Canadian public opinion of U.S. hits 38-year low

This sucks bros. How do we make Canadians like us again?

>Just 37 per cent of Canadians surveyed looked at the U.S. with admiration, according to new research from Environics Institute, which has been tracking Canadian public opinion since 1976.

>This year marks an “unprecedented” low, a word pollsters rarely use, wrote Environics Institute president Michael Adams in a blog post. It’s Canadian’s lowest overall opinion of the U.S. on record, down from peak admiration at 83 per cent in 1983.

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we invade

Why would you care what a bunch of chinks think of you?

I care because I love Canada, they are very nice and liberal and have a great culture. It feels bad to be hated

the stats are probably from the inner cities
ie, not canada


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if it makes you feel any better, my own personal opinion of the US is at an all-time high

I like you.

Their numbers are off. I asked two people what they thought about the US, one person loved the US and the other hated it. That's 50% of the people I surveyed. Obviously i trust my numbers more than theirs. It is truly sad for you Americans that so many canadians hate you. I mean what will you do? We all know the Americans have a history of caring about what other countries think of them, especially countries that have the queen of england on their currency.

>fat turd in the oval office picks a fight with canada for absolutely no fucking reason
>americunts wonder why we hate them
Geez, start by trying to solve an easier mystery like the disappearance of fucking jimmy hoffa

Most of the cucks that did the survey are either from the cities, are non-white immigrants or liberal race-traitors. Most sane-minded white Canadians admire Americans and wished they were Americans. White Canadians here have no representations and no core culture to identify with because the liberal elites have destroyed it all. If shit gets worse here and the northern border were open than almost every whites here would jump the border trust me.

He's fighting the chinks who are attempting to subvert the US through Canada, a willing potential vassal state who’s PM and governing party is heavily linked to the Chicoms.


canada is collapsing

Blame our head of state, the reptile who sits on a throne and pretends to be english

Its a shame this country has no voice of reason that has a platform or any grass movement whatsoever and the closest thing to the truth are those fucking Rebel neo-con jews and other pro-Israel shills. Sometimes I truly feel America not winning the war of 1812 was the butterfly effect of Canada's decline.

There was actually a time when Canada wanted republicanism and wanted to abolish the constitutional monarchy that was before Pierre Trudeau got elected.

Only cucks hate usa, I enjoy role playing as a evil redcoat with them. But they are exactly the same as us and most of us have family down there. Half my family is american. If you don't have american family, you are a cuck and not british, therefore leave canada.

Our leader is literally feeding our babies and future to foreigners, no shit trump is attacking canada.

The NDP is less cucked at this point and their leader is a fucking paki lmao. Trudeau SUCKS.

They elected Trudeau. I don't want them to like us. I consider them poor judges of character.

How many of these are actual Canadians and how many are the NEW Canadians? Don't shitskins and ding dong's outnumber them now?

we love america the problem is the news its super fucked here and we end up with a lot of anti trump stuff on tv for some reason.

They just keep cramming the foreigners into the major cities and shipping the poor white junkies into the villages because of the olympics.

Canada would like the usa better if they didn't let a bunch of haitian niggers cross through their territory into our country.

Trudeau let them in dumby. It's against the law to apply for refugee status because you are an illegal immigrant, that's like two laws broken. Kill yourself cuck.

It costs more money to buy 500x 1000 IU Vitamin D3 in Canada than it does to buy 400x 10000 IU Vitamin D3 in America

The only country I care and love is my own, I won't visit the USA since you can literally be shot anywhere you go and explore the freedoms that the USA boasts that they have

I like the US
t. not force fed anti trump propaganda 24/7 like the rest of the zombies here

Make sure you attack in the winter.

The stats are all wrong.
Pretty much narative bullshit.

Ameri-bros, come liberate us from our government, bring guns so that we may stand with you in the final fight.

clean the kikes out of your government and media so it stops infecting gave us the gays and shit

Gotta stay in those gun-free zones to avoid getting shot, just ask the Parkland students

Canadians will never like Americans purely because of historical purposes. One of the major reasons why we even became a dominion was because of threats of U.S. invasion as well as mass migration by Americans coming here for free land handouts by the Canadian government. The reason why Canadian attitudes towards Americans changed in the past 50 years was literally because of progressive SJWs who opened the floodgates to further Americanism as well as Asian and African immigration.
However, this modern “trend” change is just the media riling people up over Trump although your tariff games surely didn’t help.
You want 35 million more Democrat supporters? I don’t think so.
Also the only ones who won’t fight back are Asians and non-whites so you’re getting more shit regardless Burger.

>Believing polls.

The biggest problem I see is Trump says too much dumb shit which gets reiterated with bias through our Canadian news outlets.

So they blue pill normies who don't want anything to do with politics through passive indoctrination.

Most Canadians don't want anything to do with politics. Too busy having the winter blues or enjoying the nice weather when they have it.

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Leafs respond to this post if you think burgers are based and redpilled

The only Canacucks who hate the U.S. are Toronto or Vancouver Niggers, those two cities deserve to be gassed

Do other countries have surveys about how they feel about us?
> O B S E S S E D !
But seriously though, nobody in America cares or thinks about you so lel

Most of them are probably Haitians that left the U.S. when Trump got elected, they are currently culturally enriching our foreign policy

quite being assholes is a good place to start
throwing Clinton in jail is another

but I just say....

kick the united states out of the americas

In all seriousness though, if any white leafs wanna move to America to help with the jewish washout of white people that'd be dope.

the last time we had a war, we kicked your ass, and burnt down your pretty (white) house

be easy to do it again

They mostly ask virtue signalling faggots and shitskins who just got in

Everyday on the Canadian news they talk about Trump rather than talking about what happened in Canada or what the fuck Trudeau is even doing... this country is so easily controlled

I like you guys a lot.

You and your backwards non dog fucking culture is abhorrent to the leafpire.

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Your country looks like airstrip one took some steroids then went “I’m gonna make Stalin look like a anarchist”

I agree as this is how I've lived my life, the life of a normie NPC, for nearly 30 years. It's exactly as you describe it. Just shut out the truth and negativity and only accept positivity whether it's real or fake. And look forward to glimpses of happiness like good weather

Many Canadians love and respect USA as our greatest friend and ally. The problem is that our media actively manufactures consent with the prevailing vision of the elites, and many folks are just too busy to do their own research, so they accept this "news" as fact.

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I stand with the Republic. That being said, you burgers gotta get rid of your NeoCon infestation.

>Canadian demographics see a shift from 99% Canadian to just 37% Canadian and the rest from somewhere in the Middle East or somewhere in Africa
>Pure coincidence

We won that because we had the British,French and natives behind us and the Americans where drastically underprepared.

As an American living overseas, I can't put into words how tired I am of hearing lesser nations criticize our every move. Especially when most of these countries benefit from our support whether it be financially or militarily.

I wish Canada would become a part of the states

Thanks fren

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this probably because 75% of news here is anti trump

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Assuming you're not just trying to drum up a hate thread, I wouldn't worry about it. Anyone with a brain can divorce the opinion on foreign policy within federal institutions from the average person. Not to mention the average person is a complete fucking pleb, obviously any public poll is going to be drowned in ORANGE MAN BAD tier retards.
For what it's worth, I still think highly of the USA, all the screeching about Trump in media is exaggerated and I don't take it seriously.

It really does get tiring. I mean dont get me wrong, America deserves criticism. But it seriously feels like USA is criticized for absolutely everything, even if they are opposing
>we are criticized for being too prideful and nationalist, but also criticized for having no real sense of community and being too selfish and individualist
>we are criticized for not being "liberal" enough yet also criticized for having a government that doesn't interfere enough in the economy and local affrairs
>criticized for being to intolerant, yet way more diverse than most other western nations
>criticized for influence other nations with nationalism and populism, but also criticized for exporting diversity and social justice
>criticized for not supporting free trade even though basically every nation has protective trade of some kind
Its like absolutely everything we do is wrong. It's obnoxious when people in Europe or Canada say that Americans are too prideful, when really most people in America don't even identify with the country at large. Talk to most people in Canada or Western Europe and they talk about their country and cultural symbols in more glowing, familial terms than Americans do.