Can I eat this?

Can I eat this?

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Yes, but most people make gravy out of it and feed it to the dog.

If you are a good, then yes

free country

Everything is edible, but some things are only edible once


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Paw Paws from the Paw Paw patch?

Sure can. You can also eat the anus muscle (these are best fried until crispy) and you might even be able to score some for free if you ask the butcher because most people don't think of eating out a turkey's ass.

Wrong board brainlet. Post it on Jow Forums.

Pawpaws are much more oblong, also they're green to yellow

you can, but you are gay as fuck

I usually do this so my dog gets to enjoy thanksgiving

>when you pardner too hardner

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Dumb fucking weeg.

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Why is this bitch using her short-ass skirt to carry shit to her basket when she could just take the basket with her and fill it with shit? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

I roast it on the bottom of the turkey or chicken pan and then pick the meat off to add to the gravy along with the giblets. Then I take all the bones and make it into broth in a slow cooker for about 20 hours. I also skim the fat off the top and clarify it and then keep it in the fridge to saute vegetables in.

I bet you'd be exactly that stupid as to tell her.


Turkey bones and turkey fat are surprisingly good. Depending on whose house we're at, I sometimes score the carcass to make soup out of. Delicious.

Plus, it turns out turkeys are stupid easy to bake if you're comfortable with bachelor food instead of trying to impress people.

Yes, and drink it with milk

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because the basket doesn't belong to her and you weren't around for her to ask permission to move it.

Fuck that. All women do is move your shit around while you're gone and then you can never find anything because nothing is where it's supposed to be
That's when hitting women starts to make sense.

Reminder that if you're unable to prepare and cook pic related, you don't know how to cook.

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I bet you'd stutter like a spaz and be scared of a woman. See how stupid these games are? Of course not! You're just an inbred Paki!

cleaning is a form of violence user. it's like how a cat sprays it's smell, a person who "helpfully cleans" your area is really trying to control you

this is it. the fetish I never knew I needed.

>sargon cant take even the mildest of jokes

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lol I remember when I was a child I once saw the cat back up to the outside wall of the shed, crouch up, and spray until it was dripping down the wall. I was like
>what in the absolute fuck did I just see happen
>that's not how he urinates

I never quite looked at him the same again until I learned thats what boy cats do.

what the fuck am I looking at?

Really? I've had it since I was like 8 years old when my mom let my try pumped milk for my youngest brother.

The Jewish mind.

>Off-topic and /b/-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist).

Then we take the bone and leftover shit and feed it to you, you dog

Based kiwi.

Don’t feed it to your dog! The bones can kill them!Asshole! Poultry bones in general are never fed to dogs!

You can see her areola

You can tell she was trying to hide it and the photographer didn't notice is was visible in the frame.

If they are raw your dog can eat bones. When they are cooked they can splinter and hurt/kill your dog. I feed my dogs raw meat and bone diet.

Yep. Makes a good gravy. Go for it.

based and milkpilled

>sensible chuckle

Don't tell the ADL. They'd call it the next shoah and put you in prison for be a hate criminal.