successful civilization needs a spiritual basis for it's morals, laws, and basic shared belief system. Christianity accomplished this for the West for a long time. Now it is obsolete. The West is degenerate because it no longer has a spiritual center. Christianity can no longer fill that role because it is a pathetic, obsolete retarded ideology, repugnant to anyone with any common sense. A thousand years of darkness will pass, and then a new civilization will arise with a new spiritual system fitted to the world at that time.

>he wants to follow the laws of the jews

>no prison system
>victims are compensated above their loss in $'s
>crimes beyond recompensation, mean death, no exceptions ie murder
>Those that cant pay off crime debt, sold into slavery until debt is settled

its the laws that God gave to the jews. a slight difference