What's the point of getting into a relationship if you're just gonna be cheated on...

What's the point of getting into a relationship if you're just gonna be cheated on, whether if it's physically or emotionally, and you get shit advice like this?

Attached: when-a-relationship-ends.jpg (600x432, 92K)

>what's the point of trying if you might fail?
Git gud casual

For the naive hope of what could be. You can never really rely on another person anymore. Times have changed; those who aren't sociopathic and actually care and want to work through things with others are punished while self serving people are rewarded.

That's not helpful at all man

>You can never really rely on another person anymore
Fuckinv lol, a king without subjects was a king of nothing. Humanity has achieved so much because we work together. Go spend the rest of your life foraging for scraps like a rat and see how far you get living in solitude

The past isn't the present.
Kings are long gone. Now it's you and only you. Relying on others is seen as weakness and will be exploited by others, leaving you with nothing in the dust.
Times HAVE changed, and community means nothing anymore since everyone can more or less fend for himself nowadays.
So either give in and let others take advantage of you, or be the one to take advantage of others.

There is none. Not anymore. Marriage as institution is as broken as possible, especially if you're a guy. And there aren't really nay benefits to one you can't get from somewhere else anyway.

>community means nothing anymore since everyone can more or less fend for himself nowadays.
He says while most likely festering in a basement, his every want and need played for by his parents or the government
>inb4 my penis is 7x5 and I make six figures

Why does cheating sex have to feel sooooooooo unbelievably good, how do I stop lads......

You have to cut off yourself from relationships or cut off your own genitalia

What's the point of posting the same retarded thread more than once?

I didn't get a chance to respond to that retard post from yesterday

Because I was raised in a household of the strongest love imaginable, it's what created me, it's where I'm from.

My parents are the strongest and healthiest couple I've ever seen. They've been together 35 years and as my mother says "your father is still that handsome young 27 year old man I met at my waitress job, he hasn't changed a bit!" and my father still constantly tells her how cute she is. What's more than that, they've been through horiffic things that would tear most relationships in half. I'm talking sick and dying children, financial hells, unexpected deaths and sickness and misery the likes of which most people have never seen; but you know what that did? It only brought them closer. They only survived those storms because they held each other's hands tighter and crushed every damn obstacle that stood in their way. Alone they are vulnerable, but together they are indestructible. Anyone who does not think this is possible saddens me, because it means you have never been raised in love, and I feel sorry for you. And no, it's not a "times have changed" thing, because I've seen the same patterns in other people. It's a timeless thing that's passed on by people like me. They go out and find one another, they see what's come before them and think to themselves "hey, I want that too." and then they find one another. That's how I found the person I'm with now.

Fuck anyone who tells you otherwise, who says that things are not possible simply because they haven't seen or felt it themselves, that's so narrow-minded. Men need women, and women need men. Without this, all is lost.

A kings subjects were below him. The people below the king fueled his life, his kins life and his wives lives through their hard work. They got to live a life of luxury made possible for them by those they ruled. While everyone else got to fight over the very scraps you are using as an insult. You used a king, the most easily recognized sociopathic behaviour from the medieval ages to try and prove something completely unrelated to the ops topic.

Let's assume what your parents have is real
That's so fucking rare I would have better odds of jumping off the Empire State Building and living than finding someone who I could have that with

>Men need women, and women need men
Now that's bullshit

Save this post somewhere and in ten years or so look at it again. Then do it in the next ten if you still feel the same and are still with the same person. You feel this way now, but feelings waver and you can never truly know what your partner thinks and feels. Maybe that's how you both think now, maybe one of you won't while going through hardships, maybe your partner never thought the same and you projected that onto them. People who got together 35 years ago didn't build their relationships the same way we do today. They didn't have access to what we do now. Society and its values has completely changed from what it used to be. A few diamonds among the dirt doesn't make that different. That's why we all continue to sift through the dirt while becoming hurt and jaded. The diamond, even though that diamond could one day crumble to dirt.

Really it doesn't and i regret it for the rest of my life even though i wanted to break up anyways. The point is i didn't...i disappointed myself and hurt some1 very important in my life

The assumption of guaranteed infidelity is a bit dramatic. It does happen, and maybe more then it should but the opposite is also possible. Defining a relationship can help put into perspective this landscape of why or where to place value - if at all.

A relationship is illustrated best as an evolved cultural system. A system which offers the most opportunity for genes to advance. The point is, simply put, biological propagation - disguised in romantic themes by man's proclivity to find meaning. now that we understand that, value becomes malleable and we can decide if something is worth YOUR time. It doesn't have to be.

Relationships are the last thing on my mind. I've found *meaning* in the joy of knowledge acquisition.

If you desire honest companionship then start with bettering who you are. Take care of your hygiene, dress respectably, read and become articulate (be modest), become a virtuous person, have ambitions that OUT WEIGH the desire for companionship (GENUINELY), get away from friendship that are not productive/helpful - you know the ones, make new virtuous friends that aim high and inspire you to be better. This will lead you into new social circles where infidelity is significantly lower. You'll become better at distinguishing authenticity in people.

Finally you'd do well to familiarize yourself with the laws of nature in terms of order and chaos/low entropy and high entropy. And take it to heart; everything will makes sense in subsequence. Adversity is a part of life and there are ways of sailing along those winds.

I don't really have any desire for friendships
i just want a person to be close to and who wants to be close to me

But inevitably it seems that any sort of relationship falls apart
And for me that doesn't really seem worth it

don't go into a realtionship with a whore?
check her virtues before

Please tell me about all those world changing inventions of the last ten years

Self driving cars
That space rocket that can land and takeoff by itself
Large Hadron Collidor
3D printed artificial organs
Your ignorance is not indicative of reality.

That's easier said than done and Jow Forums has some weird hateboner for going after religious and/or virgin women.

So is this some new sort of meme answer?
I#ve read it accross a few boards by now that whenever someone has no arguments he tries to discredit the other trough passive personal attacks.
It's like calling faggot but not having the balls to actually type it out for whatever reason, and try it in a passive-agressive way.

>Men need women, and women need men

First one is correct.
Second one is bullshit by now.
Men need woman for emotional support and stability. Woman can give men what no other man can give them.

Yet woman don't need men anymore.
They used to in order to have security and fullfilling their biological imperative of having offspring. Emotional needs can be satisfied by other woman. With the way the world works today, they're for the most part financially independent and have the saftey of living in a 1st world country, and can fullfill their biological imperative in a lab if needed.

Man need woman.
Woman need nobody.
Which lead to the fucked up way the dating market works nowadays where men go to the most extrreme and insane lenghts to get a woman to like them, while they just bitch about and take what they think is best in the moment to just droip it when something better appears.

>I don't really have any desire for friendships
i just want a person to be close to and who wants to be close to me

Very FEW women (if at all) stay with a man that has no friends. For several - and good - reasons such emotional and attention dependency. Those will be short lived and other wise emotionally toxic. This is guaranteed. It's clear you want companionship and I've explained the best way to achieve this. It takes effort as anything worth having does.

>But inevitably it seems that any sort of relationship falls apart
And for me that doesn't really seem worth it

Don't mean to come off sanctimonious but this really sounds like some shit I would've said in high school (you might be in HS i dont know). In any case your pessimism will beget pessimism. "tragedy isn't Hell but we CAN make tragedy into Hell". Your trust has recently been exploited and your in a venting phase in which you're more probable to respond in pessimism and not do something meaningful to correct it. AT LEAST realize that. The alternative is to be useless and pathetic. And i say that honestly. Good luck

>what's the point of getting a job if you're just going to get fired?

I know about the self-improvement meme
I should be a better person if I want to maintain a relationship (although frankly I would just have to find a woman who is okay with me having no friends)

I'm in my early twenties. I've seen the relationships around me and they frighten me to death. There seems to be either hell or a painful version of purgatory. I mean, how would I ever trust a woman know there are men out there who go decades not knowing they're raising someone else's child? A woman knowingly kept the possibility to herself. That's a fucking outrage. But if it isn't physical infidelity then it's the fact the marriage is probably loveless.

And I know more men cheat than women. I can't control make behavior. I can only control my own. But I can't actually control the behavior of my partner. How will I ever know that she'll share the same commitment to our relationship as I do? How will I know that she won't kick me to the curb after all the hard work I put in?
How will I know that she'll still give a fuck after 20 years?

The odds are good that I will be heartbroken. Why would I ever enter that?

The whole point is getting someone who is trustful, and you feel no need to do anything outside the relationship. that is only possible when there are solid bases of friendship and ofc well endowed principles given since childhood

You're parents are part of a different generation. This generations view on relationships and "love" has been completely fucked due to increased media consumption and social media bullshit.

We're all fucked to be bitter self centered narcissists

>Woman can give men what no other man can give them.
Not really, men are perfectly capable of having emotionally supportive relationships with each other, it just never happens because "its gay" or whatever. Nobody "needs" the other sex at all besides to have kids, stop having a victim complex and maybe try to become someone a woman would want to be with besides your resources.

Even then there's a huge number of women (the majority, maybe) who still don't have much desire to support themselves and will gladly cling to a man who'll support them. The issue is rather the lack of desire for commitment, which is there for both sexes.

>How will I know that she'll still give a fuck after 20 years?
You don't. And she doesn't know that you'll be loyal either. Try to build and foster trust. Marriage isn't always going to be about infatuation or even love. Responsible people will keep to their word, but those people are rare now, true. Get good at judging character, and take a chance. Otherwise you'll be alone (which honestly isn't too bad).
