I fucking hate this country

I fucking hate this country
Spent all of my life here and finally find out this country is like giant mental hospital. Only fapping to we're good at games, fastest interenet, best transportation system. Sick of this society with no creativity, moral behavior and all the other good things.
People behave like a rat, so if a person goes that way, without any thinking, people follows to that way.
And care too much about how other people think of me, what kind of looks will I get sort of things.
I hate this subhuman country

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Do you think North Korea has managed to maintain good traditional Korean values user?

There can be only one, nigger.

Better than china and other asian countries

t. John Smith

>ick of this society with no creativity, moral behavior and all the other good things.
Come visit Americans and spend a little time in proximity to niggers and you will appriciate good & moral behavior.

Whatever happened with that literal cult that was controlling your government?

Every society has the mindless and fools. Maybe its more noticeable since you guys are a smaller country with a large urban population, same happens in our country with cities like New York and LA. Don't lose hope in your country Korea-dude.

>good traditional Korean values
Didn't exist from the beginning.

>time to get back to base John