Does anyone actually care about this guy?

Does anyone actually care about this guy?

Attached: Jamal-Khashoggi.jpg (1484x1048, 144K)

>towelhead writes articles criticizing towelhead country
>towelhead proceeds to go to towelhead country
>other towelheads get into a fight with him and kill him
>towelhead government tries to cover it up
>somehow this is trump's fault

I wish I had killed that goat fucker.

Aside from his family, no.

I think that most people on this site aren't looking at the larger context.

This assassination isn't really that big all on its own. This is an issue because it should be the last straw. Donald Trump is an ally of Saudi Arabia even though they just keep doing shit like this.

Let's not forget that the "Muslim travel ban" doesn't apply to Saudi Arabia.

MSM power play to fuck with current Saudi prince, which is less deep-state'd than previous royal clique

Kashoggi was a piece of shit muslim brotherhood shill, best move here is to stop giving any kind of attention to news about him

No, but I fucking hate Saudi Arabia.

Nobody gives a flying fuck about him

It's that it was the straw that broke the Camels back of Saudi bullshit and the thing that Trump did was prostate his asshole to them and continue the status quo of being cucks

It's about hypocrisy and conisistancy

>towelhead writes articles criticizing towelhead country

His criticisms of Saudi Arabia were grounded in fact. For example, he criticized the abysmally poor women's rights record in the country.

>towelhead proceeds to go to towelhead country

… because he grew up there and he was standing up against tyranny.

>somehow this is trump's fault

Straw man.

Literally nobody is saying that Trump was responsible for the killing of Jamal Khashoggi. People are mad that Trump is sucking up to the Saudi government even though they just keep killing innocent people over and over.

For what reason?

Shit like what? Killing left wing activist/revolutionaries posing as journalists?

I hate the saudis but I also hate journalists so im torn

Kashoggi and Osama Bin Laden probably rubbed cocks together as little boys. Too bad he didn't get taken out by a drone strike a long time ago. But we had our own Osama to worry about...

>Saudi Arabia kills 3000 Americans through gross pilot negligence
>Saudi Arabia develops novel dogfood production method

I'm pretty sure that many women in Saudi Arabia are sad that a defender of women's rights been killed.

Also, your country did 9/11.

The cia does because hes a spook.

Who cares what the saudis do its not the us problem

Nearly everyone hates Saudi Arabia.

Unfortunately, Western politicians are bunch of sellouts.

>biggest warlords in the world kill smol man
Literally what can anyone on this gay earth do?

Ya think he got dieded because of his uncle’s shenanigans s?

The Left is just using this as the Outrage-of-the-Day. They'll have forgotten all about this next week, like everything else they virtue signal about.

If the Democrats were in power this wouldn't be news

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(1) he's not a "journalist" he's an insider with arms dealing family.
(2) this is being used as a tool to attack the prince before being crowned king. at least by his relatives.

Tbh not really. I mean anything that helps the Saudi's probably isn't good for America's long term success. But in the short term, at least oil prices should stay infinitesimally lower.

Democracy and Islam are antithetical. He deserved death as he was a tool of the Jews.

>MSM power play to fuck with current Saudi prince, which is less deep-state'd than previous royal clique

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

>Kashoggi was a piece of shit muslim brotherhood shill

… and yet The Saudi government killed him for not being Islamist enough.

That's why there is so much outrage. It's technically true that Khashoggi was involved with the Muslim Brotherhood during his youth … but this doesn't change the fact that the Saudi Royals are FAR more authoritarian than Khashoggi … and he was killed for that reason.

>best move here is to stop giving any kind of attention to news about him

Yeah … let's continue to ignore the Saudi elephant in the room even as it is pissing and shitting all over everybody.

Marrying barnyard animals is legal in your country, fucking goats, pigs, cows and dogs is encouraged by Canada and Muslims are the goatfuckers? Fuck you racist asshole.

Y u mad doe

This is pretty close to the truth.

He was guilty of treason, most countries execute traitors.

(((YOU))) get it Jow Forums


If US foreign policy is all about "national security" then perhaps they should stop donating to people who contributed to 9/11.

Meanwhile, there is currently a pro-America and pro-secular movement in Iran called Farashgard. How much American support are they getting? If the US government really wanted to make America safer, they would be donating to pro-secular and pro-feminist movements in the Middle East.

Instead, the US government has a long and ugly history of donating to literal jihadists.

>The Daily Beast reports that Khashoggi had been working in recent months to launch a pro-democracy advocacy group focused on boosting democracy and human rights in the Arab world. “The group, called Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN), was incorporated in the state of Delaware as a tax-exempt organization in January of this year … According to a statement of core principles, the group would aim to provide ‘a counter narrative in the Arab world and the West to Arab Spring skeptics.’ … The group intended to push for democratic change even when it ran counter to American foreign policy goals. … The documentation indicates Khashoggi was set to lead DAWN, and that it aimed to gather ‘Arab Spring exiles who are scattered in various world capitals and cities, to strengthen their morale and utilize them.’”

Muslim Brotherhood double agent from a family of Turk-jew arms dealers gets wasted in a Game of Thrones. MSM gives him a John McCain McFuneral.

>Jamal Khashoggi was the nephew of the high-profile Saudi Arabian arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, known for his part in the Iran–Contra scandal,[16][17] who was estimated to have had a net worth of US$4 billion in the early 1980s.[18][19] Adnan Khashoggi had claimed that his own grandfather was of Jewish descent.[20] Khashoggi was the first cousin of Dodi Fayed, who was dating Diana, Princess of Wales, when the two were killed in a car crash in Paris.[21]