>Jow Forums will defend this!

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>this thanksgiving obama virtue signals while trump takes time off

public SERVANT

>food bank
You guys finally made the switch to socialism?

This commie is worth hundreds of millions of dollars and this is his contribution. Bravo

>volunteers for thanksgiving
>day before thanksgiving

Why is he celebrating a genocide holiday?

They've been around since FDR (so yes about the communism). Poor and homeless people use them and it's typically churches, not the government, that put these together.

>Bathhouse Barry never played golf during his time in office

Cool. He doesn't have a job that he needs a break from.

It's called a PR stunt you fucking idiot.

>Multi millionaire nigger offers a couple hours of minimum wage labor instead of dropping millions to actually help the poor
Leftists are truly retarded virtue signaling pieces of horseshit playing to be humanitarian.

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>instead of spending any one of his eight years as president to help the poor


Doin more work on Thanksgiving than he did in 8 years ordering hotdogs

It's easy to do charity when you're retired and a talking head for globalists.

A fucking community organizer.


what obama trying to accomplish by virtue signalling for media?

And Jimmy Carter built a house while Bill Clinton gave a paid speech. And George Bush painted a picture while Nixon rotted in the grave. Where does it end and who cares?

don't forget zombie Regan, he hungy 4 brainz while ? what ?

Obama has always been a good guy.
Dude had 8 years in the white house and it was the quietest 8 years we've had in recent memory.
Thing about Obama that most people forget on this board is that he had an immense amount of pressure on him.
He had to try to fix the situation in the middle east that Bush FUBAR.
Do something to kick start the economy after the crash.
Do something to reduce the deficit.
Do something to repair our failing healthcare system.
And on top of that, he was the first black president. You know how much pressure you are under if you are the first person of your race to be elected president? If you fuck up, people who hate you will think its because of your race, and if you fuck up the people that like you will think its because of your race. If he had fucked up their would't have been another black president for 100 years.

And he still came out smelling like roses.
Impressive as fuck.

Trump, so far has had a cakewalk of his presidency.
I hope to god he can keep it together when shit inevitably starts to go south and we get our next big economic turn-down or war.

>Barack Obama volunteers at food bank for Thanksgiving while Donald Trump continues to save the nation

>Millionaire former president donates about 20 dollars worth of labour to an already labour saturated volunteer position
we can safely say he earned that nobel peace price

Obama was a nigger and you can’t deny that

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With those comfy tax breaks they can afford to get a handful of gullible housewives to hand out free spaghetti and near expired soup cans on Sundays,

I'd bet dollars to donuts every person in that building was vetted, they're not going to have a bunch of fucking hobos within arms length of a former president. Obama came out for 15 minutes surrounded by secret service to slop some sweet potatoes on some trays and that was it.


>it was the quietest 8 years weve had in recent memory

sure, but we almost had hot war in syria, little nigger kept pushing putin over the limits but putin didnt budge. He also divided this country to the worse point its been since the fucking 60s, sure he repaired the insurance systems, but he made it where you get fucking fined if you dont have health insurance its mandatory. He also played gun runs with isis, bombed libya for the fucking french, and many more.

You stupid nigger

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He must be taking some time off from his busy schedule.

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dang, obama finally did something to help the country

What did he do last year?

Thanks Obama.

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thanksgiving is a meme holiday, good thing trump doesnt give a fuck.

Getting the feeling that they want this nigger back in politics. Tell me burgers could he technically run for president again since he already served two terms?

Obama has been on government paid vacation for three years and the least he can do it handout food he did not pay for to complete strangers one day per year. Trump is making America great again.

Thanks for that concise and accurate summary of obama’s 8 years in office,Hymie!

But I thought handouts were bad

>the president
>time off

You fucking idiot. It’s a public service not a career.

>has lots of time to go golfing now
>volunteers for charity
as if he didn't learn anything

as if using canned photos wasn't embarrassing enough, they've also accidentally released this "thanksgiving" article before thanksgiving
thanks obama

It's he least he can do after ruining these peoples lives in the first place

Oh did he actually do something this year after last year getting called out for faking it with old photos to blame Trump for not volunteering. Left will sink to the. Lowest levels.

Oh you remember last year?

>Obama invites the media down to watch him volunteer at a Food Bank
>takes a few pictures

>If he had fucked up their would't have been another black president for 100 years.
There won't be.

Charity is fine as long as it isn't mandated by the government (taxes going to welfare you faggot).

that niggas not volunteering
he is the homeless

Wtf joogle Obama faked volunteering. I got Chinese used fake condoms bust.

house NIGGER

Trump spent his life giving people jobs. Obama spent his life living off of their tax money

Who goes to food banks?
And why do I get the impression that it's the already obese leeches on society using them?

Donald Trump volunteers his time to try saving America hundreds of days per year from 2015 to 2024. Obama gives more handouts to niggers for one day after actively working to destroy America for 8 years.

>get paid 130k to do nothing but not talk about one thing
>decide you want to talk anyhow
>end up owing trump and additional 270K
lol she can keep talking

I wonder how much more money Trump has donated to charity thank Obama?

trump busy being president
Obama busy not being president

that's it, i'm voting D next cycle

I can’t trust that Obama is doing any of this out of his own heart when he knows he’s fighting for his legacy

Too logical for npcs

Powerful. Take that you ebil orange man.



King nigger took $400k a year for 8 years. He can afford to waste a bit of his time to virtue signal amongst people he actually hate.

Paid vacation days are a thing sweety. It's almost as if you want the man to work himself to death like some sort of communist?

Obama pissed in the turkey.

All humans need time off you mong. It's the holidays

kek his presidential library is facing lots of backlash and has a lawsuit against it set for a December trial.

>it was quiet except for all the scandals and corruption they desperately tried to cover up
>there will NEVER be another black president
Feels good man

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low energy

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Exactly, every president and politician that builds homes for the homeless or hands out turkeys on Thanksgiving is branding himself as "man of the people". It really doesn't amount to anything. It's fucking disgusting quite frankly to exploit goodwill like this. And yet people will fall for this stupid shit every single time it's ridiculous.


Obama does photo op, wow. I bets on par with Paul Ryan's feeding the homeless photo op. HAHAHAHA. Applause.

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Liberals are hiveminds, news at 11

Every homeless guy " you know, i'm homeless because of you"

Obama "just shut up and smile fo da camera"

So, the pope kisses babies and feeds migrant caravans.
Keep playing politics, we know that is not the game that is being played here, this is war.

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>spends a few hours at food bank, if even that for 1 day
>probably half as efficient as a normal volunteer with all the camera posing and extra chatting
>having all the cameras and crowds to see him there only gets in the way slowing things down even further
Thanks Obama.

is it as bad or worse than those people that do it once a year and then post all about it on social media about how virtuous they are

The Day of the Rope Approaches nearer he can hide all he wants but those Prototype Helicopters he and Hillary approved for use on the fake Bin Laden raid will come back to destroy them.

i really dont care what some former prez tard does in his spare time to try and make himself seem like a man of the people

Obama is doing this because he is a stupid nigger trying to stay relevant. Everyone else just fucks off when their presidency is done but not this nigger. He still thinks he is the president running for office.

Pretending to give a shit is still a lot better than not making any effort at all and playing golf.

He probably monkeyed with a lot of clubs tho

It's not even Thanksgiving yet

> volunteers at food bank
> eats adrenochrome, pizza and hot dogs for Thanksgiving dinner

>charity is socialism
fuck off kike

You do realize his reforms are why we are enjoying this economic boom . And also he did plenty to help the poor .

So all his accomplishments are null and void because he is black ???

yeah, barack osama loves poor people so much, he wont give up until we're all bums

virtue signaling much?

>not pre arranged for the photos and the news title, at all

Not without amending the constitution. Something you yuro poors wouldn't know about.

and what a coincidence there was a photographer and journalist and press writer there to capture his altruism. what are the odds?

Breaks and time off are for people who put in a full day, user. Part-timers like Trump are just milking the clock.

> Dude had 8 years in the white house and it was the quietest 8 years we've had in recent memory.

except for adding trillions to the national debt, unprecedented domestic spying & wiretapping, assassinating American citizens without judicial oversight, allowing illegal immigrants to flood the country, giving guns to Mexican cartels, and eight years of race-baiting and civil divide.

that nigger is retired OP. he got nothing but time to do shit.

a man's gotta recharge

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>jobless man eats at homeless shelter while jobmaker golfs.

Obama... is not a nigger.

Well, gollee.

>be Obama
>finish presidency
>be unemployed nigger
>campaign for democrats
>blackcard.exe stopped working
>realize the only people that want you back in office are shitskins, illegal aliens, zeta males, and roasties
>go work at a soup kitchen because all the people you gave welfare to will be there
>Michelle pulls out feminine penis

There is nothing feminine about that bitchs. Don't lie.