I've learned recently I have PTSD, after years of saying I didnt.
My abuse is over, but I can't feel anything anymore.
I watch excution videos from ISIS, guy hopping around before ran over by a tank, people having their heads chopped off, being shot, killed etc....
I do this to try to feel something, and I can't...
I cant keep going down this road, I have no medication as I cant afford it. I cant seek therpy as I freeze, I cant sleep as I have nightmares every night, I cant hold a job as some events trigger a reaction and I relive the horror of my early life.
I thought all this was normal...until many professionals pointed it out. However they are not trained enough to handle a fuck up case like mine, and I cant offard better treatment....
How does one live with PTSD? Its gotten a lot harder to live with it, once I found out this isnt normal.
>However they are not trained enough to handle a fuck up case like mine Wrong. There are people on this planet living now who have had it far worse than you. Sure you got problems but don't for a second think you've been dealt the worst cards in all of humanity. Secondly, some of those very people who are worse of than you have been helped... and I'm sure couldn't be helped if we're being honest. >and I cant offard better treatment.... Not sure what to tell you there, but there have to be some options out there for you. Even if it's just meeting with groups that deal with these problems much akin to AA or other programs and those are free. Again, you aren't the only one in this position.
Also, I hope that's not your gun in the pic. While it's obviously unloaded you still shouldn't have your finger on the trigger. That's just poor practice and discipline.
All that said, you have options and hopefully someone else can chime in and be more insightful otherwise try harder to seek help.
Easton Price
>can't >I watch execution videos >can't...cant...cant...cant...cant...cant...cant ugh. feeling better doesn't come easy, especially not for someone suffering from PTSD. so it's safe to say that such a losing attitude will be an issue.
Easton Morris
I never said im the worst....i said the ones who are trying to help me cant, as its above their pay grade, and i can not offard to see someone better. Last guy ended the sessions, as he said it wasnt helping me but getting worse....
> , I hope that's not your gun in the pic.
It is. I put a gunlock on it, but just lost the key. Ive been looking for it for an hour now, should find it sooner or later
Jaxson Smith
update: found the key. I should really keep better track of that thing.
Justin Price
>ugh. feeling better doesn't come easy, especially not for someone suffering from PTSD. so it's safe to say that such a losing attitude will be an issue.
I thought feeling this way was normal....I dont know how else to live.
>be me >Anxiety >have panic attacks in public >meet new people >attacks wear down now completely still have some bad ones
Try to find some new friends op or go to things akin to AA fortunately I've got the privlage of a councler and its all free for me look into free options and while my anxiety is not completely gone is less prevelent
Connor Taylor
>Inb4 bad English
Jayden Perry
> Try to find some new friends op
I did, I joined a motorcycle club, I traveled all over, but in the end...I didnt make the cut in prospecting. They where the only thing I had close to friends or even family...I have nothing else.
> go to things akin to AA
AA is for drinking issues, and is religious. I cant put myself in that position, my nerves are shot, I cant speak. Just being around people in that setting sets off that issue.