Youtube blocks downloading redpills

After downloading Murdoch Murdoch Metamorphosis I tried to download the video Adolf Hitler fought the bank.

I can't download it on any video converter does anybody have a copy of this video?

Attached: shop.jpg (960x712, 207K)

Other urls found in this thread:

yeah its gotten a lot harder


No, but I have a copy of a Hitler speech translated to English.

It is one of the achievements of National Socialism that it
was the first to face the Jewish problem in a realistic

The Jews themselves have always aroused anti-semitism.
Throughout the centuries, all the peoples of the world, from
the ancient Egyptians to ourselves, have reacted in exactly
the same way. The time comes when they become tired of
being exploited by the disgusting Jew. They give a heave
and shake themselves, like an animal trying to rid itself of
its vermin. They react brutally and finally they revolt. It is
an instinctive reaction, a reaction of repugnance against a
stranger who refuses to adapt himself and become part of
the whole, a parasite which clings to the host, imposes on it
and exploits it to the utmost. By nature, the Jew is a
parasite which cannot and will not be assimilated. A
distinguishing feature of the Jew is that, unlike other
foreigners, he everywhere claims all the rights of
citizenship in the community that shelters him - and at the
same time remains always a Jew. He regards it as his right
to be allowed to run with the hare and hunt with the
hounds; and he is the only man in the whole world to claim
such an extravagant privilege.

National Socialism has tackled the Jewish problem by
action and not by words. It has risen in opposition to the
Jewish determination to dominate the world; it has attacked
them everywhere and in every sphere of activity; it has
flung them out of the positions they have usurped; it has
pursued them in every direction, determined to purge the
German world of the Jewish poison. For us, this has been
an essential proces of disinfection, which we have
prosecuted to its ultimate limit and without which we
should ourselves have been asphyxiated and destroyed......Continue

Try hooktube

With the success of the operation in Germany, there was a
good chance of extending it further afield. This was, in fact,
inevitable, for good health normally triumphs over disease.
Quick to realize the danger, the Jews decided to stake their
all in the life and death struggle which they launched
against us. National Socialism had to be destroyed,
whatever the cost and even if the whole world were
destroyed in the process. Never before has there been a war
so typically and at the same time so exclusively Jewish.

I have at least compelled them to discard their masks. And
even if our endeavours should end in failure, it will only be
a temporary failure. For I have opened the eyes of the
whole world to the Jewish peril.

One of the consequences of our attitude has been to cause
the Jew "to become aggressive. As a matter of fact, he is ... Continue

I got you senpai, give me a minute to upload it.

Download a gun.exe and press kill yourself in the command prompt.

less dangerous in that frame of mind than when he is sly
and cunning. The Jew who openly avows his race is a
hundred times preferable to the shameful type which claims
to differ from you only in the matter of religion. If I win
this war, I shall put an end to Jewish world power and I
shall deal the Jews a mortal blow from which they will not
recover. But if I lose the war, that does not by any means
mean that their triumph is assured, for then they themselves
will lose their heads. They will become so arrogant that
they will evoke a violent reaction against them. They will,
of course, continue to run with the hare and hunt with the
hounds, to claim the privileges of citizenship in every
country and, without sacrificing their pride, continue to
remain, above all, members of the Chosen Race. The shifty,
the shamefaced Jew will disappear and will be replaced by
a Jew vainglorious and bombastic; and the latter will stink
just as objectionably as the former - and perhaps even more
so. There is, then, no danger in the circumstances that anti-
semitism will disappear, for it is the Jews themselves who
add fuel to its flames and see that it is kept well stoked.
Before the opposition to it can disappear, the malady itself
must disappear. And from that point of view, you can rely
on the Jews: as long as they survive, anti-semitism will
never fade....continue

Great thread. thanks speech poster

You should also watch this if you never have
>This video is offensive goy don't watch it goy!!!!!

Attached: His spirit.jpg (1000x655, 420K)

In saying this, I promise you I am quite free of all racial
hatred: It is, in any case, undesirable that one race should
mix with other races. Except for a few gratuitous successes,
which I am prepared to admit, systematic cross-breeding
has never produced good results. Its desire to remain
racially pure is a proof of the vitality and good health of a
race. Pride in one's own race - and that does not imply
contempt for other races - is also a normal and healthy
sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the
Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to
ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past
history is superior to our own. They have the right to be
proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of
the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the
more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their
pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them....continue

Castizos are more attractive than 90% of Aryans and Celtics

This pride of race is a quality which the German,
fundamentally, does not possess. The reason for this is that
for these last three centuries the country has been torn by
internal dissension and religious wars and has been

subjected to a variety of foreign influences, to the
influence, for example, of Christianity - for Christianity is
not a natural religion for the Germans, but a religion that
has been imported and which strikes no responsive chord in
their hearts and is foreign to the inherent genius of the race.
When pride of race manifests itself in a German, as it
sometimes does and in a most aggressive form, it is in
reality nothing more than a compensatory reaction for that
inferiority complex from which so many Germans suffer.
This, I need hardly say, does not apply to the Prussians.
From the time of Frederick the Great they have possessed
that quiet and simple pride which is the hall-mark of people
who are sure of themselves and who have no need of
ostentation to bear witness to what they are. Thanks to
those qualities which are inherently theirs, the Prussians
were able, as they well showed, to create a united
Germany. National Socialism has tried to give to all
Germans that pride which hitherto has been possessed by
the Prussians alone among us.... continue

I havent found a way to download "limited state" videos.

obviously you could use a screen recorder... but thats a very slow and gay way + lose quality.

The Austrians, too, have in their blood a pride very akin to
that of the Prussians, a pride born of the fact that for
centuries they have never been dominated by any other
race, but had, on the contrary, been for a very long time the
ones who gave orders and were obeyed. They possess the
accumulated experience of domination and power, and to
that is attributable that panache of Atticism which no one
can gainsay.

In its crucible National Socialism will melt and fuse all
those qualities which are characteristic of the German soul;
and from it will emerge the modern German-industrious,
conscientious, sure of himself yet simple withal, proud not
of himself or what he is, but of his membership of a great
entity which will evoke the admiration of other peoples.
This feeling of corporate superiority does not in any way
imply the slightest desire to crush and overwhelm others.
We have, I know, on occasions exaggerated our cult of this
sentiment, but that was necessary at the outset and we were
compelled to jostle the Germans pretty roughly in order to
set their feet on the right road. In the nature of things, too
violent a thrust in any direction invariably provokes an
equally violent thrust in the opposite direction. All this, of
course, cannot be accomplished in a day. It requires the
slow-moving pressure of time. Frederick the Great is the
real creator of the Prussian type. In actual fact, two or three...continue

generations elapsed, before the type crystallized and before
the Prussian type became a characteristic common to every

Our racial pride is not aggressive except in so far as the
Jewish race is concerned. We use the term Jewish race as a
matter of convenience, for in reality and from the genetic
point of view there is no such thing as the Jewish race.
There does, however, exist a community, to which, in fact,
the term can be applied and the existence of which is
admitted by the Jews themselves. It is the spiritually
homogeneous group, to membership of which all Jews
throughout the world deliberately adhere, regardless of
their whereabouts and of their country of domicile; and it is
this group of human beings to which we give the title
Jewish race. It is not, mark you, a religious entity; although
the Hebrew religion serves them as a pretext to present
themselves as such; nor indeed is it even a collection of
groups, united by the bonds of a common religion...continue

The Jewish race is first and foremost an abstract race of the
mind. It has its origins, admittedly, in the Hebrew religion,
and that religion, too, has had a certain influence in
moulding its general characteristics; for all that, however, it
is in no sense of the word a purely religious entity, for it
accepts on equal terms both the most determined atheists
and the most sincere, practising believers. To all this must
be added the bond that has been forged by centuries of
persecution - though the Jews conveniently forget that it is
they themselves who provoked these persecutions. Nor
does Jewry possess the anthropological characteristics
which would stamp them as a homogeneous race. It cannot,
however, be denied that every Jew in the world has some
drops of purely Jewish blood in him. Were this not so, it
would be impossible to explain the presence of certain
physical characteristics which are permanently common to
all Jews from the ghetto of Warsaw to the bazaars of
Morocco - the offensive nose, the cruel vicious nostrils and
so on. .

A race of the mind is something more solid, more durable
than just a race, pure and simple. Transplant a German to
the United States and you turn him into an American. But
the Jew remains a Jew wherever he goes, a creature which
no environment can assimilate. It is the characteristic
mental make-up of his race which renders him impervious
to the processes of assimilation. And there in a nutshell is
the proof of the superiority of the mind over the flesh! . . . continue

The quite amazing ascendancy which they achieved during
the course of the nineteenth century gave the Jews a sense
of their own power and caused them to drop the mask; and
it is just that that has given us the chance to oppose them as
Jews, self proclaimed and proud of the fact. And when you
remember how credulous the Germans are, you will realize
that we must be most grateful for this sudden excess of
frankness on the part of our most mortal enemies.

I have always been absolutely fair in my dealings with the
Jews. On the eve of war, I gave them one final warning. I
told them that, if they precipitated another war, they would
not be spared and that I would exterminate the vermin
throughout Europe, and this time once and for all. To this
warning they retorted with a declaration of war and
affirmed that wherever in the world there was a Jew, there,
too, was an implacable enemy of National Socialist

Well, we have lanced the Jewish abscess; and the world of
the future will be eternally grateful to us.
Too soon and too late - We lack time,
because we lack space - A revolutionary
State, pursuing a petit bourgeois policy -
Collaboration with France was a mistake -
We should have emancipated the French
proletariat and liberated the French colonies
- 1 was right in Mein Kampf

Just use youtube-dl you fag.

Let that be your opinion as you are most likely a nigger who would fuck a tree if presented.

Go to the vid then click past the warning then copy the link and paste


wow thank you great read. He truly was a great man and a man of his word

use JDownloader 2

Fuck the purity of the aryan race

It gets me rock hard hitler died in castizo land, aka, argentina

stupid bitch

"4K Video Downloader" works.

It worked on other videos but not this one. Its not in suspended state its a mirror of one that is in suspended state. Does nobody have a downloadable version of the video? I think its beautiful and the creator certainly put a lot of time and effort into making it.

I have more at the ready to post as this is now a Hitler Appreciation thread.

I have downloaded limited state vids with the 4K vidya downloader

That is your opinion and you may have it as I can not contest your ingrained ignorance.

The disastrous thing about this war is the fact that for
Germany it began both too soon and too late. From the
purely military point of view, it would have suited us better
if it had started sooner. I ought to have seized the initiative
in 1938 instead of allowing myself to be forced into war in
1939; for war was, in any case, unavoidable. However, you
can hardly blame me, if the British and the French accepted
at Munich every demand I made of them!

As things stand at the moment, then, the war came a little
too late. But from the point of view of our moral
preparedness, it has come far too soon. My disciples have
not yet had time to attain their full manhood. I should really
have had another twenty years in which to bring this new
elite to maturity, an elite of youth, immersed from infancy
in the philosophy of National Socialism. The tragedy for us
Germans is that we never have enough time. Circumstances
always conspire to force us to hurry. And if at this point
time is lacking, it is primarily because we lack space. The
Russians with their vast expansion can afford the luxury of
refusing to be hurried. Time works in their favour, but
against us. Even if Providence had allotted to me a span of
life sufficiently long to allow me to lead my people to the
complete degree of development that National Socialism
desires, you may be quite sure that our enemies would
never have permitted me to take advantage of it. They
would have done their utmost to destroy us before they
found themselves face to face with a Germany, cemented
by a single faith and national socialist in body and soul,
which would have been invincible.

Since we lacked men moulded in the shape of our ideal, we
had perforce to make what use we could of those whom we
had. The result has been obvious. Thanks to this
discrepancy between conception and realization, the war
policy of a revolutionary state like the Third Reich has of
necessity been the policy of petty bourgeois reactionaries.
Our generals and diplomats, with a few, rare exceptions,
are men of another age; and their methods of waging war
and of conducting our foreign policy also belong to an age
that is passed. This is just as true of those who serve us in
all good faith as it is of the rest of them. The former serve
us ill through lack either of aptitude or enthusiasm, and the
latter do so deliberately and of malice aforethought.
Our greatest political blunder has been our treatment of the
French. We should never have collaborated with them. It is
a policy which has stood them in good stead and has served
us ill. Abetz thought he was being very clever when he
became the champion of this idea and persuaded us to
pursue it. He thought he was two moves ahead of events,
whereas in reality he was well behind them. He seemed to
think that we were dealing with the France of Napoleon,
with a nation, that is, which was capable of appreciating the
importance and far-reaching effects of a noble gesture. He
failed to see what is an obvious fact, namely, that during
the last hundred years France has changed completely. She
has become a prostitute, and she is now a raddled old
strumpet, who has never ceased to swindle and to confound
us, and has always left us to foot the bill.

Our obvious course should have been to liberate the
working classes and to help the workers of France to
implement their own revolution. We should have brushed
aside, rudely and without pity, the fossilized bourgeoisie, as
devoid of soul so it is denuded of patriotism. Just look at
the sort of friends our geniuses of the Wilhelmstrasse have
found for us in France - petty, calculating little profiteers,
who hastened to make love to us as soon as they thought
that we were occupying their country in order to safeguard
their bank balances - but who were quite resolved to betray
us at the first possible opportunity, provided always that no
danger to themselves was involved!

We were equally stupid as regards the French colonies.
That, too, was the work of our great minds in the
Wilhelmstrasse! Diplomats of the old, classic mould,
soldiers of a bygone regime, petty country squires - of such
were those who were to help us to revolutionize all Europe!
And they have led us into waging war as they would have
waged it in the nineteenth century. Never, at any price,
should we have put our money on France and against the
peoples subjected to her yoke. On the contrary, we should
have helped them to achieve their liberty and, if necessary,
should have goaded them into doing so. There was nothing
to stop us in I94o from making a gesture of this sort in the
Near East and in North Africa. In actual fact our diplomats
instead set about the task of consolidating French power,
not only in Syria, but in Tunis, in Algeria and Morocco as
well. Our 'gentlemen' obviously preferred to maintain
cordial relations with distinguished Frenchmen, rather than

Got it tyvm

with a lot of hirsute revolutionaries, with a chorus of
musical comedy officers, whose one idea was to cheat us,
rather than with the Arabs, who would have been loyal
partners for us. Oh! you needn't think I don't see through
the calculations of these Machiavellian professionals! They
know,their job and they have their traditions! All they
thought about was the dirty trick they were playing on the
British, for they were still under the ban of the famous
alleged antagonism and rivalry between Britain and France
in the colonial field. What I'm saying is perfectly true - they
are still living in the reign of Wilhelm II, in the world of
Queen Victoria and that of those artful sharpers named
Poincare and Delcasse! In actual fact this rivalry has ceased
to be of any significance. That it still seems to exist is due
to the fact that there are still some diplomats of the old
school in the ranks of our adversaries too. In reality, Britain
and France are associates, each of whom is playing his own
game with considerable asperity, neither of whom react to
any appeal to friendship, but both of whom unite again
against a common danger. The Frenchman's deep-seated
hatred of the German is something deeper and different.
Therein lies a lesson on which we should do well to ponder
in the future.

Glad to help remember to download the vidyas you think will be taken down for later. A lot of stuff isn't actually backed up and we might never see some vids again if they aren't saved.

As regards France, there were two courses open to her.
Either she could have abandoned her alliance with Britain,
in which case she would have been of no interest to us as a
potential ally, since we knew that she would also abandon
us on the first opportunity; or she could have pretended to
make this change of partners, in which case she would have
been of even more dubious value to us. On our side, some
of the wishful thinking about this country was quite
ridiculous. In reality there was only one possible policy to
adopt vis-a-vis France - a policy of rigorous and rigid
distrust. I know I was right about France. With prophetic
foresight I gave an accurate picture of France in Mein
Kampf. And I know perfectly well why, in spite of all the
representations that have been made to me, I have seen no
reason at all to change the opinions I formed twenty years

* Hitler was frequently urged to suppress or to change the passage on
France in the later editions of his book, Mein Kampf, but he
consistently refused to do so - even after Munich. It is to this that he is
alluding here.
The gravest decision of the war - Peace with
Britain not possible till the Red Army had
been annihilated - Time works against us -
Stalin's blackmail - Settlement with Russia
as soon as the weather became fine

Yep my friend said youtube was going to take down all david irving videos so I'm going to work through his tonight. this video was incredible

Attached: ford.jpg (461x328, 48K)
