Memeball Thread

Have not seen one in the catalog.

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No no you don't understand, we want everyone to submit, so long as it saves us as a people. We would see a right wing nation with good values while the left would crumble under the same rulership

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>we want everyone to submit

I actually just want to free my people.

Only man that would be authoritarian without abusing power and actually undoing degeneracy for the greater good, is Jesus Christ. Any other man is a damn slippery slope


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Free them from what? Get a job faggot, life = work

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From the niggers, spics, and their kike masters. No more wagecucking for the Jews

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From slavery and law.

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>da joos invented work
Newfag or shill? Either way kys, when mommy and daddy die you wont have money anymore.

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Double kike, he's talking about working for the Jews, as opposed to running your own business like actual artisans did in the past. Keep your shitty wageslave aspirations to yourself.

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These are all the first ones when you google search memeball ya fgt,
We’re on to you

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When you can't make your own memes so you use shitty prefab ones instead.

Got curious and looked up some facts on this one:
>An average pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, but total pregnancy period is 42 weeks, three trimesters of 14 weeks.
>The earliest a fetus is recorded to have survived outside the womb is 20 weeks 5 days.
>A late term abortion is performed after 20 weeks.
So basically the whole it's just a clump of cells argument flies out the window when you talk about late term abortions. It is literally child murder at that point.

Hey if that works for you, go for it. But if you fail it's your own fucking fault for being a lazy piece of shit. Capitalism works.
Nigger I get all my memeballs from Jow Forums. ALL of them. If they're the first ones that (((Google))) shows you (btw, x to doubt) then so what

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thank fuck, now I actually have evidence to back this fact. thanks, user

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Last one. I really gotta sort these by their text so I know what's what.

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If civilization lives on it works.

It does. It's not total anarchy.

Both total anarchy AND total authoritarianism tend to screw over good people about the same

On the current course of the world we are doomed by 2050-2060 after whites become a sizable minority at 40% or lower in almost all countries.

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wtf i hate america now

Authoritarianism is a bit better since you don't have to deal with anarchy killing itself and becoming authoritarian

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someday we'll learn that the enemy of my enemy is not my friend

Here's a quote I read in a fantasy book.

>The enemy of my enemy is my friend until my enemy is dead

I see libertarians as my ally because there's no way the (((left))) and all muslims will die within my lifetime

>a bunch of your fucking bunch of black people

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When you have to nuke a bunch of birds to win a war


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Everyone says Australian animals are dangerous but no one seems to understand what really needs to be done to deal with them.

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Thank you strayanon for killing Commifornia.

Psst.... the children are women or cats. Not actual children.

Much better. Why do so many Jow Forumslacks believe that Nazis are not socialist ?

RIP Nazim.

>Eternal Anglo

Evil Geniuses

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