Why aren't white countries doing more to fight climate change?

Why aren't white countries doing more to fight climate change?

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Your shit country has 1/5th of the human population. Why the fuck doesn't India have a large scale genocide?
Retarded overpopulated technological outdated shithole

But we aren't polluting the earth you kike. Why do you care how much population we have? Your tiny population is polluting the earth more

>Why aren't white countries doing more to fight climate change?
Climate change would unironically be a good thing because India would be less livable.

One container ship journey generates more pollution than a billion humans.

maybe we should just all be more self-succifient and less globalised, hmm?


Europe does its best, meanwhile the rest of those savages are fucking up again, even cuckcanada is polluting to their heart's content.

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The fuck is C of Global Warming?

Degrees centigrade.

Nature is gonna eradicate white and Asian countries by sending black kang warriors to impregnate their wives it's over bois your time is up

India produces 6% co2. It's good to know that you take care of our planet

Kang's could not even survive in such large numbers without Asians and Europeans.

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And now calculate per capita emissions adjusted for industrial exports.

>by 2100

Yes that chart. Yes it is over dear distuingished respectable fellow poster sir. Good find. Upvoted!

What is your point? that we all would be death by than anyway? or are you saying 5 degrees in 80 years is not worrisome?

>New Zealand
You can thank me later

>But we aren't polluting the earth

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>poo crapita exports

We don't care you island nigger. Our economy is consumption/services based economy

Ironically I'd be more worried if I were you as you would literally grown when the sea level goes up

>Our economy is consumption/services based economy
no it isn't

Attached: gw-graphic-pie-chart-co2-emissions-by-country-2015.png (2261x1565, 357K)

Get fucked street shitter.

Pretty sure our country as a whole pollutes less than our forests absorb. Cry your heart out cuck boi.

can you imagine all the methane coming off the human shit rivers in pajeetland? clean up your own streets first mr. brown.

>clears throat

Attached: 95percent of plastic in oceans comes from 10 rivers in Africa-Asia.jpg (634x546, 62K)

Why i'm not surprised

>trusting China with self reported data

Nature has no part in it.

Argentina is white

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>Average IQ: 82

Dear dumb poo, my point is that nations like China produce shit for the west which gives them a higher Co2 emission per capita, than they actually consume. And that even tho Nations as India produce 6% of the Co2 Emissions the constitute 18% of the world population.

>Ironically I'd be more worried if I were you as you would literally grown when the sea level goes up
You will be affected much worse by climate change than we will, parts of our Nation are already 6 meters bellow sea level. We have the best water engineers in the world we can deal with a rising sea level. We have both the capital and the skills required.

>Puts megatons of shit into the sea
>Shit creates giant algal blooms
>Algae consume CO2 and reduce climate change

Why aren't you shitting in the sea yet? Scared of the polar bears or something?

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Only if you expend the total biomass of Carbon containing lifeforms. Just because your forests absorbs CO2 does not mean it does not releases and equal amount or more CO2.

Also i don't really care, the only thing that worries me is having a Muslim state in spe benefiting from global warming.

>we wuz the bestest water engineers an shieet we build underground cities an shieet

>Average IQ: 82
That is not how the WE WUZ meme works pajeet.

No, I'm saying that I won't trust the word of people who told us 50 years that the enviro-disaster was going to happen today.

I see what your saying but yes forests do absorb far more CO2 than they emit.

You could be right, i have never looked in to their methodology or their models.

Why aren't brown countries doing more to fight

Relax shitskin, we are over due for an ice age.

>forests do absorb far more CO2 than they emit
No if they neither grow nor slink in total carbon mass they are carbon neutral. Or are you saying that Canada's forest is growing?

Unironically wondering what impact does the famous indian street pooping problem impose on the climate

5 degrees in 80 years is problematic in ways but keep in mind:
1) increases in heat scale logarithmically with increases in GHG not exponentially (if that's even the cause of GW which is not proven), this is obvious as the rate of global warming has stayed linear despite exponential growth in human CO2 emissions.
2) Higher CO2 density accelerates plant growth which increases the fecundity of our forests and the efficiency of our farms.
3) All life on this planet is carbon based and digging up old carbon from underground and bringing it into our ecosystem allows for a potential of denser life, and because of two likely will lead to exactly that over time.
4) The economic opportunities we've lost because of global warming programs is measured in trillions of dollars and the global elite want trillions of expenditures in the coming years to fight global warming in the coming years. It's not at all a case of "well what if we try hard and accidently make things better" or however that dumb ass leftist comic went, there is a serious cost to it.
5) And finally the coup de gras; the world was historically over 15 degrees hotter than what it is now. We know this due to ice cores and that decisively proves there isn't going to be any kind of run away greenhouse gas "tipping point" apocalypse as the media loves to fear monger about.

I'm fairly certain they are; forests are expanding world wide and there's no large scale deforestation in Canada.

there is no such thing as global warming, and climate change is a meme.
I love the concept of global warming and climate change, though, it lets me quickly establish which people are fucking retarded and which are not.

>New study shows china leading world to 5,1 C of global warming

what does this retarded sentence even mean?
who is making this shit?
you're an indian so its obvious you're retarded, but im curious who's making such retarded pics lmao.

The source is literally in the picture you retard

>2) Higher CO2 density accelerates plant growth which increases the fecundity of our forests and the efficiency of our farms.
I am pretty sure that even the most basic models take this in to account.

>All life on this planet is carbon based and digging up old carbon from underground and bringing it into our ecosystem allows for a potential of denser life, and because of two likely will lead to exactly that over time.
Only if carbon is the restricting factor in life density. Which it is not in most case light and water are much more vital. If there is massive desertification due to droughts the amount of CO2 will have no influence.

>The economic opportunities we've lost because of global warming programs is measured in trillions of dollars and the global elite want trillions of expenditures in the coming years to fight global warming in the coming years. It's not at all a case of "well what if we try hard and accidently make things better" or however that dumb ass leftist comic went, there is a serious cost to it.
It depends where you are . I would agree that technology is the limiting factor at the moment, spending more would not help as long as alternative energy is not viable. And sure it is great for Cananda, Russia and Scandinavia but Canada and Scandinavia are taking in the most shitskins.

>And finally the coup de gras; the world was historically over 15 degrees hotter than what it is now. We know this due to ice cores and that decisively proves there isn't going to be any kind of run away greenhouse gas "tipping point" apocalypse as the media loves to fear monger about
Even if this is true of which i am not sure, there will be millions of climate migrants which will fuck the west even more, if we are not willing to defend our borders with lethal force that is.

Yeah, probably.

Pick one

Why arent we dumping huge amounts of plastic on mars of jupiter?

>I am pretty sure that even the most basic models take this in to account.
Yes but the fear mongering media and high school science teachers don't.

>Only if carbon is the restricting factor in life density. Which it is not in most case light and water are much more vital.
This is something that would seem to be true in theory but winds up not being true in practice.
How it actually works is that when plants have access to more CO2 they require less water and sunshine to grow and in equivalent conditions of water and sunlight they'll grow more quickly.

>Even if this is true of which i am not sure, there will be millions of climate migrants which will fuck the west even more, if we are not willing to defend our borders with lethal force that is.
Of course we have to defend our borders, but the migrant crises was not formed by global warming, it was an engineered crisis coming from our buddy (((NGOs))).

Because launching cheap garbage into space would be incredibly expensive whereas properly disposing it here on Earth is actually pretty cheap and not too much of a problem. It's only a problem where there aren't coordinated waste disposal programs and where people just litter like fucking savages. That is in non-white areas.

It would help boost space tech though, and we could send nuclear waste with it as well, which is pretty expensive to store.

Or we send the third world to mars

we can see that, pajeet, and the source is a total meme
>Nature Communications is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal published by the Nature Publishing Group since 2010.

They cant even type in english, or should i say engrish:
>New study shows china leading world to 5,1 C of global warming


>global warming be bad global warming be 5 C that very bad global warming bad

keep swallowing this nonsense, its hilarious.

5 degrees would make the ME and Africa nearly uninhabitable. We already know they have to do things like construction at night and can't be outside for more than a couple of hours. Think about all the poor, furred farm animals that have to work in those conditions.

39c plus 100% humidity is just fuck my shit up tier

I remembered military drills getting cancelled because of this

They're vegetarian. The meat industry is one of the largest contributors to climate change.

google.com.au/search?q=bunker oil pollution

not only would 5 degrees change jack shit, the human race has nothing to do with all this happening (climate change).
The entire planet changed its climate untold many times, there are cities on the bottom of the fucking oceans--- some areas of the earth will get completely flooded, others will resurface.

Nothing pisses me fucking more than this global warming jew nonsense and overpopulation.
both are made up memes that gullible retards like to swallow whole.
Especially women, god damn these creatures believe everything you say to them.

>cover oceans in floating solar farms
>use electricity from farms and ocean water to make hydrogen
>transport hydrogen to land using boats that run on hydrogen
>use hydrogen to power cars and shit
>farms can move south in the winter and north in the summer to get the most sunlight

Of course it is, nature made men to create Co2 and plastic soup, white men refuse to make more Co2 and plastic soup so nature replaces us.

They don't work because they're lazy asses, not because 4 degrees made it too hot for them to work. Their bodies are built to run marathons on the Savannah in broad daylight, they could do some construction work as well if they weren't piss lazy.

t. brainlet
Denying the effects of a 5 degree increase, is even more retarded than denying race and IQ differences.

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Niggers are too lazy to work even in colder northern countries. You can't blame their low conscientiousness on the heat.

Compared to what? Smelly subhumans who don’t do anything?

Just wait until the climate migration begins. Then you'll be sorry. 5 degrees is a lot in some parts of the world.

Translation: I’m a smelly shitskin not capable of living in a technological advanced country so I’ll do what all smelly subhumans do and blame my superiors

The place I actually witnessed this happening was Egypt. Those guys aren't winning any marathons any time soon lol.

"Climate migrations" are fake news. There will be no problems of mass migration when we hang the NGO heads and tigthen our borders. That won't be far in the future with how things are going these days.

Notice how it only goes up to 5.1c? That's because Chinese countries like China and Canada would be way higher than 5.1c.

China has been doing this shit for ages. Their pollution is so high it's off the scales, so rather than adjust the scales so they can accurately measure the problem, they just made it illegal for scales to measure above a certain amount.
Same thing is happening here.

My point is denying the effects of global warming is just as retarded as denying race and IQ science, because it does not fit the particular ideology he subscribes to.

Dude, they're running marathons but they aren't having to lug heavy shit all day. Construction is a 9 to 5 job.

You'd know how draining construction was if you weren't a s oyboy.

Arabs literally have a culture of just loafing around during the day. It's not because of the heat. There's a funny documentary on Youtube that follows Chinese expats living in Egypt and the difference in work ethic between them and the locals is like night and day. If Chinks (who descend from Siberia and are adapted for cold weather) can endure it then the Egyptians should be able to as well, but they're just fucking lazy lol.

lets see how it works in the real world, outside your jew indoctrination:
>in summer i get 30 C
>in winter i get -30 C

aww man, some years its even +35 C!! and in winter its sometimes..... -35 C!!!!
Fucking unbelievable, isnt it?!
How do we survive such magical, impossible temperature changes?
Is it MAGIC?
Abra-Kadabra hokus pokus?

>bb....but niggers in africa!!!
>aa....aaand migration!!

just imagine, just try to imagine, that outside the few retarded countries with open borders (uk, france, germany) the rest of the entire planet wont let in a single nigger thats running away because his underdevelopped shithole is a whopping 5 degree colder or warmer.

Fuck off with this shit.

>effects of global warming

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Heat effects everything from cattle to likelihood of droughts to work. This isn't about niggers.

This. I'm ready to live underwater when the tides come for my island fuckfest.

No it's not because the effects are so over obviously over blown and exaggerated in the media that it's not irrational for a low information observer to simply discount them completely. It's also not ideological to deny it completely. Wanting global warming isn't core to conservative philosophy, whereas denying IQ and race is to leftist philosophy due to their outright zealous views of constructionism.

Generally interested, sauce?

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Lol it's scam you gay tard

>aww man, some years its even +35 C!! and in winter its sometimes..... -35 C!!!!
>Fucking unbelievable, isnt it?!
>How do we survive such magical, impossible temperature changes?
>Is it MAGIC?
>Abra-Kadabra hokus pokus?
This straw man only shows how ignorant you are of the data. You should stick to working with your hands.

I'm welcoming warming, wht should i fight it?

I was working 60 hour weeks building a hotel this summer and was even doing landscaping 12 hours a day for a while. You don't know shit fagboi. it's funny that in white nations whites will work through rain or shine but in Nigger nations any little set back is used as an excuse for their laziness. Even Dutch settlers in South Africa work farm labour all day in the sun just fine because they aren't lazy niggers.

here you go broski

>leading to 5C change

fuck right off that's absolute bullshit

>No it's not because the effects are so over obviously over blown and exaggerated in the media that it's not irrational for a low information observer to simply discount them completely.
This is why low information observer, should refrain from having an opinion on the matter.

>It's also not ideological to deny it completely. Wanting global warming isn't core to conservative philosophy
I agree there is a difference here, but the mechanism is the same. X is invested in world view Y and everything that contradicts X's world view X denies. It would have been better if i used the world world view instead of ideology, because ideology has a broader range of meanings.

>yes just don't think about things and listen to the experts Goys
>the people in charge would never lie to you about anything

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>muh straw man
>g..goo..gooo do manual work!!

aquafresh, do you really expect people to believe the world will end because of a 1 digit temperature change, considering most of the planet already has basically 80 degree C changes across all the 4 seasons of the year? From minus a lot, to plus a lot degrees?

Do you really expect people to believe africa will become inhospitable, because its no longer 40 C over there, its 45 C?

Do really expect people do believe a magical unstoppable wave of african niggers will suddenly teleport themselves into other countries, bypassing borders checks?

holy fucking shit dude, how utterly gullible are you?
like seriously, what other bullshit do you believe?
do you think overpopulation is real, too?

the official paris climate accord says the next 100 years will barely have a 1 C global temperature change, lmao, what a joke.

I think they're saying if the world were polluting as much as China we'd hit +5'c

>we aren't polluting the earth

disappointed no one has posted poo beaches or the ganges yet.

>mfw you make your holy river the countries toilet

Attached: ganges.jpg (855x534, 659K)

>yes just don't think about things and listen to the experts Goys
Sure 97% agreement on the topic is one big conspiracy.

>the people in charge would never lie to you about anything
You can not control a scientific narrative, even race (which is way more taboo, than disagreeing with global warming) and IQ got addressed in the fucking NYT. At this point you sound like a paranoid populist.

You can't produce much CO2 if you don't have an industry.

>Do you really expect people to believe africa will become inhospitable, because its no longer 40 C over there, its 45 C?
>Do really expect people do believe a magical unstoppable wave of african niggers will suddenly teleport themselves into other countries
The amount of strawmaning you have to do to defend your point, should tell you enough.

Just throw some iron in the south atlantic and stop worrying about this shit.

The plankton will make the earth great again and the chinks will eat all exess fish reducing co2.

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well yes, the 97% is absolute bullshit.
Pic related.

Not only that, there cannot be a "consensus" in science, in science something either is, or isnt.
Science isnt a democracy.
If its a meme "97%" consensus, then they have exactly ZERO proof for it being real, there's no definite proof.

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>imagine the smell

still crying about strawmanning?
how 'bout actually trying to adress this:
>do you really expect people to believe the world will end because of a 1 digit temperature change, considering most of the planet already has basically 80 degree C changes across all the 4 seasons of the year? From minus a lot, to plus a lot degrees?
>>Do you really expect people to believe africa will become inhospitable, because its no longer 40 C over there, its 45 C?
>>Do really expect people do believe a magical unstoppable wave of african niggers will suddenly teleport themselves into other countries

try to force your retard brain to form a reply without crying, or using meme-words like straw-manning or other loser bullshit.
will you cry, or will you actually reply with something?

Because none of them have the political will to keep their populations down by excluding third worlders. If all white countries deported all of their shitskins, and stopped feeding the third world nations, the problem would disappear. Every shitskin who migrates to a white country massively increases his carbon footprint.

>Sure 97% agreement on the topic is one big conspiracy.

Yes it is, the 97% agreement is based on fraud, its old news Jaap.

oh an one more thing, im wondering if you believe in overpopulation, that would be quite hilarious, too.

wow that's so concerning and awful