Stop deleting my thread you nigger
>be american
>finally tired of getting shot
>go to an uncivilized island with possible cannibals
>get shot
I know there's a bunch of threads of this topic anyhow, but Jow Forums is also discussing how to invade the island.
Nevermind that, how do we civilize the island's
populace then?
>its inhabited by a hostile tribe, possibly cannibalistic aswell
>(((UN))) made it illegal to have contact with them
>inna middle of the indian ocean
>an island that isn't colonized
>full of nature and appealing things
>population there is estimated 40-120
>the tribe is primitive, as their only weaponry is spearchucking and arrow shootan

Attached: northsentinelisland.png (1104x1104, 2.07M)

How does Jow Forums propose to evade the Indian Navy and coast guard?

why did (((UN))) make it illegal to go there, are there really JUST natives there?

It's pretty easy to dodge poo

Two MOAB's followed by some 1000 pound Napalm Bombs and this place is history. As it should be.

>possibly cannibalistic aswell
no , they are not cannibal

I doubt they really care or expect people to visit to spend that much resources on it

The fact that they are even able to survive with a sizable population for so long could likely signify that they're inbred as well. I say we fucking clean the place of the filth that inhabit it.

How did the dead guy do it? I'm guessing your government doesn't really give a damn about that island

Give Jow Forums jet skis and they'll do it for the price of ammo.